FOOD Conference 2025 a Great Success

Frode Steen. Photo: Sigrid Folkestad
Professor Frode Steen is head of the FOOD research project and hosts the FOOD Conference. Photo: Sigrid Folkestad
By Reidar Molthe

27 March 2025 14:03

FOOD Conference 2025 a Great Success

The eighth edition of NHH's Food Conference was an absolute success. Nearly 250 delegates came to get the latest news about the grocery industry. They were served heavy business and academic material and probably went home loaded with innovative ideas, or at least with a broader understanding of the entire value chain.

“The industry has been impressively good on self-regulation. This mirrors the simple fact that the industry itself can much more efficiently design good solutions,” says project manager Frode Steen.

He emphasizes that the Norwegian market in its structure is similar to Sweden, Finland and to some extent Denmark.

 “We were reminded of today that the Norwegian market is not that different from other similar markets when it comes to concentration, price development and industry setup”, the professor concludes and continues:

“I think that both the macro- section and the presentation about Infinitum by Kjell Olav Maldum were most interesting from my perspective.

“At the centre of my daily work”

“This was, as always, a remarkably interesting and professionally conducted conference! I felt that the underlying message about the need to strengthen the ability to adapt in the Norwegian food industry – where innovation, sustainability and market orientation must go hand in hand – came across very well. It was clear in several presentations how the value chain must work more closely together, and how cooperation between industry, research and the regulatory apparatus is crucial to success in a more demanding and dynamic market,” concludes Frode Kristensen, general manager at Salgslaget AS.

“The presentations highlighted important perspectives on technology and digitalization, the need for a better understanding of consumer trends, and how we can create value through both product development and brand building. It was also inspiring to hear concrete examples from companies that already are acting and showing the way in this transition.”

“It is difficult to single out one presentation above the others, but I am always impressed by Frode Steen. His presentation on shopping habits, "smartness" and price awareness among Norwegian consumers was particularly good and in the centre of my daily work.”

“Overall – a solid professional arena with both strategic vision and practical relevance. Thank you for good discussions and a rich program,” concludes Kristensen.

The conference was broad in scope, perhaps a little too broad for many. It is always a difficult balancing act. The intention was to get behind the myths about groceries as they are portrayed in the Norwegian press and Norwegian public opinion. We must conclude that Food has succeeded in that respect. However, changing populistic perceptions is a completely different matter. This requires more extensive communication than NHH has the resources for.

We asked managing director Helge Hasselgård in Grocery Suppliers of Norway (DLF) what he saw as the “most important take away from the conference”:

“It is very good that we are being provided with knowledge and insight into an industry that many people think a lot about, often on a flawed basis.”

“Are there any presentations you would particularly like to highlight and why?”

“It was great to see Norwegian Retailer’s Environmental Forum and Grocery Suppliers of Norway together on stage with a message on value-creating collaboration and courage for the future! The retailers and the suppliers do an incredible amount of good, and benefit society by collaborating on circular economy, producer responsibility and sustainability projects on a broad scale,” Hasselgård concludes.

The Norwegian market is similar to many others

“The most important thing I take away from the conference is that there are still far too many myths and misconceptions about Norwegian grocery. Therefore, FOOD is an important arena for spreading knowledge-based facts about a socially important industry,” emphasizes Stein Rømmerud, Executive Vice President, Communications and Community Relations in NorgesGruppen. “Secondly, Christian Anton Smedshaug presented interesting and key facts about why the Norwegian grocery business is not that different from other markets. This is important knowledge for anyone who discusses the industry's framework conditions and future.”

This writer concludes that the FOOD conference is the year's most important meeting place for researchers, business leaders and politicians who want to understand developments in the Norwegian grocery trade – in intense competition with DLF's Autumn Conference in Tønsberg.

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