Gender Diversity in Organisations and Careers

Program Day 1

Location: Aud P


Open Lecture for PhD students and ALL:
RCTs with and within Organizations

by Guido Friebel (University of Frankfurt)


 Break and gathering


Parental Leave From the Firm Perspective

by Gozde Corekcioglu (Ozyegin University),
Marco Francesconi (University of Essex)
and Astrid Kunze (Norwegian School of Economics)


The Cohabitation and Child Penalty in
Non-Nuclear Families

by Mette Ejrnæs (University of Copenhagen)
and Mathilde Lund Holm (University of



Location: Aud P

08:30 09:00

Registration & Coffee

09:00 09:15


by Astrid Kunze (NHH, PI EquiFirm)

09:15 10:00

The Entrepreneurial Gender Gap: The Role of Motherhood and Maternity Leave

by Teodora Tsankova (Tilburg University) Mery Ferrando (Tilburg University), Francesca Truffa (Stanford University) and Ashley Wong (Tilburg University)

10:00 10:45

Gender Promotion Gaps in Knowledge Work: The Role of Task Assignment in Teams

by Guido Friebel (University of Frankfurt)


10:45 11:00


11:00 11:45

The Unequal Impact of Firms on the Relative Pay of Women Across Countries

by Antoine Bertheau (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)

co-authored with
Marco G. Palladino (Banque de France),
Alexander Hijzen (OECD),
Astrid Kunze(NHH Norwegian School of Economics),
Cesar Barreto (OECD),
Dogan Gülümser (Uppsala University),
Marta Lachowska (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research),
Anne Sophie Lassen (CBS), Stefano Lombardi (VATT), Jordy Meekes (Leiden University),
Balazs Murakozy (University of Liverpool),
Oskar Skans (Uppsala University),
Salvatore Lattanizo (Bank of Italy).

11:45 12:45

Plenary: Meaning at Work

by Oriana Bandiera (London School of Economics)

12:45 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 14:45

One Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gap

by Salvatore Lattanzio (Bank of Italy), Jaime Arellano-Bover (Yale), Nicola Bianchi (Northwestern University) and Matteo Paradisi (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance).

14:45 15:30

Social Desirability Bias in Attitudes Towards Sexism and DEI Policies at the Workplace

by Anne Boring (University of Rotterdam) and Josse Delfgaauw (University of Rotterdam)

15:30 15:45

Concluding remarks and gathering


The registration is now closed.