Technological uncertainty in public organizations
My thesis investigates how public organizations deal with technological uncertainty through dynamic capabilities and how such capabilities evolve over time.

The public sector is not spared by the severe hit of technological uncertainty. Public organizations, and private actors, handle such uncertainty by deploying dynamic capabilities – sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities - which are defined as the ability of an organization to adapt to change (Teece et al., 1997; Schoemaker et al., 2018).
This thesis consists of an exploratory study, adopting a case study strategy. The Norwegian Tax Administration is the case company participating in this research.
The findings report that sensing, seizing, and transforming capabilities change over time. The organization increases and strengthens the stock of dynamic capabilities over time, and it is possible to individuate elements that inhibit and enhance the development of dynamic capabilities, thus affecting the organization’s ability to deal with technological uncertainty.
The thesis was written within the RaCE research project.
Supervisor: Cristine B. Meyer