Mohammed Mardan

Professor Mohammed Mardan

+47 55 95 95 92
Business and Management Science
Tax and Public Economics Corporate Taxation Multinational Firm Behavior Commodity Taxation

Mohammed Mardan is a Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Munich in the year 2014. In his earlier career, his research has mostly been in the field of public finance with focus on corporate as well as commodity taxation. In particular, he studied the implications of corporate losses on firm behavior as well as how individuals’ possibility to shop in neighboring jurisdictions affects tax competition.

More recently, he started doing research in the field of industrial organization in which he investigates how a multifaceted user behavior affects the strategic alignment of platforms. Mohammed Mardan’s research has been published, among others, in The Accounting Review, Journal of International Economics and Journal of Public Economics.

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Mardan, Mohammed; Tremblay, Mark J. Optimal platform pricing with multi-sided users: A direct and indirect network approach European Journal of Operational Research; 2024
Mardan, Mohammed The unintended consequences of semi-autonomous revenue agencies Canadian Journal of Economics Volume 56 (3); page 1063 - 1081; 2023
D'Annunzio, Anna; Mardan, Mohammed; Russo, Antonio Multi‐part tariffs and differentiated commodity taxation RAND Journal of Economics Volume 51 (3); page 786 - 804; 2020
Mardan, Mohammed; Stimmelmayr, Michael Tax competition between developed, emerging, and developing countries - Same same but different? Journal of Development Economics Volume 146; 2020
Kothenburger, Marko; Mardan, Mohammed; Stimmelmayr, Michael Profit shifting and investment effects: The implications of zero-taxable profits Journal of Public Economics Volume 173; page 96 - 112; 2019
Agrawal, David R.; Mardan, Mohammed Will destination-based taxes be fully exploited when available? An application to the U.S. commodity tax system Journal of Public Economics Volume 169; page 128 - 143; 2019
Haufler, Andreas; Mardan, Mohammed; Schindler, Dirk Double tax discrimination to attract FDI and fight profit shifting: The role of CFC rules Journal of International Economics Volume 114; page 25 - 43; 2018
Mardan, Mohammed; Stimmelmayr, Michael Tax revenue losses through cross-border loss offset: An insurmountable hurdle for formula apportionment? European Economic Review Volume 102; page 188 - 210; 2018
Hopland, Arnt Ove; Lisowsky, Petro; Schindler, Dirk; Mardan, Mohammed Flexibility in Income Shifting under Losses Accounting Review Volume 93 (3); page 163 - 183; 2017
Mardan, Mohammed Why countries differ in thin capitalization rules: The role of financial development European Economic Review Volume 91; page 1 - 14; 2017
Haufler, Andreas; Mardan, Mohammed Cross-border loss offset can fuel tax competition Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Volume 106; page 42 - 61; 2014
Casi-Eberhard, Elisa; Mardan, Mohammed; Stage, Barbara Citizenship/residence by investment and digital nomad visas Research Handbook on the Economics of Tax Havens; page 179 - 195; 2024
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Research areas at the department

Main: Business Taxation
