Karl Borch Lecture and Symposium 2019

This year’s Karl Borch lecturer will be Professor Annette Vissing-Jørgensen. She holds the Arno A. Rayner Chair in Finance and Management at Berkeley Haas. The title of her talk is “Monetary Policy Communication and the Stock Market”.

The keynote speaker at the symposium will be Nobel prize winner and former Karl Borch lecturer Professor Oliver Hart. He will present his paper written together with Professor Luigi Zingales:”Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value” 

Thereafter, Deputy General from Bank of Norway Egil Matsen, will present how the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund (the Oil Fund) think about sustainable investing.

Finally, there will be a panel discussion headed by Martin Skancke. He has broad international experience from asset management and sustainable investing.


10.15-11.30: The 17th Karl Borch Lecture
(Aud. A)

Professor Annette Vissing-Jørgensen

Monetary Policy Communication and the Stock Market


Lunch (by invitation)

In the Jebsen Centre

12.30-13.30: Karl Borch Anniversary Lecture
(Aud. A)

Nobel prize winner Oliver Hart

Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value



(Aud. A)

Deputy Governor Egil Matsen

The Oil Fund and sustainable investments

14.15-15.00: Panel discussion
(Aud. A)

Martin Skancke

The Karl Borch Lecture Series was established in 2002 by the Department of Finance and Management Science, in honor of Karl Borch.

Borch was a professor at NHH between 1963 and 1986, and is considered one of the founders of economics of uncertainty.

The annual lecture is on a current research topic and given by distinguished scholars, whose research capture the pioneering spirit of Borch, but not necessarily his fields of research in a narrow sense.

The Karl Borch Lecture and symposium 2019 is sponsored by the Norwegian Finance Initiative (NFI) and the Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration (SNF).