Aksel Mjøs

Head of department Aksel Mjøs

+47 55 95 94 88
Centre for Corporate Finance Argentum Centre for Private Equity Finans Bergen
Corporate Finance Relationship Banking Entrepreneurial Finance Sustainability

Aksel Mjøs joined the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in his current position in 2010, before becoming Head of Department in 2021. Before joining NHH he was a researcher at Centre for Applied Research (SNF), 2006-2009. Mjøs holds a Master of Science degree from NHH and received his dr.oecon. in financial economics also from NHH in 2007. In addition, he has a Master of Science degree from London Business School and is an Authorized Financial Analyst.

Before becoming an academic, Mjøs had a career in the financial services industry, being CEO of DnB Asset Management, Vice President in Morgan Stanley Investment Banking, London, as well as Company Secretary of Vital Insurance. Mjøs is former chair and member of the board of the Kavli Trust, a charity-owned multinational food group. He was member of a commission which proposed revised legislation of foundations and chaired the Norwegian government’s Capital access commission. He chaired the Norwegian government’s Nature Risk Commission 2022-2024. He is also the founder of Gi Gaven Videre, a non-profit provider of digital gift-cards that the recipient may allocate to a charity of her choice. He is also member of the EU Commission’s expert group for the New European Bauhaus Facility (E03913)

Mjøs' research focuses on corporate debt and financial institutions, including the relationship between banks and borrowing companies as well as entrepreneurial financing. His work has appeared in Management Science, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and the European Journal of Operational Research. He is also coordinating the executive programs in finance offered by NHH in cooperation with the Norwegian Society of Financial Analysts.

Curriculum Vitae

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Herpfer, Christoph; Mjøs, Aksel; Schmidt, Cornelius The Causal Impact of Distance on Bank Lending Management science Volume 69 (2); page 723 - 740; 2022
Albuquerque de Sousa, Jose A.; Bienz, Carsten Gero; Mjøs, Aksel; Bersagel, Annie; Storaker, Marte Siri; Thompsen, Isabelle Juillard Norsif guide to ESG integration in fundamental equity valuation Fagbokforlaget; 2021
Jørgensen, Sveinung; Mjøs, Aksel; Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes Kva betyr det at noko er vesentlig i berekraftssamanheng? Magma forskning og viten Volume 25 (1); page 87 - 92; 2022
Jørgensen, Sveinung; Mjøs, Aksel; Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes Sustainability reporting and approaches to materiality: tensions and potential resolutions Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (0 pages); 2021
Albuquerque de Sousa, Jose A.; Bersagel, Annie; Bienz, Carsten Gero; Mjøs, Aksel; Storaker, Marte Siri; Juillard Thompsen, Isabelle Bærekraft til hvilken pris? Praktisk økonomi & finans Volume 37 (2); page 129 - 139; 2021
Mjøs, Aksel The "Authorized Financial Anlyst" (AFA) Education Program 1988 - 2016 Finance in Society: An Anthology in Honour of Thore Johnsen; page 17 - 36; 2017
More publications in Cristin

Aksel Mjøs’  teaching includes Corporate Finance, Banking and Sustainable Finance at the master’s level at NHH, as well as Sustainable Finance and Valuation in the executive finance courses offered by NHH and The Norwegian Financial Analyst Society.
