NHH Code club - First meeting

Are you a student at NHH? 

This programming club is designed to advance your problem solving and programming skills in a fun and social way. Each time we meet, there will be a list of problems from an online platform (open.kattis.com). These problems are given as fun stories, with an underlying problem to solve. See for instance the Free Food problem.

You will work in teams to figure out how to solve each problem, then write code to solve it, and submit it to an online judge that tests your code. In real time, you are able to watch the judge's progress. If your submission solves all the test cases, you get points and rise in the ranks.

No prior programming skills are required, you will be able to solve some problems even as an absolute beginner. At the same time, we will definitely have some challenging problems for those that already know how to code.

If you cannot wait to get started, you can already make an account on open.kattis.com, have a look around, and solve a problem or two.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out on Lars.Jaffke@nhh.no