Transformational leadership and employees’ innovative behaviors
RaCE master Thesis: Is a transformational leadership approach is able to impact employees’ innovative behaviors?

The inner aim of my Master Thesis was to investigate to what extent a transformational leadership approach is able to impact employees’ innovative behaviors.
In doing so, I considered a third variable, namely prosocial motivation.
Specifically, the latter has been taken into account from its state-like perspective and has been included in my study as a mediator, capable of explaining the aforementioned relationship.
From this standpoint, I afterwards tested the related research model within a Norwegian company operating internationally in the medical industry and driven by the prosocial mission of “helping save lives”.
Thanks to the statistical examination of data gathered through a survey strategy, I was able to corroborate the hypothesis proposing the existence of a positive impact of transformational leadership on employees’ innovative behaviors.
Moreover, I also found evidence supporting the idea that the previous impact was significantly mediated by workers’ state-like prosocial motivation.
Finally, in the conclusive chapters of the study I discussed its implications both theoretically and practically, as well as its limitations and future paths of analysis.
The thesis was written within the RaCE research project, which is a part of DIG.