Agnar Sandmo
Professor Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019) was among Norway's leading economists and an important contributor to the development of NHH.

Agnar Sandmo was professor of economics at NHH from 1971 until he retired in 2007 and became emeritus professor. His teaching covered particularly microeconomic theory, public economics and public policy. He was also affiliated with the research foundation SNF, doing work on public economics and taxation.
He received the degree of dr. oecon. from NHH in 1970. He served as vice rector of NHH 1985-87 and was president of the European Economic Association in 1990. He was an honorary doctor at the University of Oslo and Uppsala University and was a member of the Norwegian and Swedish Academies of Science, the Academia Europaea and the National Academy of Sciences (US).
His research includes the fields of the economics of uncertainty, public economics, environmental economics and the history of economic thought, and his articles have appeared in American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Public Economics and a number of other international journals. His books include The Public Economics of the Environment (Oxford University Press, 2000) and Economics Evolving (Princeton University Press, 2011).
He held visiting appointments at several foreign universities, including Yale University (1964-65), CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain (1969-70) and the University of Essex (1975-76).
See a complete list of Agnar Sandmo's publications in Cristin