Admission Requirements BSc

Admission Requirements BSc

Admission requirements for NHH's Bachelor in Business, Economics and Data Science.

upper secondary degree

Below, you will find the outlined admission requirements for the EU/EEA and Swiss eligible diploma types, the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the European Baccalaureate (EB).

Important; these diplomas must be issued in the EU/EEA or Switzerland. These diploma types were selected due to their international recognition and the standardized assessment criteria they encompass. By specifying the requirements for these diplomas, especially concerning the level of mathematics and English proficiency, we aim to provide clarity and transparency to applicants who hold these credentials. Please note that the upper secondary school diploma must be issued before the application deadline. 

Please choose the country from which your upper secondary degree originates. If you possess an IB or EB degree, kindly select the relevant option from the dropdown menu.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Reifeprüfung / Matura / Reifeprüfungszeugnis.
  • Berufsreifeprüfung.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination and comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination at the Reifeprüfung OR Matura OR Reifeprüfungszeugnis OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs.
  • Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs.
  • Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination and comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination at the ASO (Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs) OR at the Generalsecondary education (Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur) OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education. 


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Diploma za zavarsheno sredno obrazovanie / Диплома за завършено средно образование
  • Diploma za sredno obrazovanie / Диплома за средно образование.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: at least 375 school hours of mathematics during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND as the 1st foreign language on the Diploma za SrednoObrazovanie (Диплома за средно образование) OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi.
  • Svjedodžba o završnome radu + Potvrda o položenim ispitima državne mature (with 3 compulsory state exams: mathematics, Croatian, and foreign languages).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: at least 375 school hours of mathematics during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination state exam (državna matura) in postgraduate level English (viša razina) as of 2010 OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Lykeio Apolytirion.
  • Lise (Bitirme) Diplomasi + 1 year university education.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination and comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND a sufficient standardized proficiency test score need to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.

Czech Republic

To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce - Gymnasium.
  • Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce - Stredni odborna skola.
  • Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce - Sterdni prumuslova skola.
  • Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce - Obhodni akademie.
  • Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce konzervator.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: at least 375 school hours of mathematics during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND a sufficient standardized proficiency test score need to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Studenterexamen.
  • higher preparatory exam (HF).
  • higher technical exam (HTX).
  • higher trade exam (HHX).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if Matematik B is successfully completed. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English spoken ‘level C’ at HF OR English ‘level A’ or ‘B’ spoken and written in high school OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.

Note: if you hold a degree from this country and meet the Norwegian language requirement (see Samordna Opptak’s webpage “Utenlandsk utdanning - universitet og høgskole”), you need to apply through Samordna Opptak.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Gümnaasiumi ligtutunnistus + Riigieksamitunnistus with 3 exams (or 2 exams and 1 international language test).
  • Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta + Riigieksamitunnistus with 3 exams (or 2 exams and 1 international language test).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: at least Mathematics 11 course must be passed. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if English is covered with English B1 or B2 on Löputunnistus or Riigieksamitunnistus OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.

European Baccalaureate (EB)

To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • European Baccalaureate Diploma / Diplôme du Baccalauréat Européen.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination with at least 3 weekly hours (periods/périodes) of mathematics. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English as "language 1" or "language 2" on the EB diploma. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education. 


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Leaving certificate from the gymnasium / Lukion pässätodistus.
  • Studentexamen / Ylioppilastutkintotodistus.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if Allmänn OR short course in mathematics (7 courses) were successfully completed. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English at Avgångsbetyg or Studentexamen OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.

Note: if you hold a degree from this country and meet the Norwegian language requirement (see Samordna Opptak’s webpage “Utenlandsk utdanning - universitet og høgskole”), you need to apply through Samordna Opptak.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Diplôme de Baccalauréat Général, Diplôme de Baccalauréat Technnologique.
  • Diplôme de Baccalauréat Professionnel.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: at least Mathématiques at level première (2nd year) OR Mathématiques from Line ES, L (only the profile Lettres et mathématiques) and S. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination of the baccalauréat OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Abitur / Allgemeine Hochschulreife.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: 2 courses must be part of the final upper secondary school examination. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if English is covered with English at Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Apolytirio Geniko Lykeio /ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΡΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: Specialisation/ Orientation in Mathematics taken up until the final year and as part of the final exams, and with a minimum grade of 18. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND a sufficient standardized proficiency test score need to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Gimnáziumi érettségi bizonyítvány.
  • Szakközépiskolai érettségi bizonyítvány.
  • Szakközépiskolai érettségi-képesítő bizonyítvány.
  • Technikus érettségi-képesítő bizonyítvány.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: at least 2 years of mathematics during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if one has passed the exam in English in Érettségi Bizonyítvány (after 2005) OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Stúdentspróf

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if you obtained 20 fein of which at least 5 fein must be at level 2 / 2. Þrep. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered if you obtained 10 points at level 2 or 3 (2. or 3. Þrep) OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.

Note: if you hold a degree from this country and meet the Norwegian language requirement (see Samordna Opptak’s webpage “Utenlandsk utdanning - universitet og høgskole”), you need to apply through Samordna Opptak.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

    • IB Diploma, or
    • IB Certificate/IB Diploma Programme Course Results with passed 3 subjects at standard level and 3 subjects at higher level (or passed 2 subjects at standard level and 4 subjects at higher level) and
      • At least 20 points including optionally points for Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE), and
      • Grade 3 or better in all subjects, and
      • Passed Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE), and
      • Creativity, Action & Service (CAS) must be rated as "fully satisfied".

As well as the following general requirements:

      • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if Mathematical studies, SL OR Mathematics: application and interpretation, SL OR Mathematics: analysis and approaches, SL is obtained. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
      • English: proficiency is covered if English was part of the IB examination OR English was the language of instruction at the IB school, OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


      • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are stamped and signed by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
      • NHH will verify your IB exam results online via the IBO website. This verification process can only be done if you have granted permission to NHH Norwegian School of Economics, using the institute code: 002868. For more information see:
      • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
      • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Leaving Certificate, examination in at least 6 subjects where at least 2 are at Higher Level.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if mathematics at Higher Level was passed successfully. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if you have English on your Leaving Certificate or Matriculation Certificate OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Diploma dell' esame di stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore (since 1999).
  • Diploma di maturità (until 1998, classica, scientifica, linguistica, tecnica, professionale and 5-year magistrale).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: applicants must document the number of teaching hours in all subjects each year for the last 5 years to assess the mathematical proficiency requirements. The documentation must be issued by the school or the education authorities. Mathematics must be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību.
  • Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final examination and Mathematics must be mentioned on the high school certificate. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if English is covered with at least B1 level on Vispārējās vidējās izglītības sertifikāts as of 2013 OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Maturität.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination at Maturität AND a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Brandos Atestatas.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if mathematics was covered by at least 375 school hours at Brandos atestato priedas. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if English is covered with English at B1 or B2 level at Brandos Atestatas (as of 2013) OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques.
  • Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires générales.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient in case of mathematics coefficient 3 or 4 and profiles mathématiques-informatique / sciences naturelles-mathématiques / sciences économiques-mathématiques and with a minimum average grade of 38. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is sufficient if English is covered with English on ESC or ESG OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Matriculation Certificate.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: applicants must document Mathematics within Matriculation Certificate OR Maltese Advanced level in Mathematics. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.

Netherlands, The

To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO).
  • Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) + 1-year Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs (HBO).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: applicants with a VWO diploma must have completed Mathematics A or B or C or D. Applicants with a HAVO diploma +1 year of HBO must have completed Mathematics B + D. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination of the aforementioned qualifications, OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Vitnemål for Videregående Opplæring/ Upper Secondary School - General Studies Specialisation (GSK)
  • Vocational training is a way of gaining admission to higher education, even if you do not meet the requirements for GSK. You must be 25 years of age or older in the year you apply for admission. You must document five years of relevant, full-time work experience.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: you must document Mathematics R1 or Mathematics S1 and S2 (MATRS).
  • English: applicants must have English skills equivalent to the requirement to obtain GSK. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.

Note: If you hold a degree from this country, you need to apply through Samordna Opptak.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Liceum Profilowanego and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Technikum and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Liceum Uzupelniajacego and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Technikum Uzupelniajacego and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Liceum Plastycznego and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Szkoły Baletowej and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości
  • Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Szkoły Muzycznej II stepnia and Swiadectwo Dojrzałości.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if mathematics, extended level (poziom rozszerzony) is obtained. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered if you have passed the exam in English (minimum grade 30) at Swiadectwo Dojrzałości (from 2005 onwards) OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Diploma nível secundário de educação.
  • Certificado nível secundário de educação com as notas cursos anos 10,11 e 12.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. You must document the number of teaching hours in all subjects for each of the 3 years in upper secondary school so that we can assess whether you meet any of the requirements. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Diploma de Baccalaureate.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if mathematics was covered by at least 340 school hours during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. You must document how many school hours you have had in total in each subject in the last three years of upper secondary education. A school lesson in Romania normally lasts 50 minutes. If you have had lessons in clock hours (60 minutes), this must also be stated on the confirmation that you receive from the school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered if you passed the English exam with at least B1 level in all five sub-tests in upper secondary school OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej skuske (Maturita).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if mathematics was covered by at least 375 school hours of mathematics during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. You must document how many school hours you have had in total in each subject in the last three years of upper secondary education. A school lesson in Romania normally lasts 50 minutes. If you have had lessons in clock hours (60 minutes), this must also be stated on the confirmation that you receive from the school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English at Vysvédcenie o maturitnej skúske (after 2005) OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Spričevalo o general maturi / Spricevalo o splosni maturi
  • Maturitetno spričevalo

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if mathematics was covered by at least 375 school hours of mathematics during the last 3 years at upper secondary school. You must document how many school hours you have had in total in each subject in the last three years of upper secondary education. A school lesson in Slovenia normally lasts 45 minutes. If you have had lessons in clock hours (60 minutes), this must also be stated on the confirmation that you receive from the school. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered by English being the first foreign language from Spričevalo o členi maturi or Spričevalo o podrikni maturi OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Título de Bachiller.
  • Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente (BUP) and Curso de Orientación Universitario (COU).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND proficiency is covered when Matemáticas 1 + 2 is passed (Estadística 2nd year will not be accepted). Students that hold BUP and COU must document the total number of teaching hours in all subjects to be assessed whether you meet special admission requirements from BUP and COU. You document this with a confirmation from the school you attended or from the Spanish education authorities. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Examenscertificate Högskoleförberedande examen: diploma with 2500 gymnasiepoäng with grade E or better in at least 2250 gymnasiepoäng.
  • Examenscertificate vocational examen: diploma with 2500 gymnasiepoäng with grade E or better in at least 2250 gymnasiepoäng.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English 5 and 6 or English A in high school OR by submitting a sufficient standardized proficiency test score. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.

Note: if you hold a degree from this country and meet the Norwegian language requirement (see Samordna Opptak’s webpage “Utenlandsk utdanning - universitet og høgskole”), you need to apply through Samordna Opptak.


Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


To be considered for admission:

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • Maturitätzeugnis.
  • Certificat de Maturité.
  • Baccalauréat.
  • Attestato Di Maturità.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination AND proficiency is covered when Mathematics is part of Maturität. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: must be part of the final upper secondary school examination of the aforementioned qualifications, OR a sufficient standardized proficiency test score needs to be submitted. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.

United Kingdom

To be considered for admission:

England, Wales and Northern Ireland

One of the following qualification requirements must be met:

  • General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) + General Certificate of Education (GCE) with at least 3 subjects at Advanced level (A-level).
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) + Cambridge Pre-U Diploma with 3 Principal subjects.
  • General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) + a combination of A-levels and Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects in 3 different subjects.
  • General Certificate of Education (GCE), Ordinary Level + General Certificate of Education (GCE) with at least 3 subjects at Advanced level (A-level).

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if Mathematics AS is obtained. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English as a subject at GCSE, IGCSE, GCE Ordinary level, GCE AS or GCE A-level. See for more detailed information the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).


The following qualification requirement must be met:

  • Scottish Qualifications Certificate with at least 5 Highers/Advanced Highers passed.

As well as the following general requirements:

  • Mathematics: proficiency is sufficient if Mathematics Higher, CSYS (Certificate of Sixth Year Study) OR Advanced Higher is obtained. Mathematics needs to be comparable with the Norwegian R1 or S1 + S2. See for more detailed information in the MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY section.
  • English: proficiency is covered with English at Standard Grade, Intermediate 2, National 5, Higher or Advanced higher. See for more detailed information in the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY section.


  • In the application you must submit a copy of your diploma and official grade lists which are signed and stamped by your mentor or school representative. Screenshots or self-made Word/Excel documents with your grades will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that NHH can clearly understand how the grades were determined if your school uses a different grading system or calculations.
  • Additionally, you must upload an official grade list of your penultimate year (the year before your final year).

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is subject to change without prior notice. This publication does not grant any legal entitlements. Please note that the final assessment of the adequacy and equivalence of your educational background in comparison to the Norwegian secondary school system is at the discretion of the Admissions Office at NHH. Their decision is binding in determining the level and content of your education.


Applicants to NHH's Bachelor of Business, Economics & Data Science programme are obligated to provide evidence of proficient mathematical skills. The determination of this proficiency is conducted by the NHH admissions office and based on a comparative analysis of international upper secondary diploma types with the requisite level of mathematical knowledge in the Norwegian upper secondary school system, namely Mathematics R1 or Mathematics S1+S2. Please use the drop down list above for country specific diploma and mathematical proficiency information.

  • Expected entrance level of mathematical proficiency

    Expected entrance level of mathematical proficiency

    Presented below is an overview of the expected entrance level of mathematical proficiency based on the various subjects covered in the Norwegian R1.

    Students should be able to:

    • Plan and carry out independent work with real datasets related to natural scientific themes and phenomena, and analyse and present findings.

    • Understand the concepts of rate of growth, limit, derivation, and continuity, and use these to solve practical problems.

    • Employ various strategies to explore and determine limits of functions, and investigate and argue for applications of limits.

    • Determine the derivative at a point geometrically, algebraically, and by numerical methods, and provide examples of functions that are not differentiable at given points.

    • Analyse and interpret various functions using derivation.

    • Apply derivation to analyse and interpret their own mathematical models of real datasets.

    • Explore and understand rules for powers and logarithms, and use various strategies to solve exponential equations and logarithmic equations.

    • Model and analyse exponential and logistic growth in real datasets.

    • Account for and argue whether a function is continuous or discontinuous at a point in a domain, and provide examples of applications of discontinuous functions.

    • Explore, analyse, and derive various functions and their inverse functions, and explain properties and relationships between such functions.

    • Apply parameter representations to lines and use parameter representations to solve problems in the natural sciences.

    • Understand the concept of a vector and rules for vectors in a plane, and use vectors to calculate various quantities in a plane.


Since all course and group work within the Bachelor of Business, Economics & Data Science programme will be conducted in English, and the class consists of students from different countries, an excellent understanding of English is important. Thus, English language proficiency documentation is mandatory for all applicants. English proficiency is based on the requirements outlined in the GSU-list.  

  • Details concerning English proficiency

    Details concerning English proficiency

    Applicants may provide evidence of their English proficiency through any of the following tests or exams:

    Upper secondary school & Higher Education:

    • You have completed a recognized upper secondary degree, as listed by GSU, from a school based in the EU/EEA, Switzerland, or the UK, or must be the holder of an IB or EB diploma, and the course/subject English was part of your final examination. Please use the drop down list above for country specific diploma information.
    • You have completed one year of upper secondary school OR one year of university studies in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the United States and the language of instruction has been English.


    One of the following English language proficiency tests:

    • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): the internet-based exam (iBT / iBT Home Edition) with an overall score of 80 or above.
    • IELTS (International English Language Testing Service): academic exam with an overall band score of 6.0 or above.
    • Pearson: PTE Academic exam with a minimum score of 59.
    • Achieve a grade of C or better in the C1 Advanced exam (formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)).
    • Achieve a grade of C or better in the C2 Proficiency exam (formerly known as Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)).

    Test scores must be a maximum of two years old at the time of the application deadline and only test scores issued to NHH directly from the issuing authority are accepted

Contact us


Deadlines and Key Dates

1 November: Opening of the portal for the 1st application round

1 December: Application deadline for the 1st application round, including submission of test results and the upper secondary diploma

1 January: Opening of the portal for the 2nd application round

1 March: Application deadline for the 2nd application round, including submission of test results and the upper secondary diploma

10 May: Application deadline housing (Sammen) for International/non-Nordic students only

9 August: Start of the introduction programme

10 August: Deadline to apply for deferment