The Effect of a Pandemic on Organizational Agility Transition
RaCE Master's thesis: Benefits and barriers of adopting organizational agility in Norway and Italy, and how the pandemic has affected adoption of this new trend.

My thesis “The Effect of a Pandemic on Organizational Agility Transition” studies the benefits and barriers of adopting organizational agility in Norway and Italy and how the pandemic has affected adoption of this new trend.
I started from gathering information about the Agile practice, how it was invented and implemented first in software development and later expanded its applicability to numerous fields.
Then, I interviewed several agile experts both from Italy and Norway and analysed their responses backing them up with secondary data.
Findings about the difference in adoption level between the two countries suggest that Norway is facing a more “mature” phase of becoming Agile.
The problems and main obstacle perceived in Italy, on the other side, are more typical of an initial approach to Agility.
In the conclusive chapter of the thesis, I describe the findings about the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Agile implementation in established firms.
The general consensus is that there is still a huge potential of growth for this practice that can help companies to face the current increasing need of innovation and adaptability.