PhD Courses

PhD Courses

We offer courses in accounting and auditing, administration, finance, economics, management, marketing, methodology, and quantitative and qualitative methods.

Select your starting year/semester

Course registration

Internal candidates must register for courses, exams and re-take exams in Studentweb. External candidates must apply to take courses and re-take exams in Søknadsweb. The deadline is 1 February (spring semester) and 1 September (autumn semester), please note that some courses may have individual deadlines.

Information about Studentweb and registration for internal candidates

Apply to attend PhD courses at NHH

Phd course portfolio

PhD courses spring 2025

Code Name Stp Semester
BEA514 BEA514Topics in Numerical Optimization 5.0
ECS507 ECS507PhD Macroeconomics II 7.5
ECS509 ECS509PhD Econometrics II 7.5
ECS565 ECS565PhD Microeconomics II 7.5
FIN540 FIN540Empirical Corporate Finance II 4.0
FIN551 FIN551Advanced Data Analysis in Empirical Asset Pricing 2.5
MET504 MET504Theory and Research Evaluation 5.0
MET522A MET522AMultivariate Data Analysis 5.0
MET522B MET522BAdvanced Structural Equation Modeling 2.5
MET527 MET527Scientific Methods: Research Design and Meth. Choices for Accounting and Business and Management Science 5.0
MET528 MET528Scientific Methods 7.5
MET532 MET532Advanced Qualitative Methods 5.0
ORG521 ORG521Entrepreneurship and Strategy 5.0

PhD courses autumn 2025

Code Name Stp Semester
ECS578 ECS578Incorporating Psychology into Economic Models 5.0 Autumn

PhD course portfolio

Code Name Stp Semester
BEA511 BEA511Topics in Dynamic Modeling and Optimal Controls 5.0 Autumn
BEA512 BEA512Modeling Decision Problems under Uncertainty 5.0 Autumn
BEA513 BEA513Topics in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 5.0
BEA528 BEA528Open Shop Scheduling Problems 2.5
ECS504 ECS504PhD Microeconomics I 7.5 Autumn
ECS506 ECS506PhD Macroeconomics I 7.5 Autumn
ECS508 ECS508PhD Econometrics I 7.5 Autumn
ECS573 ECS573Confronting decision theory with experimental data and vice versa 5.0
ECS575 ECS575A Crash Course in Design-Based Econometrics 5.0
ECS576 ECS576Electricity Market Design 5.0
EEU511 EEU511The Real and Reporting Effects of Business Taxation 5.0
ETI504 ETI504Corporate Sustainability 2.5
FIN501A FIN501AAsset Pricing I 5.0 Autumn
FIN501B FIN501BAsset Pricing I 5.0 Autumn
FIN504A FIN504ACorporate Finance I 7.5 Autumn
FIN504B FIN504BCorporate Finance I 2.5 Autumn
FIN534 FIN534Workshop in Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (not offered) 4.0
FIN538 FIN538Financial Econometrics 7.5 Autumn
FIN539B FIN539BResearch Seminar in Finance 2.5
FIN544 FIN544Econometric programming in finance 2.5
FIN546 FIN546Structural models of credit risk 2.5
FIN547 FIN547Corporate finance and industrial organization 5.0
FIN549 FIN549Corporate finance and industrial organization 2.5
FSK504 FSK504The Multilingual Workplace and Multilingual Society: Access, Communication & Participation 2.5
MET501A MET501AResearch Designs and Methodological Choices 5.0 Autumn
MET501B MET501BResearch Designs and Methodological Choices: Research Proposal 2.5
MET513 MET513Academic Writing in a Research Setting 2.5 Autumn
MET529 MET529Applied Business Analytics 2.5 Autumn
MET530 MET530Introduction to Research Designs and Methodological Choices: Accounting track 5.0 Autumn
MET531 MET531Introduction to research methods 2.5 Autumn
REG510 REG510Management Accounting: Incentive Mechanism (not offered) 7.5
REG511 REG511Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting Research 7.5
BEA521 BEA521Tax policy and multinational firms 5.0
BEA522 BEA522Rural Logistics 5.0
BEA523 BEA523Causes and Effects in Economics and Management Science (not offered) 5.0
BEA524 BEA524Taxes and labor mobility 5.0
BEA525 BEA525Financial Engineering in Energy Markets using Real Options (Expired) 5.0
BEA527 BEA527Long-term asset pricing and sustainability 5.0
ECS558 ECS558Productivity: Firms, Markets, and Economies 5.0
ECS574 ECS574Expectations and Macroeconomics 5.0
FIN521 FIN521Topics in Empirical Corporate Finance 7.5
FIN539A FIN539AResearch Seminar in Finance 2.5
FIN543 FIN543Scientific Methods in Finance 5.0
FIN545A FIN545AAsset Pricing II 5.0
FIN545B FIN545BAsset Pricing II 5.0
FIN548 FIN548Advanced Empirical Market Microstructure 2.5
FIN550 FIN550A Practical Guide to Instruments using Stata 2.5
FIN552 FIN552Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance 2.5
MET512 MET512Advanced Qualitative Methods 7.5
MET522 MET522Multivariate Data Analysis 7.5
MET524 MET524Research Ethics for the Social Sciences 2.5
REG522 REG522Economic Analysis of corporate misconduct 5.0
REG523 REG523Behavioral and Archival Auditing Research 5.0
REG524 REG524Business Crime: U.S. Enforcement Against Multinational Corporations for Corruption and Fraud (not offered) 5.0
REG525 REG525Digitalization and Accounting (not offered) 5.0
REG526 REG526Financial Accounting Research I (not offered) 5.0

Expired courses

Code Name Stp Semester
ECS502 ECS502Advanced Macroeconomics (Expired) 7.5
ECS503 ECS503Advanced Econometrics (Expired) 7.5
ECS505 ECS505PhD Microeconomics II (expired) 4.0
ECS530 ECS530Analysing spatial data 7.5
ECS559 ECS559Field Experiments in Education (expired) 5.0
ECS560 ECS560Introduction to Behavioural Economics (expired) 5.0
ECS563 ECS563European Economic History (expired) 5.0
ECS564 ECS564Identification Through Experiments (Expired) 7.5
ECS566 ECS566Exclusive Contracts and Digital Platforms 7.5
ECS568 ECS568Economic Theory and Experimental Economics: Confronting Theory with Experimental Data and vice versa 7.5
ECS570 ECS570Empirical IO: Dynamic Structural Models 7.5
ECS571 ECS571Labor Economics 5.0
FIN501 FIN501Asset Pricing I (expired, replaced by FIN501A and FIN501B) 7.5
FIN502 FIN502Corporate Finance Theory (expired - replaced by FIN504) 7.5
FIN504 FIN504Corporate Finance I (expired, replaced by FIN504A and FIN504B) 10.0
FIN512 FIN512Empirical Asset Pricing II (expired) 4.0
FIN530 FIN530Empirical Research in Corporate Finance (expired) 5.0
FIN537 FIN537Workshop in Recent Evidence on CEO Incentives (expired) 2.5
FIN539 FIN539Research Seminar in Finance (expired, replaced by FIN539A/B) 2.5
FSK502 FSK502Current issues in phraseology 2.5
FSK503 FSK503Language management in Theory and Practice (expired) 3.0
MAR528 MAR528Marketing Topics: Marketing Thought and Theories (expired) 7.5
MAR529 MAR529Front Lines on Adoption of Digital and AI-Based Services 5.0
MET501C MET501CResearch Designs and Methodological Choices: Research Proposal (Accounting track) 2.5
MET510 MET510Scientific Methods (Expired - replaced by MET528) 5.0
ORG520 ORG520Foundations and Frontiers of Management 7.5
REG503 REG503Financial Accounting Research I (expired, replaced by REG526) 4.0
REG514 REG514Argumentation and Research Design in Accounting 7.5
BSRS918 BSRS918Socio-economic Inequality and intergenerational mobility 0.0
BSRS919 BSRS919Corruption: Research, Regulation and Governance 0.0
BSRS920 BSRS920Economic Experiments in Developing Countries 0.0
BSRS921 BSRS921Stress and mental health in education 0.0
ECS561 ECS561Dynamic Theories of Price and Investment in Markets with Imperfect Competition 4.0
ECS567 ECS567Monetary Policy and Business Cycles (expired) 3.5
ECS569 ECS569The Theory of Institutions 7.5
ECS572 ECS572Topics in behavioral theory 5.0
FIN511 FIN511Empirical Asset Pricing I (expired) 4.0
FIN513 FIN513Asset Pricing Theory II (expired) 7.5
FIN535 FIN535Special Topics in Corporate Finance 2.5
FIN536 FIN536Scientific Methods in Finance (Expired - replaced by FIN543) 7.5
FIN545 FIN545Asset Pricing (Expired) 10.0