Honorary Doctorates at NHH
NHH has 24 honorary doctors appointed in connection with the institutions anniversarys.
- Honorary Doctors Appointed in 2017
- Honorary Doctors Appointed in 2011
- Honorary Doctors Appointed in 1996
- Honorary Doctors Appointed in 1986
100th anniversary for Parliament's decision to establish NHH.

Sandra E. Black
- Audre and Bernard Rapoport Centennial Chair in Economics and Public Affairs, Department of Economics, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Adjunct Professor, NHH.
- PhD, Harvard University 1997.
Sandra E. Black’s main interests are Labour Economics and Education Economics. Her research focuses on the role of early life experiences on the long-run outcomes of children, as well as issues of gender and discrimination, and she has made important contributions in these fields. After receiving her PhD in Economics from Harvard University, she worked as an Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, before moving on to University of California Los Angeles, where she ultimately became a Professor. She joined The University of Texas in 2010.
Professor Black has been editor and associate editor of several leading journals, including Journal of Human Resources and American Economic Review. She was also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a research affiliate at IZA in Bonn, Germany. From August 2015-January 2017 she served as a member of President Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers. Black has co-operated closely with researchers at NHH and has co-authored several publications in top international journals with NHH-faculty. She is among the principal investigators at NHH's new Center of Excellence, FAIR.

Bengt R. Holmström
- Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- PhD, Stanford university 1978.
Bengt Robert Holmström is a microeconomic theorist, best known for his research on the theory of contracting and incentives especially as applied to the theory of the firm, to corporate governance and to liquidity problems in financial crises.
In 2016, Holmström and Professor Oliver Hart won Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for their contributions to contract theory. Holmström has also won several other prestigious research awards.
Holmström started his career at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University in 1979, moved on to Yale School of Management in 1983, and joined MIT in 1994. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Econometric Society and the American Finance Association, and an elected foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters. He is a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and served as President of the Econometric Society in 2011. Holmström holds honorary doctorates from Hanken School of Economics and the University of Vaasa in his native Finland, and Stockholm School of Economics. Professor Holmström has visited NHH on several occasions. He gave the annual Karl Borch Lecture in 2002 and the Frøystein Gjesdal Lecture on Accounting Research in 2013.

Anna Mauranen
- Professor of English, Department of Modern Languages, Vice-Rector, University of Helsinki.
- PhD, University of Birmingham 1992.
Anna Mauranen’s main research interests are English as Lingua Franca (ELF), corpus linguistics and spoken language. Her research publications focuses on the mentioned areas, as well as contrastive rhetoric, translation and academic discourse. She is head of the ELFA project, which has gathered a corpus of 1 million words within academic ELF. Mauranen is a pioneer in ELF research, an area that has been of fundamental importance for how English is perceived and used in the World today. Mauranen worked as an English professor at the Universities at Tampere and Joensuu before joining the University of Helsinki in 2005. She has served as Vice-Rector since 2014. She has served on several editorial boards, and is currently the editor of Applied Linguistics. Mauranen’s work has been important for several of NHH’s researchers, especially in the fields of academic writing and questions concerning lingua franca.

Roland T. Rust
- Distinguished University Professor and David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing, Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Service, Executive Director, Center for Complexity in Business, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.
- PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1979.
Roland T. Rust’s research interests cover a host of aspects on marketing, including Service marketing, Complexity, Marketing Research Methodology and more. His numerous contributions to marketing research and education has won him a large number of lifetime achievement awards. Among much else he is fellow of American Marketing Association the European Marketing Academy and the American Statistical Association. He has also won numerous best article and best book awards, including four best article awards from the Journal of Marketing, where he also served as editor. Professor Rust was founding Editor of the Journal of Service Research and is currently Editor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing. Rust is Visiting Chair in Marketing Research at Erasmus University in the Netherlands and International Research Fellow of Oxford University’s Centre for Corporate Reputation in the UK. He has consulted for a many large corporations including AT&T, FedEx, Hershey, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, NASA, Procter & Gamble, Sony and Tata. Roland Rust founded the annual Frontiers in Service Conference, a conference that NHH hosted in 2016. He also plays an important role for service innovation research at NHH as a member of the advisory board at NHH’s Centre for Service Innovation (CSI).

Bernt Øksendal
- Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics University of Oslo.
- PhD, University of California Los Angeles 1971.
Bernt Øksendal’s main research area is within stochastic analysis. His more than 200 articles and five books in the field has made him Norway’s most cited mathematician, and his textbook in stochastic analysis is in use all over the World. Øksendal’s work has been both theoretical and applied, and the latter has been widely used in finance. He has also published works within biology and physics.
Professor Øksendal has received several honours for his work, including The Nansen Prize, The University of Oslo Research Prize and membership in the Royal Norwegian Science Society and the Norwegian Academy of Science and letters.
He has led large EU funded international research projects, and been visiting professor at Caltech and several branches of the University of California, among others. Professor Øksendal also initiated and co-ordinated several master level programmes in applied mathematics for students in Southern Africa. Øksendal has strong ties to NHH, where he was an adjunct professor at NHH from 1992 to 2015. He taught at both master and PhD level at NHH, and has published several articles together with NHH colleagues.
Honorary doctors appointed in 2011
75th anniversary since NHH's opening in 1936.

Richard P. Bagozzi
- Dwight F. Benton Professor of Behavioral Science in Management, Stephen M. Ross School of Business.
- Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.
- PhD, Northwestern University 1976.
Richard P. Bagozzi has produced numerous contributions to various fields within business administration, particularly marketing, social science methodology and psychology. In his research, Bagozzi is concerned with fundamental questions related to the understanding of human psychology, especially feelings, how decisions are made, social identity, the biology of management and economics, and behaviour. His research has addressed consumers, sellers, managers, patients, doctors and organizations. As to his contributions to research methodology, Bagozzi has primarily been concerned with the use of multivariate data analysis in relation to measurement, validity, and theory and hypothesis testing. Professor Bagozzi has had close ties to researchers at the Department for Strategy and Management for a number of years, has visited the school several times, and published together with NHH colleagues.

Richard Blundell
- David Ricardo Professor of Political Economy, University College London.
- Research Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Richard Blundell has made substantial contributions to research on labour markets, education, taxation, consumer behaviour and econometrics in general. His research has had a strong influence on how economists think about formulating, implementing and testing economic hypotheses. In addition to publishing fundamental and award-winning academic papers, Professor Blundell is widely respected in the profession for his work as president of some of the leading associations and societies in economics. He has also served as editor of several of the top journals in economics. Blundell was a leading member of the group which completed the Mirrlees Review of Tax Reform in 2010. Blundell has also played an important institutional role and has been instrumental in the development of the Department of Economics, University College London which has become one of the leading, international centres for research in economics. Blundell has visited NHH on several occasions and has strongly influenced researchers at The Norwegian School of Economics.

B. Espen Eckbo
- Tuck Centennial Chair Professor of Finance, and Founding Director, Lindenauer Center for Corporate Governance, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College (USA).
- Adjunct Professor, NHH.
- PhD, University of Rochester 1981.
B Espen Eckbo conducts research in corporate finance and capital markets, with emphasis on investment banking, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and portfolio management and performance evaluation. His award-winning research has been published in all of the top academic finance journals.
Professor Eckbo has also performed research for the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, and in 2005 he assisted the Norwegian Government Pension Fund – Global in designing its corporate governance principles and strategy. He has also served on advisory boards for the Norwegian Research Council.
He is an adjunct professor at NHH, and is highly valued by the school for his excellent contribution to the doctoral program and NHH's Executive programs in corporate finance.

William W. Hogan
- Raymond Plank Professor of Global Energy Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Research Director of the Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG), Harvard University.
- PhD, University of California, Los Angeles 1971.
William W. Hogan has pioneered and made fundamental contributions to the design and improvement of competitive electricity markets. His current research focuses in general on major energy industry restructuring, network pricing and access issues, market design, and energy policy in nations worldwide, including environmental economics and policy. Professor Hogan has been an adviser to the US government on energy policy for many years. He has also been an adviser to governments in a number of other countries around the world on energy policy, energy market restructuring and reform, etc. He has had close contact with the Scandinavian countries, and his research has been of decisive importance for the Norwegian and Nordic power market restructuring and reforms, particularly with regard to transmission pricing and access issues.

Finn E. Kydland
- Jeff Henley Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara.
- The Richard P. Simmons Distinguished Professorship; University Professor of Economics, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University.
- Adjunct Professor, NHH.
- Nobel Laureate 2004.
- PhD, Carnegie Mellon University 1973.
Finn E. Kydland’s research interests include dynamic macroeconomic theory and business cycles, international economics, labor economics and public economics. In 2004, Kydland and Professor Edward C. Prescott were awarded The Nobel Prize for Economics “for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles.” “They have made fundamental contributions to these areas of great significance, not only for macroeconomic analysis, but also for the practice of monetary and fiscal policy in many countries,” stated the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Professor Kydland graduated from NHH in 1968. After a couple of years as a research assistant, he went to the US where he received his PhD. In the mid 1970’s he returned to NHH and a position as Associate professor. In this period, Kydland and visiting professor Prescott did important parts of the work that eventually would result in the Nobel Prize. Kydland has been an Adjunct professor at NHH since 1993.

Ann Langley
- Professor, Department of Management, the Canada Research Chair in Strategic Management in Pluralistic Settings, HEC Montréal.
- Adjunct Professor, NHH.
- PhD, HEC Montréal 1987.
Ann Langley’s research can primarily be located within the area of strategic change processes. She is particularly concerned with fundamental questions related to the understanding of how decisions are made in “pluralistic” organizations characterized by multiple goals, diffuse power relations and knowledge-based work processes. Her research has resulted in important contributions to the understanding of strategic management processes in such settings. Since 2002, Langley has had close ties to researchers at the Department for Strategy and Management – in particular, the Strategy group – and has co-authored articles and edited books with NHH colleagues. She has also contributed both as a PhD supervisor, member of doctoral committees, and as course coordinator for doctoral courses.

Jean-Paul Larçon
- Professor, Senior Associate Dean for International Development, HEC Paris.
- Doctorate, Université de Paris IX-Dauphine 1971.
Jean-Paul Larçon is professor of strategy, and has published extensively in the field of international management. In recent years his work has focused primarily on strategies for emerging markets, especially Brazil, Russia, India, and China. As Senior Associate Dean at HEC he has been instrumental in developing international cooperation in management education in Eastern Europe and Russia, Central Asia, China, and Japan. Larçon was Dean of HEC, Paris from 1982 to 1989. In 1988 he established the CEMS network with colleagues at ESADE, Bocconi and the University of Cologne. Larçon also played a central role when NHH became a CEMS member in 1992. He has since been a visiting professor at NHH, and has made significant contributions to the close relationship between NHH and HEC Paris which has been important for the internationalization of NHH and the enhancement its international reputation.

William F. Messier jr.
- Kenneth and Tracy Knauss Endowed Chair in Accounting, Department of Accounting, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- PWC Professor II, Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law, NHH.
- DBA, Indiana University 1979.
William F. Messier Jr. has made extensive research contributions and pioneered a range of research areas in accounting and auditing, including modelling of auditor judgments, expert systems and decision support systems, decision aids in auditing, recency effects in auditor judgments and the review process and engagement quality review. Professor Messier has continued to publish in the very top international journals over a 30 year period and has had a most significant impact on the literature and research in his field. Messier has had a strong influence on the quality of NHH’s Master Programme of Accounting and Auditing (MRR), has made important contributions to NHH’s Ph.D Programme and has had a decisive role in establishing auditing as a research field at NHH and in the academic development of NHH faculty.

Patrick Rey
- Professor of Economics, Université Toulouse I Capitole.
- Member of Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI) and Toulouse School of Economics.
- PhD, Université Toulouse I 1992.
Patrick Rey has a background from engineering, statistics and economics. He has made extensive research contributions in various areas of microeconomics, including industrial organization, contract theory, economics of information, competition law and policy, regulation and corporate finance. He has published in the very top journals in economics for more than 25 years. Professor Rey has also made important contributions to the formulation of policy, in particular competition policy. His work was an important input for the European Commission when they revised the rules for vertical restraints, and he also took part in the debate concerning the revision of the rules for abuse of a dominant position. He has visited NHH on several occasions, both to give seminars and lectures, and as an evaluation committee member.

Katherine Schipper
- Thomas F Keller Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
- PhD, University of Chicago 1977.
Katherine Schipper is primarily known for her empirical research on financial accounting – in particular on the role of information in financial markets. Among many other subjects she has focused on developing criteria and methods for measuring the quality and relevance of accounting information. From 2001 to 2005 she was a full time member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board which formulates accounting standards for the USA. Her five-year tenure on the Board proved her unmatched command of the most complex accounting issues and her ability to bring research to bear on accounting policy matters. Professor Schipper is also a gifted instructor who has supervised nearly twenty doctoral dissertations and has taught doctoral seminars all over the world. She has visited NHH twice to make plenary presentation at large conferences.
Honorary doctors appointed in 1996
NHH's 60th anniversary.

William H. Beaver
Beaver is first and foremost known for his pioneer contributions to empirical research in financial accounting. His article from 1968 laid the foundation for a whole new research tradition between financial accounting and funding.
Beaver received his PhD from the University of Chicago in the beginning of the 1960s. Today he is professor emeritus at Stanford.

Avinash K. Dixit
Dixit is a professor at Princeton University. He has characterised the academic development of many fields, and some of his works have been described as “modern classics”.
Professor Dixit holds degrees in mathematics and physics from the University of Bombay and Cambridge. He earned his PhD from MIT in 1968.
Karl G. Jöreskog
Jöreskog is professor of multivariate statistical analysis at Uppsala University. He has set a new standard for empirical causal analysis as particularly used within sociology, political science, marketing and organizational research.
Professor Jöreskog earned his PhD from Uppsala University in 1963, and is now professor emeritus there as well.
Honorary doctors appointed in 1986
NHH's 50th anniversary.

Odd Aukrust (1915 – 2008)
Aukrust received his degree in social economics at UiO in 1941. Throughout a large portion of his career he was connected to Statistics Norway as head of research and later as research director.
Aukrust is best known for his research on wages and price patterns in the Norwegian economy. His research in macro economics is well known in international academic circles under the title,”The Norwegian Model”.

Jacques Drèze (1929-2022)
Drèze was professor emeritus at Université Catholique de Louvain, and one of the world’s leading economists.
Professor Drèze is especially known for his contributions to general equilibrium theory with emphasis on uncertainty, price patterns in “qualified” markets, resolution theory, game theory, econometrics (particularly Bayesian), macro economics and economic policy.

Tore Paulsson Frenckner (1921 – 2005)
Frenckner was an economist with a PhD in economy from Handelshögskolan in Stockholm. He was a prominent representative of Swedish and Nordic venture economics, and made a pioneer contribution to the application of operational analytical methods.
Tore Paulsson Frenckner had a strong affiliation with NHH. He was a guest lecturer and an expert on line evaluations. Frenckner was a good friend of the college through the years.
Torsten Hägerstrand (1916 - 2004)
Hägerstrand was associated with Lund University for over 50 years. By the 1950s he had published several important works within cultural geography and was internationally renowned in this field.
Hägerstrand has, through his research, produced a work not just about society but also for society. He was an adviser for the Swedish central planning authority for several terms.

Oliver Williamson
Williamson holds degrees from MIT, Stanford, and Carnegie-Mellon, and today is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Professor Williamson is recognized for his research on transaction costs. He has written several books and is an honorary doctorate at nine colleges and universities.
In 2009 Professor Williamson was awarded The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his analysis of economic governance.

Robert Wilson
Wilson is the Adams Distinguished Professor in Management, emeritus, at Stanford Business School and is an honorary doctor at both NHH and the University of Chicago. He earned his degree from Harvard University.
Professor Wilson is known for his formative theoretical work, especially game theory. He is known to be a mentor for young researchers and has collaborated with NHH employees in many ways through the years.