The course is an introduction to Business History. The focus will be broad and international, and cover the last two hundred years of development concerning business organisation and its role in the economy. Theory and history will be brought together.
A wide range of topics will be covered, like entrepreneurship, management, firm size, ownership, marketing, finance, internationalisation and government policy.
The historical development of several Norwegian and European companies will be dealt with as cases.
- Theory and history about business development
- Entrepreneurship
- The rise of big business
- Development of managerial capitalism
- Communication and transport
- Finance and marketing
- Labour relations
- Production systems and technology
- Business structure
- Co-operation and business relations
- Internationalisation and multinationals
- The firm and the government
- Norwegian and European cases (e.g. Aker, Hydro, Orkla, Bayer, Nestle, Singer, British East India Company among others)