PhD course: Planning Under Uncertainty in energy Markets (IØ8811)
The course gives 2.5 ECTS. It is organized by NORDAB – The Norwegian Doctoral Academy in Business.
- Integrating economics, engineering, mathematics and optimization to address issues arising in the energy markets of today and the future
- Models for long-term and short-term analysis of energy markets and systems
- Optimization and equilibrium models
- Applications of stochastic optimization
Confirmed Speakers
Francesca Maggioni, University of Bergamo
Jalal Kazempour, Technical University of Denmark
Golbon Zakeri, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sonja Wogrin, Graz University of Technology
Afzal S. Siddiqui, Stockholm University
Anthony Papavasiliou, National Technical University of Athens
Hans Auer, TU Wien
Andy Philpott, University of Auckland
Stein W. Wallace, NHH, Bergen
Hongyu Zhang, NTNU, Trondheim
Steven A. Gabriel, University of Maryland
Selvaprabu Nadarajah, University of Illinois, Chicago
Vincent Leclère, ENPC, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU, Trondheim
Stein-Erik Fleten, NTNU, Trondheim
Mette Bjørndal, NHH, Bergen
Apply here
Once your application has been approved you can register here:
Register here
If you have problems with the application form, you can apply by sending an e-mail to
Students/candidates with current student status at NTNU:
Students/candidates with valid student status at NTNU should be able to register for research courses on Studentweb. Required previous knowledge (as described in the course description) can prevent students who do not appear to meet that requirement from registration on Studentweb. Such students must be enrolled manually. The course coordinator, or the candidate, may send an email to us at well ahead of the registration deadline, and we will take care of formal registration for both instruction and grading (ECTS credits). We require confirmation from the course coordinator that registration is approved.
Candidates with expired student standing/ candidates who have not previously been students at NTNU (external candidates):
External candidates must apply for admission to individual PhD Research Courses. Further information, a step-by-step guide, and a link to the application form can be found here:
This application form became active on October 1, and will remain active until the application deadline on February 7. This means that – already now – one can apply for admission as an external candidate for spring semester, and for registration for specific PhD courses.
Please forward the above link to interested external candidates.