The lecture is open to all students. From 14:00 to 14:30 there will be a discussion (Moderator: Professor Gernot Doppelhofer)
Cryptocurrencies form a significant asset class with a combined market capitalization of over a trillion dollars. The growth trajectory of major cryptocurrencies is of critical interest to governments, investors, and other market participants around the world. In this seminar, Schwarz will offer a conceptual framework for cryptocurrency demand and valuation and provide a view of the lower bound of the long-run market capitalization of cryptocurrencies.
About the speaker: Michael Schwarz
Michael Schwarz is Chief Economist and Corporate Vice President at Microsoft. Michael joined Microsoft in 2017. This is not the first time Michael is in the chief economist role. Before joining Microsoft, Michael worked at Google in various roles. Most recently he was the Chief Economist for Google Cloud. Prior to that he led the team that built a carpooling marketplace that later become Waze Carpool. Subsequently Michael became the Chief Scientist for Waze. Before his five-year long tenure at Google, Michael was the head of the economics research unit at Yahoo! He played a critical role in designing Yahoo! ad marketplaces. His most externally visible project at Yahoo! was developing algorithms for setting optimal reserve prices for search advertising auctions, which had significant impact on overall company earnings. Michael started his professional life as a faculty member at Harvard University’s Economics Department. Michael holds a PhD from Stanford Graduate School of Business.
About the Department of Economics, NHH
The Department of Economics at NHH has 45 faculty members and 25 PhD students. We offer research-based education in economics at all levels, conduct economic research at the international frontier, and share insights with businesses, policy makers and society at large. Core fields at the department are applied microeconomics, behavioral economics, economic history, industrial organization, international trade, labor economics, and macroeconomics.