Creating and Capturing Value through partnerships

We observe a growing trend towards increased use of partnerships and alliances, not in the last place driven by digitalization. Companies seek partnerships to establish new market channels, expand their service offering and gain access to capabilities to run their operations more efficiently. One might think that this is because partnerships and alliances are easy to succeed with. Research shows, however, that the success rates are low on average, but if you companies succeed this is associated with large profits. 

In this corporate workshop, we will share with you some of the latest research on partnerships and discuss with the participants: what drives this trend; how different value creation logics give rise to different types of partnerships, which must be handled differently; and how to get cooperation with "frieenemies" to work. At the end of the workshop, we will focus on the relationship between the partnership trend and value creating activities that take place in ecosystems.

We look forward to an interactive session with a strong focus on sharing experiences among participants.


11.30 Registrering og enkel bevertning

12.00 Velkommen til workshop

  • Partnerskap og allianser - Hvorfor er veksten eksplosiv
  • Hvordan ulik verdiskapningslogikk gir ulike partnerskap
  • Hvordan ulike partnerskap krever ulike løsninger

13.15 Mingling (20. min. pause)

  • Frienemies og Coopetition - de vanskeligste partnerskapene
  • Partnerskap vs. økosystemer
  • Avsluttende refleksjoner

15.00 Takk for i dag!