Webinar: 'The Digital Transformation of the Audit Process'

The Durham Rutgers Accounting Analytics Network (DRAAN) 'The Digital Transformation of the Audit Process' research webinar on Friday 19th March at 16:00 - 18:00 Norwegian time led by Professor Aasmund Eilifsen and Finn Kinserdal. The talk will present the Digital Audit Research Project (DigAudit) at Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), data analytics in the education of auditors at NHH, and research by the DigAudit team. The principal focus will be on the research agenda, including presentation of the recent article in Accounting Horizons ‘An Exploratory Study into the Use of Audit Data Analytics on Audit Engagements’ and highlights from other team research covering a range of research issues related to the benefits and obstacles affecting the ongoing digital transformation of the audit process.