NHH Alumni - Annual event in New York

17.45 Registration, light snacks and refreshments
18.30 Welcome 
Morten Hilt, Head of NHH Alumni
18.40 Norges Bank Investment Management
Paul Marcussen – Head of NY office & Senior Portfolio Manager
Bjarte Espedal – Head of Equity Enhanced Indexing Americas
Peder Viervoll – Equity Trading Americas
19.10 Family and welfare policies: what can the US learn from Norwegian policies?
Professor Katrine V. Løken, NHH
19.40 Approximate end of scheduled seminar
20.00 Stout New York City Grand Central, pub - informal continuation
(If you cannot make to the main event, please join us at the Stout)


The event is open to all NHH Alumni, both alumns living in the US/New York and alumns traveling to America. Each alumn may bring a guest (Alumn +1)

Norges Bank Investment Management


See also: Inauguration event in San Francisco 15 April 2020