Training on reproducible methods in empirical economics


This event will be held by Lars Vilhuber, Cornell University & AEA Data Editor, and is comprised of two sessions covering the subject "Training on reproducible methods in empirical economics".

Session 1: 8:30 -10:00
in Aud. TBA at NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Session 2: 10:30 -12:00
in Aud. TBA at NHH Norwegian School of Economics

The event is an open event and particularly invites young researchers including PhD students and young faculty. We also invite participants of EALE to attend this event before the start of the conference.

To attend the workshop, please  REGISTER HERE
Deadline for registration: 02. September, 12:00PM (CEST).

This event is organized by Astrid Kunze (NHH) and Mateusz Mysliwski (NHH). Please contact us with any questions.

Funded by the Department of Economics/NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Training on reproducible methods in empirical economics

Session 1: Reproducibility from Day 1
Journals require that you share your code and data in a replication package upon acceptance. However, efficient reproducibility starts at the beginning of the research project. Following some best practices from day 1 can not only help you prepare a replication package later, but also make you a more productive researcher. In this workshop, we start with an empty folder and finish with a mini-project about public procurement across various European countries, ready for submission to a journal. Together we discuss and document all the choices we make about data collection and analysis, in a way that can help future readers of our research. For advanced topics, see [Session 2].

Session 2: Advanced methods for self-verification of reproducibility
In this second session, data editors describe a few possible steps to self-check replication packages before submitting them to a journal. It is not meant to be exhaustive, and it is not meant to be prescriptive. There are many ways to construct a replication package, and many more to check that it works. Questions from the audience are encouraged. Participants are encouraged to also attend [Session 1].