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Nedanfor finn du ei oversikt over alle emne i masterstudiet i økonomi og administrasjon, fordelt på undervisingsspråk.


Emner som tilbys høsten 2025 - engelsk

Kode Navn Stp Semester
ACC401E ACC401EFinancial Accounting I 7.5 Høst
ACC402E ACC402EInternal Control and Audit 7.5 Høst
ACC412 ACC412Nonprofit Accounting 7.5 Høst
ACC420E ACC420EStrategic Financial Statement Analysis 7.5 Høst
BAN401 BAN401Applied Programming and Data Analysis for Business 7.5 Høst
BAN402 BAN402Decision Modelling in Business 7.5 Høst
BAN427 BAN427Insurance Analytics 2.5 Høst
BAN434 BAN434Social and Economic Networks 7.5 Høst
BAN435 BAN435Blockchain Technology and Applications 2.5 Høst
BAN441 BAN441Introduction to the use of spatial data 2.5 Høst
BAN442 BAN442From data to value: Machine Learning with Python 2.5 Høst
BAN443 BAN443Transforming Business with AI: The Power of Large Language Models 7.5 Høst
BUS401E BUS401EStrategic Profitability Analysis 7.5 Høst
BUS446 BUS446Sustainable Business Models 7.5 Høst Vår
BUS452 BUS452Corruption, compliance and sustainable business 7.5 Høst
CEMS401 CEMS401Global Strategy 7.5 Høst
ECN400 ECN400Macroeconomic Theory and Policy 7.5 Høst
ECN401 ECN401Microeconomic Theory with Applications 7.5 Høst
ECN402 ECN402Econometrics 7.5 Høst Vår
ECN421 ECN421Behavioral Economics 7.5 Høst Vår
ECN423 ECN423Development Economics 7.5 Høst
ECO400 ECO400Decisions, Strategy and Information 7.5 Høst
ECO401 ECO401Optimisation and Microeconomic Theory 7.5 Høst
ECO421 ECO421Asset Pricing 7.5 Høst
ECO422 ECO422Advanced Corporate Finance 7.5 Høst
ENE421 ENE421Energy and Resource Industries 7.5 Høst
ENE423 ENE423Economics of the Environment and Climate 7.5 Høst
ENE424 ENE424Elektrisitetsmarkeder 7.5 Høst
ENE431 ENE431Shipping Economics and Analytics 7.5 Høst
ENE452 ENE452Seminar: Climate Change and Ethical Challenges 2.5 Høst
ENE474 ENE474Energy Finance 2.5 Høst
ENE476 ENE476Offshore Energy Resources 2.5 Høst
ENE478 ENE478The Economics of Petroleum and the Energy Transition 7.5 Høst
ENEINT ENEINTInternship 2.5 Høst Vår
ETI450 ETI450Corporate Social Responsibility 7.5 Høst
FIE400E FIE400EInvestments 7.5 Høst Vår
FIE401 FIE401Financial Econometrics 7.5 Høst Vår
FIE402 FIE402Corporate Finance 7.5 Høst Vår
FIE403 FIE403Konjunkturanalyse og makropolitikk 7.5 Høst Vår
FIE425 FIE425Derivatives and Risk Management 7.5 Høst
FIE433 FIE433International Finance 7.5 Høst
FIE437 FIE437Valuation 7.5 Høst
FIE442 FIE442Growth and Architecture of Financial Systems 7.5 Høst
FIE447 FIE447Trading, Liquidity, and Pricing in Securities Markets 7.5 Høst
FIE459 FIE459Sustainable Finance 7.5 Høst
INTERN-A-M INTERN-A-MInternship abroad Master 7.5 Høst Vår
MBM400A MBM400AResearch for Brand Decisions 7.5 Høst
MBM401B MBM401BConsumer Behaviour 7.5 Høst
MBM435 MBM435International Marketing 7.5 Høst
MBM437 MBM437Introduction to Data Science for Marketing 7.5 Høst
STR402A STR402AMetode for masterutredningen 7.5 Høst Vår
STR404 STR404Strategic Analysis 7.5 Høst
STR445 STR445Human Capital, Mobility and Diversity in Firms 7.5 Høst
STR460 STR460Managing Change and Innovation 7.5 Høst
FIE460 FIE460Ship Finance and Marine Insurance 7.5 Høst
ECO433 ECO433Empirical Strategies for Causal Analysis 7.5 Høst

Emner som tilbys høsten 2025 - norsk

Kode Navn Stp Semester
ACC401N ACC401NFinansregnskap I 7.5 Høst
ACC402N ACC402NInternkontroll og revisjon 7.5 Høst
ACC421B ACC421BVerdsettelse 7.5 Høst
ACC440 ACC440Foretaksrett 7.5 Høst
ACC441 ACC441Skatte- og avgiftsrett 7.5 Høst
BUS400N BUS400NStyring av større foretak 7.5 Høst
BUS444N BUS444NØkonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring 7.5 Høst
BUS466 BUS466Næringseiendom: investering og forvaltning 7.5 Høst
BUS475 BUS475Konkurransestrategi 7.5 Høst
ELE426 ELE426Norwegian Language III Norsk samfunns- og næringsliv 7.5 Høst
FIE400N FIE400NFinansmarkeder 7.5 Høst
FIE420 FIE420Pengemarkeder og bankvesen 7.5 Høst
FIE431 FIE431Krakk og kriser 7.5 Høst
FIE432 FIE432Personlig økonomi 7.5 Høst
STR437 STR437Team og teamledelse 7.5 Høst
STR446 STR446Prosessledelse 7.5 Høst
STR456 STR456Ledelse og lederpsykologi 7.5 Høst

Emner uten profiltilhørighet

Kode Navn Stp Semester
EEU412 EEU412Virtual collaboration across cultures 5 Høst
EEU413 EEU413Sustainability Challenge Summer School 3 Vår
EEU414 EEU414Future of Work 7.5 Høst

Elective courses - offered in English

Kode Navn Stp Semester
ACC413 ACC413Sustainability & ESG Reporting 7.5 Vår
ACC421E ACC421EValuation with financial statement analysis 7.5 Vår
BAN403 BAN403Simulation of Business Processes 7.5 Vår
BAN404 BAN404Statistical Learning 7.5 Vår
BAN425 BAN425Applied Risk Management 2.5 Vår
BAN426 BAN426Applied Data Science 2.5 Vår
BAN430 BAN430Forecasting 7.5 Vår
BAN436 BAN436Introduction to Python 2.5 Vår
BAN437 BAN437Stochastic optimization using algebraic modelling languages 2.5 Vår
BAN438 BAN438Application Development in Python 7.5 Vår
BAN444 BAN444Digital Identity Management: Technology and Applications 2.5 Vår
BUS400E BUS400EManagement Control 7.5 Vår
BUS429 BUS429Pricing Analytics and Revenue Management 7.5 Vår
BUS444E BUS444EEconometrics for Business Research 7.5 Vår
BUS465 BUS465Detecting Corporate Crime 7.5 Vår
BUS472 BUS472Management Control and Public Value Creation in Digital Era 7.5 Vår
BUS473 BUS473Platform-based Business Models 7.5 Vår
CEMS402 CEMS402Global Leadership 7.5 Vår
ECN425 ECN425Solving Economic and Social Problems with Big Data 7.5 Vår
ECN430 ECN430Empirical Macroeconomics and Finance 7.5 Vår
ECN434 ECN434International Trade and Globalisation 7.5 Vår
ECN436 ECN436Economic Inequality and Growth 7.5 Vår
ECO420 ECO420Corporate Governance 7.5 Vår
ECO423 ECO423Advanced Derivatives 7.5 Vår
ENE425 ENE425Sustainable Energy 7.5 Vår
ENE430 ENE430Commodity Trading and Transport 7.5 Vår
ENE434 ENE434Energy Industry Analytics 7.5 Vår
ENE436 ENE436Environmental Policy Analysis 7.5 Vår
ENE456 ENE456Corporate and Private Environmental Responsibility 2.5 Vår
ENE467 ENE467Energy and Climate Policy 2.5 Vår
ENE470 ENE470Climate Change: Strategies and Role Play (Model UNFCCC) 7.5 Vår
ENE471 ENE471Machine Learning for Energy Markets Data 2.5 Vår
ENE473 ENE473Real Options Analysis of Electricity Markets 2.5 Vår
ENE475 ENE475Natural Gas Markets 2.5 Vår
ENE477 ENE477Deep-sea mineral resources 2.5 Vår
ENE479 ENE479The Economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture Management I 2.5 Vår
ENE481 ENE481Climate Risk 2.5 Vår
ENE482 ENE482International Fisheries and Aquaculture Management 2.5 Vår
ETI451 ETI451Diversity in Firm and Ethics (Expired) 2.5 Vår
ETI452 ETI452Diversity and Inclusive Work-life in Firms and Ethics 7.5 Vår
FIE421 FIE421Macroeconomic Analysis and Sustainability 7.5 Vår
FIE432E FIE432EPersonal Finance and Taxation 7.5 Vår
FIE434 FIE434Behavioural Finance and Wealth Management 7.5 Vår
FIE435 FIE435Financial Modelling with Excel 7.5 Vår
FIE436 FIE436Venture Capital, Private Equity and IPO's 7.5 Vår
FIE441 FIE441Taxes and Business Strategy 7.5 Vår
FIE443 FIE443Mergers and Acquisitions 7.5 Vår
FIE445 FIE445Infrastructure and Project Finance 7.5 Vår
FIE448 FIE448Banking and Fintech 7.5 Vår
FIE450 FIE450Programming with Applications in Finance 7.5 Vår
FIE458 FIE458Deep Learning and LLMs with Applications to Finance 7.5 Vår
FIE462 FIE462Finance Innovations in Insurance 7.5 Vår
FIE463 FIE463Numerical methods in Macroeconomics and Finance using Python 7.5 Vår
INS410 INS410Innovation School 30 Vår
INS420 INS420Innovation School 22.5 Vår
INT411 INT411Internship in Asset Management 7.5 Vår
MBM402B MBM402BBrand Management 7.5 Vår
MBM424 MBM424Market Communication Effectiveness 7.5 Vår
MBM428 MBM428Product Development and Design 7.5 Vår
MBM432 MBM432Sustainable Marketing 7.5 Vår
MBM433 MBM433Customer Analytics in a Digital World 7.5 Vår
MBM436 MBM436Strategic Marketing Analytics for Digital Businesses 7.5 Vår
NBD405 NBD405Entrepreneurship and business model design 7.5 Vår
NBD407 NBD407Business Model Innovation in the Digital Era 7.5 Vår
NBD409 NBD409Value-creation by Design (not offered) 7.5 Vår
NBD413 NBD413Technology Adoption and Consumer Psychology 7.5 Vår
STR421 STR421Competitive Strategy 7.5 Vår
STR435 STR435Personaløkonomi: Lønnsomhet og insentiver 7.5 Vår
STR451 STR451Managerial Decision Making (not offered) 7.5 Vår
STR452 STR452Strategy with Finance 7.5 Vår
STR459 STR459Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 7.5 Vår
STR461 STR461Strategic and Political Communication 7.5 Vår
STR463 STR463Strategy and Technology 7.5 Vår
STR464 STR464Cases in Strategy 7.5 Vår

Utgåtte emner

Kode Navn Stp Semester
BAN420 BAN420Introduction to R 2.5 Høst
ECN433 ECN433Konkurransestrategi (utgått - ersattet av BUS475) 7.5 Høst
MRR445 MRR445Topics in Auditing 7.5 Høst
BUS402 BUS402Finansregnskap I (videreføres som ACC401N) 7.5 Høst
BUS402E BUS402EFinancial Accounting I (continues as ACC401E) 7.5 Høst
BUS424E BUS424EStrategic Financial Statement Analysis (videreføres som ACC420E) 7.5 Høst
BUS440B BUS440BVerdsettelse (forsetter som ACC421B) 7.5 Høst
BUS460 BUS460Operational Risk Management (expired) 7.5 Høst
BUS471 BUS471Sustainability & ESG Reporting (replaced by ACC413) 7.5 Høst
ECN427 ECN427Samfunnsøkonomisk prosjektvurdering (utgått) 7.5
MRR411 MRR411Revisjon og internkontroll (viderføres som ACC402N) 7.5 Høst
MRR412 MRR412Finansregnskap I 7.5 Høst
MRR416 MRR416Foretaksrett (viderføres som ACC440) 7.5 Høst
MRR418 MRR418Skatte- og avgiftsrett (videreføres som ACC441) 7.5 Høst
NBD404 NBD404Innovation and Intellectual Property (replaced by BUS474) 7.5 Høst
STR455 STR455Kunnskap som basis for strategi og konkurransefortrinn 7.5 Høst
BAN421 BAN421Data Structures in R (expired) 2.5
BAN422 BAN422Visualization in R (expired) 2.5
BAN431 BAN431Econometrics and Statistical Programming (expired) 7.5
BUS401 BUS401Strategiske lønnsomhetsanalyser og prising (utgått, erstattet av BUS401N/BUS401E) 7.5
BUS422 BUS422Investeringsanalyse (erstattet av BUS422E og BUS422N) 7.5
BUS423 BUS423Simulation of Business Processes (Expired, replaced by BAN403) 7.5
BUS424 BUS424Strategic Financial Statement Analysis (Expired - replaced by BUS424E) 7.5
BUS424N BUS424NRegnskapsanalyse (videreføres som ACC420N) 7.5 Vår
BUS425 BUS425Verdsettelse med regnskapsanalyse (utgått, erstattet av BUS440B) 7.5
BUS426E BUS426EAuditing (expired, replaced by MRR411E) 7.5
BUS426N BUS426NRevisjon (utgått, erstattet av MRR411) 7.5
BUS435 BUS435Regnskap og budsjettering i offentlige organisasjoner (videreføres som ACC411) 7.5
BUS435N BUS435NRegnskap og budsjettering i offentlige organisasjoner (videreføres som ACC411) 7.5 Vår
BUS437 BUS437Valuation, Financial Analysis and Accounting (expired) 7.5
BUS440 BUS440Regnskapsanalyse og verdivurdering (utgått, erstattet av BUS440A) 7.5
BUS440A BUS440AVerdsettelse (videreføres som ACC421A) 7.5 Vår
BUS441 BUS441Konkurransestrategi (utgått, endra kode til ECN433) 7.5
BUS444 BUS444Økonometri for regnskap og økonomisk styring (utgått) 7.5
BUS445 BUS445Cases in Management Accounting (expired) 7.5
BUS447 BUS447Financial Accounting - IFRS (expired, replaced by BUS402E/MRR412E) 7.5
BUS449 BUS449Multivariate Analysis for Business Economics (expired) 7.5
BUS453 BUS453Enterprise Risk Management: Principles and Methods (expired) 7.5
BUS454 BUS454Financial Reporting IFRS II (expired) 7.5
BUS455 BUS455Applied Programming and Data Analysis for Business (Expired, eplaced by BAN401) 7.5
BUS457 BUS457Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation (expired, replaced by BUS440E) 7.5
BUS459 BUS459Predictive Analytics with R (expired, replaced by BAN404) 7.5
BUS462 BUS462Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R (expired, replaced by BAN423) 2.5
BUS463 BUS463Data structures in R (expired, replaced by BAN421) 2.5
BUS464 BUS464Visualization in R (expired, replaced by BAN422) 2.5
ECN422 ECN422International Economics and Globalisation 7.5
ECN424 ECN424Konkurransepolitikk (utgått) 7.5
ECN426 ECN426Velferdsstatens utfordringer 7.5 Vår
ECN431 ECN431Data Driven Business Analysis (replaced by BAN440) 7.5 Vår
ECO403 ECO403Time Series Analysis and Prediction (expired) 7.5
ECO437 ECO437Topics in Stochastic Methods: Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Economics (expired) 7.5
ECO438 ECO438Health Economics and the Pharmaceutical Industry (expired) 7.5
ELE427 ELE427Social Entrepreneurship 6
ELE430 ELE430Business Model Innovation for Entrepreneurs (expired) 6
ENE420 ENE420Decision Modelling in Business (utgått - erstattet av BUS461) 7.5
ENE422 ENE422Financial Aspects of Energy and Commodity Markets (expired) 7.5
ENE427 ENE427Land Use and Natural Resources (expired) 7.5
ENE429 ENE429Management of the Environment and Natural Resources (expired) 7.5
ENE451 ENE451Seminar: Risk Management and Safety (expired) 2.5
ENE454 ENE454Seminar: Communicating in the Energy Sector: Intercultural Interaction (Expired) 2.5
ENE458 ENE458Seminar: The Economics and Politics of Global Agriculture and Trade (expired) 2.5
ENE459 ENE459Seminar: Energy Challenges and Energy Production in the 21st Century (expired) 2.5
ENE462 ENE462Seminar: ENE value chains - learning by serious games (expired) 2.5
ENE463 ENE463Seminar: Petroleum Management in Newfoundland and Norway (expired) 2.5
ENE466 ENE466Bidding in Deregulated Electricity Markets (expired) 2.5
FIE401A FIE401AFinancial Data Analysis (expired) 7.5
FIE401B FIE401BFinancial Data Analysis (expired) 7.5
FIE401E FIE401EEmpirical Methods in Finance (expired) 7.5
FIE402E FIE402ECorporate Finance (expired, replaced by FIE402) 7.5
FIE402N FIE402NForetakets finansiering (utgått) 7.5
FIE422 FIE422Internasjonale finansmarkeder og finansiell stabilitet (utgått) 7.5
FIE427 FIE427Finansielle kontrakter (utgått) 7.5
FIE437A FIE437AValuation (expired, replaced by FIE437) 7.5
FIE437B FIE437BValuation (expired, replaced by FIE437) 7.5
FIE438 FIE438Applied Portfolio Management (expired) 7.5
FIE439 FIE439Empirical Analyses of Financial and Commodity Markets (expired) 7.5
FIE449 FIE449Financial Econometrics (expired) 7.5
FIE452 FIE452Applied Textual Data Analysis for Business and Finance (expired, replaced by BAN432) 7.5
FIE455 FIE455Credit Analysis (expired) 7.5
INB421 INB421International Business and Nonbusiness Accounting (expired, replaced by BUS435E) 7.5
INB422 INB422International Strategy (expired) 7.5
INB422C INB422CInternational Strategy (expired - replaced by CEMS401) 7.5
INB423 INB423International Marketing (new course code: MBM435) 7.5
INB427 INB427Globalisation and Integration (replaced by ECN434) 7.5
INB429 INB429EU Law (expired) 7.5
INB431 INB431Global Management Practice (expired - replaced by CEMS402) 7.5
INTM-BRA INTM-BRAInternBrasil Master (Utgått) 7.5
INTM-JAP INTM-JAPInternJapan Master (expired) 7.5
MBM420 MBM420Brand Strategy (expired) 7.5
MBM421 MBM421Managing Corporate Reputation (expired) 7.5
MBM422 MBM422The Collaborative Economy (expired, replaced by NBD411) 7.5
MBM427 MBM427Distribution Channels and B2B Marketing (expired) 7.5
MBM429 MBM429Value-Creation through Service (expired, replaced by NBD409) 7.5
MRR443 MRR443Verdsettelse i regnskapet (erstattes av ACC422) 7.5 Vår
MRR452 MRR452Finansregnskap II (videreføres som ACC410) 7.5 Vår
MRR453 MRR453Digital revisjon (videreføres som ACC430) 7.5 Vår
NBD408 NBD408Social Entrepreneurship (expired) 7.5
NBD410 NBD410Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age (expired) 7.5
NBD411 NBD411The Collaborative Economy (expired) 7.5
NBD412 NBD412Platform-based Business Models (replaced by BUS473) 7.5 Vår
NBD490 NBD490Entrepreneurship: 10 Weeks to Launch (expired) 15
STR405 STR405Metode for masterutredningen (utgått - erstattet av STR402A) 7.5
STR420 STR420Business Location Decisions (Expired) 7.5
STR422 STR422Implementation of Strategic Change and Learning in Organizations (expired) 7.5
STR428 STR428Konsernstrategi (utgått) 7.5
STR432 STR432Strategiske allianser og nettverk (utgått) 7.5
STR433 STR433Etisk handling: Individ, organisasjon og samfunn (utgått) 7.5 Vår
STR444 STR444Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (expired) 7.5
STR448 STR448Economic Organisation and Theory of the firm (expired) 7.5
STR450 STR450Risikovurdering (utgått) 7.5
STR454 STR454Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age (expired, replaced by NBD410) 7.5
STR457 STR457Ledelse i praksis (utgått) 2.5

Hvilende emner

Kode Navn Stp Semester
BAN400 BAN400R Programming for Data Science 7.5 Høst
BAN423 BAN423Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R 2.5 Høst
BAN424 BAN424Applications of Business Analytics (not offered) 2.5 Høst
BAN432 BAN432Applied Textual Data Analysis for Business and Finance 7.5 Høst
BAN439 BAN439Detecting Fraud through Textual Analysis 2.5 Høst
BUS403 BUS403Supply Chain Management 7.5 Høst
BUS422E BUS422ECapital Budgeting 7.5 Høst
BUS456 BUS456Behavioral Business Strategy 7.5 Høst
BUS469 BUS469Corporate Liability and Sustainable Markets 7.5 Høst
ECN435 ECN435Data-Driven Public Policy 7.5 Høst
ELE429 ELE429Norwegian economy, history and politics 7.5 Høst
ENE435 ENE435Sustainable Supply Chain 7.5 Høst
ENE472 ENE472Canadian and US Energy Markets: Meshed and Challenged 2.5 Høst
FIE453 FIE453Big Data with Applications to Finance 7.5 Høst
FIE457 FIE457Entrepreneurial Finance 7.5 Høst
MBM431 MBM431Commercialization of Innovations 7.5 Høst
MBM434 MBM434Marketing Analytics - A Machine Learning Perspective (CANCELLED) 7.5 Høst
NBD406 NBD406Strategic Entrepreneurship 7.5 Høst
STR425 STR425Forhandlinger 7.5 Høst Vår
STR436 STR436Ledelse og organisasjonsbeslutninger 7.5 Vår
BUS435E BUS435EGovernmental and Nonbusiness Accounting (not offered) 7.5 Høst
BUS443 BUS443Fraud Detection (not offered) 7.5 Høst
ECN420 ECN420The Economics of Petroleum and the Energy Transition (replaced by ENE478) 7.5 Høst
BAN433 BAN433Applied Cloud Computing for Enterprises (not offered) 2.5 Vår
BUS470 BUS470Strategic Pricing and Competition 7.5 Vår
ECN429 ECN429The Economics Of Aquaculture And Fisheries 7.5 Vår
ECO439 ECO439Resource Economics 7.5 Vår
FIE446 FIE446Financial Engineering 7.5 Vår
FIE451 FIE451Asset Management with Programming Applications (not offered) 7.5 Vår
FIE461 FIE461Risk and Insurance 7.5 Høst Vår
INB400 INB400Global Strategy and Management (not offered) 7.5 Høst Vår
BUS420 BUS420Økonomiske beslutninger med data-simulering (ikke tilbudt) 7.5
BUS427 BUS427Advanced Management Accounting (not offered) 7.5
BUS432E BUS432EOperations Management (expired) 7.5
BUS440E BUS440EValuation with financial statement analysis (continues as ACC421E) 7.5
BUS448 BUS448Auctions, Sales and Procurement (not offered) 7.5
BUS450 BUS450Risikostyring i bedrifter (ikke tilbudt) 7.5
BUS458 BUS458International Business Taxation (not offered) 7.5
ECN428 ECN428Norwegian Economic Policy in Historical Perspective (not offered) 7.5
ECO425 ECO425International Macroeconomics (not offered) 7.5
ECO440 ECO440Economics of Uncertainty: Insurance and Finance (not offered) 7.5
ELE428 ELE428Natural Resource Management: The Norwegian Model (not offered) 6
ENE426 ENE426Economics of Climate Change (not offered) 7.5
ENE428 ENE428Empirical Analysis of Energy Markets (expired) 7.5
ENE432 ENE432Measuring Sustainability in Accounting and Finance (not offered) 7.5
ENE433 ENE433Natural Resource Management: The Norwegian Model (not offered) 7.5
ENE464 ENE464International Environmental Cooperation (not offered) 2.5
ENE465 ENE465Economics of Environmental Crimes (not offered) 2.5
FIE428 FIE428Cases in Corporate Finance (not offered) 7.5
FIE444 FIE444Bank Management (not offered) 7.5
FIE454 FIE454Business and Finance in China (not offered) 7.5
FIE456 FIE456FinTech (not offered) 7.5
INB428 INB428Topics in International Economic History in the 19th and 20th Century (expired) 7.5
MBM430 MBM430Global Business Venturing (expired) 7.5
MRR411E MRR411EAuditing I (continues as ACC402E) 7.5
STR458 STR458Cooperative Strategies (not offered) 7.5
STR462 STR462Anvendt digitalisering 7.5 Høst

Valgemner - undervisning på norsk

Kode Navn Stp Semester
ACC410 ACC410Finansregnskap II 7.5 Vår
ACC411 ACC411Regnskap og budsjettering i offentlige organisasjoner 7.5 Vår
ACC420N ACC420NRegnskapsanalyse 7.5 Vår
ACC421A ACC421AVerdsettelse 7.5 Vår
ACC422 ACC422Verdsettelse i regnskapet 7.5 Vår
BUS401N BUS401NStrategiske lønnsomhetsanalyser 7.5 Vår
BUS422N BUS422NInvesteringsanalyse 7.5 Vår
BUS428 BUS428Økonomisk organisasjonsteori 7.5 Vår
BUS432 BUS432Operasjonell planlegging 7.5 Vår
BUS438 BUS438Strategisk organisering og konkurranse 7.5 Vår
BUS442 BUS442Konkurranserett 7.5 Vår
BUS451 BUS451Dynamisk virksomhetsstyring 7.5 Vår
BUS467 BUS467Innkjøpsledelse 7.5 Vår
ECO427 ECO427Strategisk bedriftsadferd og markedsmakt 7.5 Vår
ECO441 ECO441Skatt og økonomisk politikk 7.5 Vår
FIE423 FIE423Rentemarkeder og -instrumenter (N) 7.5 Vår
FIE426 FIE426Kapitalforvaltning 7.5 Vår
STR447 STR447Strategisk HR 7.5 Vår
STR453 STR453Digitalisering 7.5 Vår