Fætter BR and Toys “R” Us employees are popular
Grocery stores in Denmark lacks employees and calls on redundant employees from Fætter BR and Toys "R" Us to seek positions in grocery retailing.
The grocery industry is hungry for talented people, and now top managers in the industry are maintaining that the bankruptcy in the toy industry can provide them with skilled employees and students, writes Helle-Karin Helstrand in Dansk Handelsblad.
“Dear Top-Toy employee. We are sorry that you start the year with something as frustrating as having no work”. This is the beginning of an official message on the social media LinkedIn. The greeting comes from Lidl and is aimed at the approximately 3000 redundant employees in the bankruptcy toy group Top Toy.
"In Lidl, we have ambitious growth plans, and we are therefore always on the lookout for skilled employees", the message continues. At the time of writing, Lidl has 120 jobs on its website in Denmark.
Salling hunts in the same terrain
HR manager in Føtex, Lars Rønnow, writes on LinkedIn that Salling Group currently has more than 1000 relevant vacancies. "I hope that many of Top Toy's talented employees will take contact, so we can help as many as possible in their career," he writes on his profile.
The colleague in Bilka, marketing manager Tore Nederland, writes on his LinkedIn: “It is never fun when good colleagues from the industry lose jobs due to store closures. Therefore, we hopefully find space for a lot of Top Toy’s talented employees in the Salling Group”.
Fight for customers also
Coop shows interest in both employees and former customers in the toy chain. Allan Kristoffersen, chain manager at Kvickly writes: "Contact me so we might find a solution in one of our Kvickly department stores". The Group also expects to take over part of the toy sales from the two chains - initially on Coops webshop.
In the UK it is freezing cold in High Street
In the UK, traditional chains are struggling even more than they do in Denmark. Several well-known chain stores are gasping for the weather on the British trading streets. Closures, layoffs, large drops in earnings and half-hearted rescue attempts is pretty much the big picture.
The British have been quicker to move from store to internet trading than the Danes. Everything from pharmacies to clothing has closed many stores on Britain's trading and pedestrian streets, largely due to the competition from the Internet.
"What has happened in the UK is also going to happen in Denmark," says Professor Joshua Bamfield from the Center for Retail Research. Now you can be nationwide with an online store and then two stores in London, one in Manchester, one in Birmingham and one in Glasgow, he claims.
The British are most active online
The British are the most internet-friendly shoppers in Europe. They buy three times as many groceries in front of the screen as the Danes do, writes Jylland- Posten, a newspaper.
According to Joshua Bamfield, 18.4% of all shopping is online in the UK, while it is about 10.5% in Denmark.
Sources: Dansk Handelsblad, Jyllandsposten, Sailing Group, Coop, LinkedIn