Research distinction track

Are you curious about taking a PhD or interested in more research-oriented work both at NHH and later in your career?


RDT will be phased out and is only available for students that entered the master programme in the spring semester of 2021 or earlier.

To give students a greater opportunity to become familiar with research and earn a recognition for this, NHH has instituted a research distinction track (RDT) within the MSc programme.

Fulfilling the requirements will not only provide you with a particularly strong academic base for PhD-studies, but may also be useful for analytical occupations.

The RDT is not a programme in which a "degree" (e.g. Master's) is granted. Recognition of completion of the research distinction requirements will be noted on your diploma.


The RDT is open to all full-time master students enrolled in the degree MSc in Economics and Business Administration and can be combined with any of its majors.

  • Requirements


    • You must complete a minimum of four RDT courses (30 ECTS). You can select your RDT courses both within your major or your electives.

    • PhD courses can be accepted as RDT courses. You must submit an application to for the approval of PhD courses as part of the RDT. The maximum number of PhD credits is 15 ECTS.

      You can read more about approval of PhD courses as part of the MSc in “Curriculum for the Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration programme” (see “PhD courses as part of the MSc”).

    • All four RDT courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "B". A grade requirement of at least B applies for PhD courses too. (“Pass” for courses where the grade scale is pass-fail.)

    • Your overall grade point average for the entire master's degree must be at least 4.0 (A=5, B=4, etc.).

    • Your master’s thesis should have a strong emphasis on research with a goal to produce work that is publishable in a journal or presented at a conference. You are encouraged to write in English. You must be supervised by NHH faculty, and receive a grade of at least ”B”.

    • Your degree must be completed within the nominal length of study, two years.
  • Declaration of participation

    Declaration of participation

    Simply declare your participation for the Research Distinction Track. The information will among other be used when assigning a thesis supervisor.

    If you want to register for RDT, it must be done no later than the end of your last semester of the master programme.


  • Exchange


    To facilitate exchange during your master programme, you may seek pre-approval to use a course corresponding to 7.5 ECTS from an NHH exchange institution in place of an RDT course. However, at least three courses must be from the RDT course list.

  • Double degree programme

    Double degree programme

    Students enrolled in the double degree programme with NHH as home institution may seek pre-approval to use a course corresponding to 7.5 ECTS from the host institution in place of an RDT course. However, at least three courses must be from the RDT course list at NHH.

    We recommend students to take all four RDT courses at NHH. If you still want to use a course from the host institution in place of an RDT course at NHH, you have to send the course description to

    For students writing their master thesis at the host institution the following adjustments to the rules apply:

    • To ensure that the master thesis has a sufficiently strong emphasis on research with a goal to produce work that is publishable in a journal or can be presented at a conference you must apply for approval of the completed thesis when the examination results has been announced. Send an application to

    • To submit on time, you must abide by the host intuition’s deadline for submission

    • You are exempt from the requirement of being supervised by NHH faculty

Research Distinction Courses


Code Name Stp Semester
BAN402 BAN402Decision Modelling in Business 7.5 Autumn
BAN404 BAN404Statistical Learning 7.5 Spring
BAN430 BAN430Forecasting 7.5 Spring
BAN431 BAN431Econometrics and Statistical Programming (expired) 7.5
BUS427 BUS427Advanced Management Accounting 7.5
BUS444 BUS444Econometrics for Business Research 7.5
BUS444E BUS444EEconometrics for Business Research 7.5 Spring
BUS459 BUS459Predictive Analytics with R (expired, replaced by BAN404) 7.5
BUS461 BUS461Decision Modelling in Business (Replaced by BAN402) 7.5 Autumn
ECN401 ECN401Applied Microeconomic Theory 7.5 Autumn Spring
ECN402 ECN402Econometric Techniques 7.5 Autumn Spring
ECN430 ECN430Empirical Methods and Applications in Macroeconomics and Finance 7.5 Spring
ECN431 ECN431Applied Data Analysis of Firm Strategy and Competition 7.5 Spring
ECO400 ECO400Decisions, Strategy and Information 7.5 Autumn
ECO401 ECO401Optimisation and Microeconomic Theory 7.5 Autumn
ECO403 ECO403Time Series Analysis and Prediction 7.5
ECO420 ECO420Corporate Governance 7.5 Spring
ECO421 ECO421Asset Pricing 7.5 Autumn
ECO422 ECO422Advanced Corporate Finance 7.5 Autumn
ECO423 ECO423Principles of Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management 7.5 Spring
ECO425 ECO425International Macroeconomics 7.5
ECO427 ECO427Industrial Organisation 7.5 Spring
ECO433 ECO433Empirical Strategies for Causal Analysis 7.5 Spring
ECO437 ECO437Topics in Stochastic Methods: Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Economics 7.5
ECO439 ECO439Resource Economics 7.5 Spring
ECO440 ECO440Economics of Uncertainty: Insurance and Finance 7.5
ECO441 ECO441Taxes, Private Decision-Making and Public Policy 7.5 Spring
ENE420 ENE420Decision Modelling in Business 7.5
ENE429 ENE429Topics in Applied Management of the Environment and Natural Resources 7.5 Spring
FIE447 FIE447Trading, Liquidity, and Pricing in Securities Markets 7.5 Autumn
FIE451 FIE451Asset Management with Programming Applications (not offered) 7.5 Spring
MBM400A MBM400AResearch for Brand Decisions 7.5 Autumn Spring
STR402A STR402AMethodology for Master Thesis 7.5 Autumn Spring
STR405 STR405Methodology for Master Thesis 7.5 Spring
STR422 STR422Implementation of Strategic Change and Learning in Organisations 7.5
STR451 STR451Managerial Decision Making 7.5 Spring