Events at ENE.
Seminars 2025 | |
Monday 03.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud. F |
Andreas Breivik Ormevik, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology Fleet Renewal and Retrofit for Emission Reductions in Offshore Logistics |
Monday 10.03, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Peter Schütz, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology Decarbonizing the Norwegian Aquaculture Fleet: A Location-Routing Approach |
Seminars 2024 | |
Tuesday 20.08, 14.15-15.30, Aud. Q |
Kyriaki Tselika, SINTEF Energy Research Hydropower market dynamics in Norway: Assessing the market value and volatility |
Tuesday 31.10, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Maren Holthe Hedne, University of Oslo |
Brownbag seminars 2024 | |
Wednesday 07.02, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Olga Kuryatnikova, Erasmus University Rotterdam Exploiting structure in polynomial optimization for power and water networks |
Wednesday 15.05, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Isabel Hovdahl, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science Directed Technical Change and the Energy Transition: The Role of Storage Technology |
Friday 07.06, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Valerio Dotti, Ca' Foscari University of Venice No Country for Young People? The Rise of Anti-Immigration Politics in Ageing Societies |
Seminars 2023 | |
Thursday 08.06, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) |
Rafal Weron, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Thursday 26.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) |
Eugenie Dugoua, London School of Economics |
Seminars 2022 | |
Wednesday 01.06, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P |
Jing Li, MIT Sloan School of Management |
Brownbag seminars 2022 | |
Wednesday 12.10, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Paul Pelzl, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science |
Wednesday 02.11, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Mahnaz Fakhrabadi, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science Multi-Period Stackelberg Game with Dynamic, Price-dependent, Distributional Robust Demand |
Seminars 2021 | |
Friday 24.09, 12.00-13.00 |
Stavros Stavroglou, University College Dublin |
Friday 24.09, 16.00-17.00 |
Giacomo Benini, Stanford University How to eliminate natural gas flaring & venting without causing a political backfire |
Friday 01.10, 12.15-13.15, Aud. O |
Sondre Hølleland, University of Bergen How to eliminate natural gas flaring & venting without causing a political backfire |
Friday 19.10, 12.15-13.15, Aud. O |
Menghan Yuan, Nord University Heterogeneity in the Effects of Climate Change on Soybean Yields |
Brownbag seminars 2021 | |
Wednesday 26.05, 12.00-12.45 |
Paul Pelzl, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science Online The role of politics in financial intermediation: evidence from Brazil |
Wednesday 22.09, 12.15-13.00, Aud. B |
Benjamin P. Fram, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science |
Wednesday 24.11, 12.15-13.00, Aud. B / Online |
Mario Blázquez de Paz, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science Guarantees of Origin and Market Power in the Spot Electricity Market |
Seminars 2020 | |
Thursday 27.02, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino |
Evangelos Kyritsis, VATT Institute for Economic Research |
Seminars 2019 | |
Thursday 31.10, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino |
Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) Valuing Public Goods – From Norwegian Fjords to the Amazon Rainforest |
Tuesday 05.11, 15.30-16.30, MN438/444, Merino |
Richard J. Green, Imperial College London Taxes, Subsidies or Regulation: Why have Britain’s carbon emissions from electricity halved? |
Seminars 2018 | |
Friday 20.04, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Marc Hafstead, Resources for the Future Mechanisms to Reduce Emissions Uncertainty under a Carbon Tax |
Thursday 31.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Quentin Grafton, Australian National University India’s Groundwater and Energy Nexus: It’s Worse than we Thought |
Friday 01.06, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Andy Philpott, University of Auckland |
Thursday 06.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Snorre Kverndokk, Frisch Centre Would my driving pattern change if my neighbor were to buy an emissions-free car? |
Wednesday 21.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Pavel Popela, Brno University of Technology |
Thursday 20.12, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Haiying Jia, SNF World crude oil trade and green shipping choice |
Brownbag Seminars 2018 | |
Wednesday 27.06, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Martin Weibelzahl, University of Bayreuth On the effects of storage facilities on optimal zonal pricing in electricity markets |
Seminars 2017 | |
Wednesday 31.05, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
André Rossi, University of Angers |
Wednesday 13.09, 11:30-15:45, Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Center |
Energy Lab half-day seminar: Efficient and Sustainable Electricity Markets |
Tuesday 14.11, 12.15-13.15, Meeting room 6th floor (Brownbag) |
Spiros Papaefthimiou, Technical University of Crete |
Monday 27.11, 12.15-13.15, Meeting room 6th floor (Brownbag) |
Penelope Melgarejo, MINES ParisTech |
Thursday 30.11, 12.15-13.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Gernot Wagner, Harvard University Applying Asset Pricing Theory to Calibrate the Price of Climate Risk |
Seminars 2016 | |
Friday 19.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary |
Thursday 18.08, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Daniel Huppmann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Binary equilibrium problems with compensation and the power market uplift problem |
Tuesday 22.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Mario Blazquez de Paz, Research Institute of Industrial Economics Electricity Auctions in the Presence of Transmission Constraints and Transmission Costs |
Seminars 2015 | |
Thursday 05.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Eric Nævdal, University of Oslo Catastrophes and Expected Marginal Utility – How The Value Of The Last Fish In A Lake Is Infinity And Why We Shouldn't Care (Much) |
Thursday 30.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Gilbert Fridgen, University of Bayreuth The Value of IS-Enabled Flexibility in Electricity Consumption |
Wednesday 03.06, 10.00-11.15, Main meeting room at SNF |
Jan Bråten, Statnett Cost-effective climate policy: How could so many economists be so wrong for so long? |
Wednesday 14.10, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor |
Carolyn Fischer, Resources for the Future |
Thursday 19.11, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor |
Jiehong Kong, SINTEF Hydro scheduling in deregulated power systems |
Seminars 2014 | |
Thursday 03.04, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Peter Berck, University of California, Berkeley Crop Adaptation to Climate Change / The Not So Big Squeeze: Modeling Future Land Use Patterns of Miscanthus for Bioenergy Using Fine Scale Data |
Wednesday 30.04, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Torben Mideksa, University of Oslo Deforestation and Conservation Contracts |
Thursday 15.05, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Pavel Popela, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic From Waste to Energy by Optimization Modelling |
Thursday 22.05, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Marc Grönwald, University of Aberdeen Financialization of oil futures markets and futures market efficiency: a multifractal perspective |
Monday 02.06, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Sara Lumbreras, Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid Real Options Valuation Applied to Dynamic Transmission Expansion Planning |
Wednesday 25.06, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor |
Kunal Chakraborty, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Impact of ecosystem variability in the tropical Indian Ocean: A coupled 3-D bio-physical ocean general circulation model |
Tuesday 21.10, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Martin D. Smith, Duke University Detecting Ecological Disturbances from Economic Data: The Case of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico |
Seminars 2013 | |
Friday 01.03, 11.15-12.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Afzal Siddiqui, University College London Exploring the Natural Hedge of a Gas-Fired Power Plant |
Thursday 31.10, 11.15-12.30, Midt i mellom II |
Trine Krogh Boomsma, University of Copenhagen Termination of renewable energy support schemes: How uncertainty may speed up investment rates |
- The 8th Bergen Economics of Energy and Environment Research Conference (BEEER) 05-06.06.2023
- Joint Workshop Centres for Shipping and Logistics & Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment - part of the SAMEVAL project Transportation, logistics, energy and green business finance 24-25.05.2023
- Winter School Workshop 2018: Stochastic programming in energy 11-14.02.2018