A Comparative Study of two Mobility Initiatives at the Edge of the Insurance Industry
This thesis explores how innovation at the edge can take place in established firms.
On this page, you will find blog posts written by students who have written their master's theses within the DIG RaCE project and it's predecessor FOCUS.
The blog posts sum up the main findings and implications of the students’ research. Students may choose to write their master theses in Norwegian or English. Therefore, some of the blog posts are in Norwegian while others are in English.
This thesis explores how innovation at the edge can take place in established firms.
A case study of the Norwegian mobility industry.
Hva skjer med produktiviteten til de ansatte når de blir tvunget på hjemmekontor? En kvantitativ studie av produktivitetsendringer når samfunnet stengte ned i mars 2020.
RaCE student blog: En empirisk studie av hvordan relasjonen mellom leder og dens team påvirker OCB og jobbprestasjoner i små norske regnskapsbedrifter.
RaCE stundet blog: An explanatory study that examines how innovation climate can be fostered by aligning the relationship between leaders and subordinates.
Hvordan skapes gode relasjoner, og hva skal til for å ville gå videre i en relasjon? En kvalitativ casestudie av VENN-appen.
Hvordan opplever team bruken av et strukturert oppstartsverktøy, og hvilken betydning har en slik oppstart for teamets videre samhandling?
RaCE Master thesis: This qualitative case study examines how an established firm in the media industry is innovating and experiencing benefits from collaborative interactions with its spin-off companies.
En kvalitativ casestudie av hvilke sentrale muligheter og utfordringer som kan oppstå i veletablerte agile team, og hvordan læring og kompetanseutvikling av teammedlemmer blir ivaretatt.
An exploratory case study which analyzes how innovation is enabled in a Fintech ecosystem and asks; in what ways can the facilitator of an ecosystem enable innovation in the finance industry?
An examination of how leaders manage the tension present in coopetitive relationships and the emotional ambivalence arising from it.
A Qualitative Case Study from the Banking Industry – Examining the Functions of Leadership in Managing Paradoxical Tensions in Coopetitive Interfirm Strategies.
My thesis investigates how public organizations deal with technological uncertainty through dynamic capabilities and how such capabilities evolve over time.
Utfordringer og mulige løsninger som kan oppstå når et komplekst finanskonsern med store avhengigheter innfører en agil organisering.
A qualitative case study that establishes a framework for radical innovation units in established organizations, in order to develop and maintain organizational legitimacy within the organization, through examining the New Tech Lab unit in DNB.
An exploratory case study.
Exploring Identity Processes in Structurally Ambidextrous Firms.
Hvordan kan oppstartsaktiviteter legge til rette for teams dynamikk og senere prosesser?
En eksplorerende casestudie av hvordan agil arbeidsmetode utføres under en pandemi.
En eksplorativ casestudie om hvordan etablerte selskaper kan lykkes med agil ledelse og organisering av agile team.
Hvordan blir agil tilnærming påvirket av virtuelt arbeid og hvordan kan en tilrettelegge for virtuell, agil samhandling?
En empirisk studie av medierende og modererende effekter på relasjonen mellom kreativ atferd og oppgaveprestasjon.
This thesis explores prosocial motivation and its relation to innovative behaviour in the context of a mission driven multinational firm and asks: To what extent does the sincerity of an organisational prosocial mission moderate the relation between team prosocial motivation and innovative team behaviour?
RaCE Master's thesis: Benefits and barriers of adopting organizational agility in Norway and Italy, and how the pandemic has affected adoption of this new trend.
RaCE master Thesis: Is a transformational leadership approach is able to impact employees’ innovative behaviors?
RaCE masteroppgave: En eksplorerende casestudie av hvilken betydning endring fra fysisk til virtuelt samarbeid har for psykologisk trygghet.
A qualitative study that examines human resource management (HRM) in the platform-driven gig economy and aims to answer how different actors in the algorithm-driven platform economy influence HRM perceptions of gig workers.
Vera Patrizia Schmidt and Oscar Langaas Løvik both wrote their master’s theses within the FOCUS RaCE research project. In these videos they talk to Professor Inger G Stensaker about their experiences.
This thesis explores the organizational agility phenomenon and its relation to innovation within the context of a technology-driven media firm and asks: How can incumbent firms embrace organizational agility to drive innovation?
A master’s theses from NHH and FOCUS RaCe presents five factors that can help ensure success with robotization of a workplace.
En casestudie om hvilke begrensinger et smidig rammeverk kan legge for agile team i veletablerte selskaper
En eksplorativ casestudie av hvordan ledelse av agile team foregår, og hvilke utfordringer som oppleves i forbindelse med ledelse av agile team.
As the world is becoming increasingly more complex and interdependent, companies are realizing how difficult it is to innovate by themselves.
Which factors influence employee e-learning participation in a multinational corporation?
A qualitative case study that investigates how established firms can develop an innovation culture through three embedded case studies within one organisation.
Hvordan foregår samhandlingen i agile team, og hvilke særlige utfordringer kan agil samhandling medføre?
En kvalitativ undersøkelse for sammenligning av to ulike resultatområder i en bedrift som er ledende innen olje- og gassektoren i Norge.
An explorative case study of the implementation of and the user experience with a pulse survey tool.
En eksplorativ casestudie om hvilke utfordringer team opplever på veien mot å bli agile.
How can companies secure employee engagement in the robotization of their work tasks?
How do virtual team interactions work in general and what particular challenges occur in relation to virtual team interactions?
While the challenges in matrix organizations are well known, our study aims to explore challenges in a distinct multidimensional context with an emphasis on geography, functions and project-phases.
Aa case study analysis using the R&D unit of a Norwegian MNC as a research site.
How have nationwide government agencies adapted their organization structure in line with changing expectations and demands from external environments?
How do employees react to robotisation of tasks, and what are the implications for managing such change processes? A case study of a Norwegian bank.
En studie av finansnæringens lønnsomhetsutvikling og konsekvenser for næringens ansatte som følge av digitalisering.
Global virtual teams have a higher chance of conflict, but making sure the teams have a leader does not seem to be an effective way of handling conflict within this team form. Read the Student blog by Maria Barstad and Asbjørn Rake.
Structural ambidexterity is one possible solution for companies that aim to engage in exploitative and exploratory activities simultaneously, but it induces several challenges, writes FOCUS students Sindija Liepina and Cornelia Lindqvist.
I denne masterutredningen har vi sett på hvordan et IT-konsulentfirma bruker IKT for å samarbeide i tradisjonelle- og virtuelle team, samt på tvers av bedriften. Prosessen vi har avdekket har vi valgt å kalle ”digital samarbeid”.
There is an increasingly number of organizations who work towards a mission to make a difference for the society through their activities and their own business. Read new FOCUS student blog by Guro Nordvik Øyri and Martha-Marie Olimb.
HRM convergence and knowledge sharing? Read FOCUS student blog written by Silvia Gatto and Ariola Cela.
Digitalisation of the modern economy is changing how we work and communicate in a globalised world. Read new FOCUS student blog written by Aleksandra Kjemhus and Anders Fløystad.
How can established firms manage their innovation initiatives? Read FOCUS student blog written by Justin Arthur Harlan.
Read new FOCUS student blog written by Andreas Ulfsten and Steinar Hjelset.
Read new student blog written by Jorunn Stølen and Berit Volden.
In recent years, digital platforms have made their entrance in large parts of the business world all around the globe. However, there are little research on which consequences the digital platforms have for businesses choosing to participate on them.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how a virtual team interact, and how they make the virtual collaboration work.
En longitudinell studie av 113 studentteam.
Teamwork has in recent years become a major part of most individuals' workday. Even though teamwork gives several benefits and often leads to better results, as many as 50% fails to develop effective teams.
In this master’s thesis we study the interorganizational collaboration (IoC) between Norwegian public entities in the fight against labor crime, or arbeidslivskriminalitet in Norwegian, further referred to as a-krim.
The purpose of this thesis was to create insight in how technology firms pursue organizational ambidexterity to survive revolutionary changes in their environment.
Almost a third of the world’s population use social media. Scholars have examined various implications that social media has at the individual level. However, there is a significant lack of research at the organizational level. Our thesis explores how organizations institutionalize social media by conducting a comparative study on two Norwegian organizations.
Why businesses need to adjust their investment processes when dealing with projects that differ from their core operations.
Since the beginning of the 90s both enterprise risk management and balanced scorecard have emerged as management control systems (MSC). Even though both systems are aiming for goal achievement the two MSCs have emerged as two separate systems.
En intervjustudie av scenariostyringen i fire bedrifter hentet fra fire ulike bransjer.
The main purpose of our master thesis has been to create a broader understanding of how different work conditions affect employees’ turnover intentions. We have done this by examining the effect of motivational climate, autonomy and feedback on employees’ turnover intentions in a Professional Service Firm (PSF).
An empirical study of mediating and moderating effects on the relationship between challenge stressors and in-role performance.
Master's thesis: In this thesis we conduct a case study on how two Norwegian organizations operationalize their purpose.
Master's thesis: The purpose of our study has been to examine the effect of the work conditions autonomy, support from leader, organizational citizenship, job satisfaction and internal motivation has on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in a Professional Service Firm (PSF).
Master's thesis: Our master thesis focuses on two initiatives that NRK has initiated to develop digital competence. We have studied characteristics of the initiatives and the background for them, as well as factors that foster learning in these initiatives.
Masteroppgave : Vår masterutredning har undersøkt hva Verdibasert ledelse er og hvordan det kan praktiseres.
ACTION: The main purpose of this master thesis is to make sense of risk appetite both in literature and in practice, and to explore how risk appetite was institutionalized in Avinor.
ACTION: This thesis conducts a case-study of Statoil who have recently introduced both an increase and a decrease in formalisation to their Management Control System (MCS).
Vi har i vår masterutredning undersøkt hvilke aktiviteter som forekommer i teams oppstartsfase, og sett på om disse har en sammenheng med teamprestasjoner.
I masterutredningen vår har vi undersøkt hvilken betydning relasjoner på arbeidsplassen har for endringsvillighet og lønnsomhet i små norske bedrifter.
I masterutreiinga vår var føremålet å studere både føremål og utfordringar med internasjonalisering av eit nasjonalt eigd Professional Service Firm (PSF).
I vår oppgave studerer vi to bedrifter fra spillbransjen som begge har erfaring med både å få statlig etablererstøtte og med innhenting av kapital gjennom en online crowdfunding plattform. Vi ville sammenligne disse to finansieringskildene og studere hvordan entreprenøren presenterte sitt prosjekt for å oppnå finansiering fra de to ulike kildene.
Formålet med vår utredning har vært å undersøke faktorer som kan styrke kreativt klima i et ledende Professional Service Firm (PSF) i Norge.
Motivasjonsklimaets betydning for endringsvillighet, kreativt klima og lønnsomhet i bedriften.
Litteraturen om team er mangelfull når det gjelder forstyrrelser og deres påvirkning.
I conducted an exploratory research of the principal-agent relationship that emerges on the reward-based crowdfunding platform Kickstarter between creators of and contributors to various projects. In my thesis, I have focused on hardware technology projects.
ACTION: Formålet med masterutredningen har vært å undersøke hvordan styringssystemet påvirker autonomien til ledere som jobber med innovasjon.