Contributing towards an Inclusive Workplace: Are you Ready?


Whether you are an experienced employee or a newcomer; a local or an international finding your way - YOUR VOICE MATTERS.

Ready to be a catalyst for culturally diverse and inclusive workplace? 

Join the Workshop where you can hear from Annelise Ly - an expert in 'working with multicultural teams' on various ways in which you can make a difference. 

Bring a friend, nudge a colleague - come in small and big groups and have fun! 

This event is being organized as part of the NFR Project - BELONG 

Project Coordinators: 

Evelina Gavrilova-Zoutman (Lead)

Malin Arve 

Aruna Tatavarthy


1100-1115: Opening of the Workshop

1115-1145: Mingling and Lunch

1145-1300: Workshop led by Annelise 

1300-1400: Group work, reflection and wrap-up. 


Register (Microsoft Forms)

(Deadline to register Feb 28th )