Courses in Strategy and Management major
To take Strategy and Management as a major, you need 45 ECTS from the STR portfolio of courses. Together with your master thesis (30ECTS), this constitutes your major.
Please note: All students starting in the autumn of 2024 and later are required to take at least 7,5 ECTS credits from the courses designated "Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability" (ERS).
Major in Strategy and Management
Electives - 30stp
Code | Name | Stp | Semester |
STR402A | STR402AMethodology for Master Thesis | 7.5 | Autumn Spring |
STR404 | STR404Strategic Analysis | 7.5 | Autumn |
Master's Thesis
Code | Name | Stp | Semester |
STRTHE | STRTHEIndependent Work/Thesis | 30.0 |