Fairness and the moral mind


FAIR Workshop: Fairness and the moral mind


It is well established in behavioral economics and other social sciences that people are motivated by more than narrow self-interest, but our understanding of the nature and complexity of the moral mind is still fragmented and incomplete. There is significant individual heterogeneity in terms of both how much weight people assign to moral considerations and what is considered morally relevant in any given situation.

The aim of the present workshop is to present new experimental work by young scholars on how to understand the moral mind. The workshop is organized by Professor Bertil Tungodden and funded by his ERC Advanced Grant “Fairness and the moral mind”.

Part I of the workshop was organized on November 20, 2020. Part II is organized on February 17, 2021. Everyone is welcome to join the workshop.

Date and time (GMT + 2): February 17, 15.00-19.00


Paper Session I 

Personal norms — and not only social norms — shape economic behavior Eugenio Verrina (GATE, Lyon)

Reciprocity and Uncertainty: When Do People Forgive? 

Andrés Gago (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)  
Beliefs about behavioral responses to taxation Ingar Haaland (University of Bergen)

1645 - 1715 Break

1715 – 1900 Paper Session II


Sorting and wage premiums in immoral work

Florian Schneider (University of Zurich)


Morals in multi-unit markets

Andreas Ziegler (University of Amsterdam)

Do workers reward inequality-inducing wage bonuses? An investigation of the gift-exchange hypothesis in a natural experiment in Colombia

David Pipke (Kiel Institute)

Responsible: Bertil Tungodden (bertil.tungodden@nhh.no)