BAN420 |
BAN420Introduction to R |
2.5 |
ECN433 |
ECN433Konkurransestrategi (utgått - ersattet av BUS475) |
7.5 |
MRR445 |
MRR445Topics in Auditing |
7.5 |
BUS402 |
BUS402Finansregnskap I (videreføres som ACC401N) |
7.5 |
BUS402E |
BUS402EFinancial Accounting I (continues as ACC401E) |
7.5 |
BUS424E |
BUS424EStrategic Financial Statement Analysis (videreføres som ACC420E) |
7.5 |
BUS440B |
BUS440BVerdsettelse (forsetter som ACC421B) |
7.5 |
BUS460 |
BUS460Operational Risk Management (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS471 |
BUS471Sustainability & ESG Reporting (replaced by ACC413) |
7.5 |
ECN427 |
ECN427Samfunnsøkonomisk prosjektvurdering (utgått) |
7.5 |
MRR411 |
MRR411Revisjon og internkontroll (viderføres som ACC402N) |
7.5 |
MRR412 |
MRR412Finansregnskap I |
7.5 |
MRR416 |
MRR416Foretaksrett (viderføres som ACC440) |
7.5 |
MRR418 |
MRR418Skatte- og avgiftsrett (videreføres som ACC441) |
7.5 |
NBD404 |
NBD404Innovation and Intellectual Property (replaced by BUS474) |
7.5 |
STR455 |
STR455Kunnskap som basis for strategi og konkurransefortrinn |
7.5 |
BAN421 |
BAN421Data Structures in R (expired) |
2.5 |
BAN422 |
BAN422Visualization in R (expired) |
2.5 |
BAN431 |
BAN431Econometrics and Statistical Programming (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS401 |
BUS401Strategiske lønnsomhetsanalyser og prising (utgått, erstattet av BUS401N/BUS401E) |
7.5 |
BUS422 |
BUS422Investeringsanalyse (erstattet av BUS422E og BUS422N) |
7.5 |
BUS423 |
BUS423Simulation of Business Processes (Expired, replaced by BAN403) |
7.5 |
BUS424 |
BUS424Strategic Financial Statement Analysis (Expired - replaced by BUS424E) |
7.5 |
BUS424N |
BUS424NRegnskapsanalyse (videreføres som ACC420N) |
7.5 |
BUS425 |
BUS425Verdsettelse med regnskapsanalyse (utgått, erstattet av BUS440B) |
7.5 |
BUS426E |
BUS426EAuditing (expired, replaced by MRR411E) |
7.5 |
BUS426N |
BUS426NRevisjon (utgått, erstattet av MRR411) |
7.5 |
BUS435 |
BUS435Regnskap og budsjettering i offentlige organisasjoner (videreføres som ACC411) |
7.5 |
BUS435N |
BUS435NRegnskap og budsjettering i offentlige organisasjoner (videreføres som ACC411) |
7.5 |
BUS437 |
BUS437Valuation, Financial Analysis and Accounting (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS440 |
BUS440Regnskapsanalyse og verdivurdering (utgått, erstattet av BUS440A) |
7.5 |
BUS440A |
BUS440AVerdsettelse (videreføres som ACC421A) |
7.5 |
BUS441 |
BUS441Konkurransestrategi (utgått, endra kode til ECN433) |
7.5 |
BUS444 |
BUS444Økonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring (utgått) |
7.5 |
BUS445 |
BUS445Cases in Management Accounting (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS447 |
BUS447Financial Accounting - IFRS (expired, replaced by BUS402E/MRR412E) |
7.5 |
BUS449 |
BUS449Multivariate Analysis for Business Economics (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS453 |
BUS453Enterprise Risk Management: Principles and Methods (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS454 |
BUS454Financial Reporting IFRS II (expired) |
7.5 |
BUS455 |
BUS455Applied Programming and Data Analysis for Business (Expired, eplaced by BAN401) |
7.5 |
BUS457 |
BUS457Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation (expired, replaced by BUS440E) |
7.5 |
BUS459 |
BUS459Predictive Analytics with R (expired, replaced by BAN404) |
7.5 |
BUS462 |
BUS462Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R (expired, replaced by BAN423) |
2.5 |
BUS463 |
BUS463Data structures in R (expired, replaced by BAN421) |
2.5 |
BUS464 |
BUS464Visualization in R (expired, replaced by BAN422) |
2.5 |
ECN422 |
ECN422International Economics and Globalisation |
7.5 |
ECN424 |
ECN424Konkurransepolitikk (utgått) |
7.5 |
ECN426 |
ECN426Velferdsstatens utfordringer |
7.5 |
ECN431 |
ECN431Data Driven Business Analysis (replaced by BAN440) |
7.5 |
ECO403 |
ECO403Time Series Analysis and Prediction (expired) |
7.5 |
ECO437 |
ECO437Topics in Stochastic Methods: Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Economics (expired) |
7.5 |
ECO438 |
ECO438Health Economics and the Pharmaceutical Industry (expired) |
7.5 |
ELE427 |
ELE427Social Entrepreneurship |
6 |
ELE430 |
ELE430Business Model Innovation for Entrepreneurs (expired) |
6 |
ENE420 |
ENE420Decision Modelling in Business (utgått - erstattet av BUS461) |
7.5 |
ENE422 |
ENE422Financial Aspects of Energy and Commodity Markets (expired) |
7.5 |
ENE427 |
ENE427Land Use and Natural Resources (expired) |
7.5 |
ENE429 |
ENE429Management of the Environment and Natural Resources (expired) |
7.5 |
ENE451 |
ENE451Seminar: Risk Management and Safety (expired) |
2.5 |
ENE454 |
ENE454Seminar: Communicating in the Energy Sector: Intercultural Interaction (Expired) |
2.5 |
ENE458 |
ENE458Seminar: The Economics and Politics of Global Agriculture and Trade (expired) |
2.5 |
ENE459 |
ENE459Seminar: Energy Challenges and Energy Production in the 21st Century (expired) |
2.5 |
ENE462 |
ENE462Seminar: ENE value chains - learning by serious games (expired) |
2.5 |
ENE463 |
ENE463Seminar: Petroleum Management in Newfoundland and Norway (expired) |
2.5 |
ENE466 |
ENE466Bidding in Deregulated Electricity Markets (expired) |
2.5 |
FIE401A |
FIE401AFinancial Data Analysis (expired) |
7.5 |
FIE401B |
FIE401BFinancial Data Analysis (expired) |
7.5 |
FIE401E |
FIE401EEmpirical Methods in Finance (expired) |
7.5 |
FIE402E |
FIE402ECorporate Finance (expired, replaced by FIE402) |
7.5 |
FIE402N |
FIE402NForetakets finansiering (utgått) |
7.5 |
FIE422 |
FIE422Internasjonale finansmarkeder og finansiell stabilitet (utgått) |
7.5 |
FIE427 |
FIE427Finansielle kontrakter (utgått) |
7.5 |
FIE437A |
FIE437AValuation (expired, replaced by FIE437) |
7.5 |
FIE437B |
FIE437BValuation (expired, replaced by FIE437) |
7.5 |
FIE438 |
FIE438Applied Portfolio Management (expired) |
7.5 |
FIE439 |
FIE439Empirical Analyses of Financial and Commodity Markets (expired) |
7.5 |
FIE449 |
FIE449Financial Econometrics (expired) |
7.5 |
FIE452 |
FIE452Applied Textual Data Analysis for Business and Finance (expired, replaced by BAN432) |
7.5 |
FIE455 |
FIE455Credit Analysis (expired) |
7.5 |
INB421 |
INB421International Business and Nonbusiness Accounting (expired, replaced by BUS435E) |
7.5 |
INB422 |
INB422International Strategy (expired) |
7.5 |
INB422C |
INB422CInternational Strategy (expired - replaced by CEMS401) |
7.5 |
INB423 |
INB423International Marketing (new course code: MBM435) |
7.5 |
INB427 |
INB427Globalisation and Integration (replaced by ECN434) |
7.5 |
INB429 |
INB429EU Law (expired) |
7.5 |
INB431 |
INB431Global Management Practice (expired - replaced by CEMS402) |
7.5 |
INTM-BRAInternBrasil Master (Utgått) |
7.5 |
INTM-JAPInternJapan Master (expired) |
7.5 |
MBM420 |
MBM420Brand Strategy (expired) |
7.5 |
MBM421 |
MBM421Managing Corporate Reputation (expired) |
7.5 |
MBM422 |
MBM422The Collaborative Economy (expired, replaced by NBD411) |
7.5 |
MBM427 |
MBM427Distribution Channels and B2B Marketing (expired) |
7.5 |
MBM429 |
MBM429Value-Creation through Service (expired, replaced by NBD409) |
7.5 |
MRR443 |
MRR443Verdsettelse i regnskapet (erstattes av ACC422) |
7.5 |
MRR452 |
MRR452Finansregnskap II (videreføres som ACC410) |
7.5 |
MRR453 |
MRR453Digital revisjon (videreføres som ACC430) |
7.5 |
NBD408 |
NBD408Social Entrepreneurship (expired) |
7.5 |
NBD410 |
NBD410Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age (expired) |
7.5 |
NBD411 |
NBD411The Collaborative Economy (expired) |
7.5 |
NBD412 |
NBD412Platform-based Business Models (replaced by BUS473) |
7.5 |
NBD490 |
NBD490Entrepreneurship: 10 Weeks to Launch (expired) |
15 |
STR405 |
STR405Metode for masterutredningen (utgått - erstattet av STR402A) |
7.5 |
STR420 |
STR420Business Location Decisions (Expired) |
7.5 |
STR422 |
STR422Implementation of Strategic Change and Learning in Organizations (expired) |
7.5 |
STR428 |
STR428Konsernstrategi (utgått) |
7.5 |
STR432 |
STR432Strategiske allianser og nettverk (utgått) |
7.5 |
STR433 |
STR433Etisk handling: Individ, organisasjon og samfunn (utgått) |
7.5 |
STR444 |
STR444Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (expired) |
7.5 |
STR448 |
STR448Economic Organisation and Theory of the firm (expired) |
7.5 |
STR450 |
STR450Risikovurdering (utgått) |
7.5 |
STR454 |
STR454Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age (expired, replaced by NBD410) |
7.5 |
STR457 |
STR457Ledelse i praksis (utgått) |
2.5 |