Over the last years we have seen an increased focus on customer orientation and customer-centric business development in the Norwegian business community. Service design and Design thinking have become part of the business language, and many companies invest heavily to improve the experiences of their customers. In other words, leaders assume that customer experience and profitability have a strong and positive correlation. However, experience shows that such a correlation does not always exist, and in some cases even can be negative. Thus, the question is what companies aiming for increased customer profitability should focus on instead.
To put this topic on the agenda we have invited Professor and world-renowned loyalty expert Tim Keiningham to Norway. Tim is one of the authors behind the New York Times bestseller The Wallet Allocation Rule and is also affiliated with the Center for Service Innovation (CSI) at NHH. The Wallet Allocation Rule contains groundbreaking thinking and practical advice for executives on the subject of customer profitability. In addition to Tim's contributions, the seminar will include presentations by NHH Professor Tor W. Andreassen and several Norwegian companies who have chosen alternative approaches to this challenge.