DIG For Students
Would you like to be a part of DIG - Norway's leading research center on digital innovation and sustainable growth?
We are seeking ambitious master's students interested in exploring topics related to digital innovation and artificial intelligence. As a participant, students will contribute to DIG and the advancement of knowledge through collaboration with our business partners.
As a DIG student, you will join the DIGdeeper master's program, which provides access to activities, support, resources, and connections with DIG partners. Our students are also integrated into a digital community, benefiting from research tutorials, Q&A sessions, NDAs, guidelines, etc.
With the agreement of a supervisor, students may apply for financial support for travel, data collection, and other research-related expenses. You may submit your work in either English or Norwegian.
Applied Network Analysis and Business Intelligence
Applied Network Analysis and Business Intelligence
Applied Network Analysis and Business Intelligence
The dynamic nature of social network formation requires the development of multidisciplinary methods for effective business analytics. Research in this direction is motivated by the necessity to overcome the limitations of using analytical methods from originally disconnected research domains, such as graph theory, algorithm theory, data analytics, and so on. Master students with a strong quantitative background and a passion for social network analysis are welcome to apply. Prospective work is related to the following areas: organizational networks, social media networks, and complex networks.
Contact person: ivan.belik@nhh.no
Adoption of technologies and innovations
Adoption of technologies and innovations
Adoption of technologies and innovations
Digital innovations and new services are of little value unless they are adopted by end-users. As the majority of new products and services in fact fail, it is crucial for both commercial firms and government institutions to understand the drivers and barriers of new service adoption, as well as how to change consumer behavior in digital environments.
DIG will study how organizations can increase commercial success by lowering consumer adoption barriers, removing uncertainty and ‘nudging’ consumers to change their behavior in digital environments and complex service systems. Digital services are radically different from traditional services in their reliance on platforms, co-creation with other consumers, and sharing/subscription rather than ownership. Together with industry partners, DIG will offer new perspectives and tools for understanding and influencing how consumer’s think and act in such complex decision contexts.
DIG will also focus on how organizations can build and maintain trust when customer interactions are primarily digital, as well as study how consumers react to the use and application of personal data in such interactions.
Current projects on consumer adoption include:
- New approaches and perspectives for understanding consumer adoption
- Consumer reactions to sharing-economy services
- Consumer adoption of new sustainable products and business models
- The different facets of digital trust in adoption of novel services
- Reactance and resistance to the use of end-users personal data
- The role of consumer movement in decision-making
- Consumer interaction with robots/AI
- The role of VR in destination marketing
- The effects of quantification on consumer behavior
- Improving decisions and changing behavior via digital nudging
Digitalization and Sustainability
Digitalization and Sustainability
Digitalization and Sustainability
If you're passionate about sustainability and digital innovation, these topics offer a chance to explore how digital technologies are reshaping business models for a more sustainable future. As companies face mounting pressure to reduce their environmental footprint and contribute positively to society, digital tools like AI, blockchain, and IoT are emerging as powerful enablers of change.
Key questions to explore include:
- Circular Business Models and Digital Technologies: Enablers and Challenges
- How do digital platforms, blockchain, and IoT facilitate circular business models?
- The Role of AI in Enabling Sustainable Business Models
- How can AI-driven decision-making contribute to sustainability in business models?
- What are the risks and ethical dilemmas of AI-enabled sustainable business models?
-Sustainable Platform Business Models:
- How can digital platforms genuinely integrate sustainability into their business models?
- What are the key success factors for digital platforms that promote sustainability (e.g., sharing economy, regenerative business models)?
By tackling these questions, you'll be at the forefront of understanding how technology and sustainability intersect in business models—a space where research is urgently needed and where real-world impact is possible. Whether you’re interested in the opportunities, barriers, or long-term implications of digital transformation in sustainability, these topics provide a compelling foundation for a meaningful thesis.
Contact: Tina Saebi, Associate Professor
The Norwegian Innovation Index (NII)
The Norwegian Innovation Index (NII)
The Norwegian Innovation Index (NII)
Recognizing that it is customers’ adoption and usage decisions that determine the success of new products and, ultimately, of innovators themselves, a research team at NHH – Norwegian School of Economics has developed a novel, outside-in and bottom-up approach to evaluating innovation efforts – the Norwegian Innovation Index (NII): The world’s first customer-based ranking of most innovative firms!
NII is a theoretically derived measurement instrument that rests on two assumptions:
countries cannot be innovative — companies can; and leaders and experts are not the final judges of innovations—customers are.
Through a carefully designed procedure, NII captures both firms’ innovations and customers’ perceptions of changes in value co-creation that result from these innovations. The focus is on assessing perceived firm innovativeness and on examining the effects of perceived firm innovativeness on firms’ strategic positioning and customer loyalty. Today, the NII-approach is adopted in five other countries and operated by leading business school: Sweden (Karlstad business school; Denmark, Århus University-business school; Finland, Hanken Business school; Belgium, Hasselt University - business school, and USA, Fordham Garibaldi School of Business.
From the annual survey we collect data from all countries and store them in a database at NHH Norwegian School of Economics organized by country, year, industry, firm, and constructs. Data is, on request, made available for research.
Contact person: kristina.heinonen@nhh.no
Strategy for complex partnerships
Strategy for complex partnerships
Strategy for complex partnerships
In a world with increasing levels of digitalization, we see that organizations often operate within so-called digital ecosystems. Thus, understanding digital ecosystems is relevant because it represents a new way of organizing economic activity, and because this new way is rapidly capturing “market shares” from alternative and more traditional ways of organizing and coordinating economic activities. By traditional ways we mean those methods of organization and coordination that rely on integrated hierarchical solutions within one diversified firm, as transactions between independent parties in a market, or by regular alliances or collaboration-projects.
What sets digital ecosystems apart is that they typically arise in situations where a range of different technologies and areas of expertise are needed to interact (seamlessly and continually) to realize a value creation potential or some specific value proposition. These technologies and areas of expertise are possessed by more than one organization, often with diverse backgrounds, which requires coordination. This coordination is mostly achieved by standardizing the interfaces between the different modules of the system. If this interface is respected, modules will work together even if those working on the different modules remain independent firms. Data and information can flow unrestricted across modules, participants in the system can specialize on different modules and innovate and experiment on their own - without the need for permission or funding from some central decision maker. As a result, digital ecosystems have in many settings demonstrated an ability to innovate faster, specialize more, and create bundles of complementary goods and services that users value more effectively than alternative arrangements
Despite this common understanding, academics and practitioners struggle with several core aspects of digital ecosystems which ultimately affects their ability to create and capture value from operating in such systems. On one hand, the large variation, complexity and dynamism of these systems make it difficult to understand how they are born/created, how they function, how they compete and change, and how to navigate and position within them. Or in more general terms: how to think about strategy in and for digital ecosystems.
Some suggestive themes based on ongoing work at DIG could be:
Organizational identity paradoxes within Ecosystem settings: How do top managers perceive ecosystems? Do they strategize differently when they are part of an ecosystem vs when they are on their own? If so, how? What do they do differently vis-a-vis consumers when they are part of an ecosystem vs when they are not?
Types of Ecosystems from a consumer purchasing point of view. What are the different types of ecosystems for a consumer and how does that influence their purchasing choices? What does this mean for the participating firms within this ecosystem? What kind of collaborative (or competitive) dynamics may this give rise to?
Contact person: vidya.oruganti@nhh.no
The silver economy
The silver economy
In the next decade, Norway, along with 30 other developed economies, will become a super-aged society with more than 20% of its population aged 65 or older. This demographic shift, virtually unprecedented (except in Japan), will have profound social and economic implications. This research topic within DIG aims to provide business-focused solutions through two overarching research streams.
First, by working to transform workplaces to support sustainable careers and successful aging. Master students can focus on the future workforce by examining how organizations can effectively harness intergenerational diversity to enhance team dynamics and organizational performance.
Contact person: Therese Egeland
Second, by emphasizing innovations aiming to improve senior consumers' well-being and ease welfare system pressures. Despite the growing market (estimated by European Commission, 2018 to be worth 5.7 trillion Euros in 2025) and the significant purchasing power of the elderly, many industries overlook this market, resulting in a lack of systematic knowledge regarding firms’ engagement with the Silver Economy. Master students can focus on innovative products and services by examining:
(a) business strategies and product innovations targeting the growing Silver Economy market
Contact person: Inger Stensaker, or
(b) the various needs and preferences of this rapidly growing consumer segment and the underlying mechanisms for well-being and happiness among the elderly
Contact person: Kristina Heinonen
HR for the future
HR for the future
We are interested in how technological and societal changes have implications for HR-activities. Digitalization and AI provide new sets of tools for managing work. Parallel, the aging population and demands for sustainable development place pressures on organizations. We are seeking students who specialize in Strategy and Management (STR) and preferably have taken a course in human resource management.
Contact person: Karen Olsen
Effective Teams
Effective Teams
Effective Teams
Teams are often used to ensure efficient deliveries and sharing of highly specialized knowledge. Modern technology and the need to solve the “grand challenges” imply an increasing reliance on cooperation within and across organizations and borders. We seek to better understand collaboration in this context. For example, how can teams facilitate and plan for a constructive collaboration in the initial phase and how can teams leverage the differences in diverse teams (e.g. intergenerational teams, interprofessional teams).
Contact person: Therese Egeland
Purpose-driven leadership
Purpose-driven leadership
Purpose-driven leadership
A company’s mission has the potential to engage employees in the pursuit of goals and outcomes. Purpose-driven leadership focuses on the impact that the organization’s work has on society and others. We are interested in how purpose-driven leaders use the mission as a source to motivate employees and the challenges that they face.
Contact person: Alexander Sandvik
Telenor: Evaluate the preliminary effects of the new, value-stream based operating model. Potential focus areas include culture, leadership, innovation and partnerships.
Telenor: Evaluate the preliminary effects of the new, value-stream based operating model. Potential focus areas include culture, leadership, innovation and partnerships.
Telenor: Evaluate the preliminary effects of the new, value-stream based operating model. Potential focus areas include culture, leadership, innovation and partnerships.
Telenor Norway’s organization has for a long time been a classic hierarchical organization with clear top-down reporting lines. We have now started a radical transition towards what we call a value stream-based operating model. We define value streams as customer-centered networks of cross-functional teams organized around the same purpose and with a high degree of autonomy. Our ambition for this new organizational set-up is the following: Firstly, a value-stream based organization is intended to radically improve customer value and our ability to develop value propositions that meet customer needs. Secondly, we will shorten time-to-value and increase organizational efficiency through standardization, automatization and a new way of working. Thirdly, a value stream-based set-up will allow us to optimize business outcomes through a data-driven approach and a dynamic execution model that allocates resources where needed most. And fourth but not least, this transition is intended to engage and motivate employees.
Contact persons: Kristin Ringvold, kristin.ringvold@telenor.no , Frank Elter, frank.elter@telenor.com and Gerd S. Løland gerd.stilloff-loland@telenor.no
Abelia: Omstillingsbarometeret
Abelia: Omstillingsbarometeret
Abelia: Omstillingsbarometeret
Abelia is the national association within the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) for knowledge and technology enterprises. We organize approximately 2,800 enterprises, representing over 65,000 full-time equivalent positions.
Each year, Abelia's Omstillingsbarometer measures Norway's ability to adapt relative to other countries. In the most recent barometer, Norway is positioned in the middle of the pack, trailing behind several of our Nordic neighbors. Although the Norwegian economy is performing well today, there are several aspects of it that weaken our ability to handle economic downturns or future societal challenges.
Based on this adaptability barometer, Abelia is interested in exploring the following themes, which could be relevant for a master's thesis as part of the Digital Innovation for sustainable Growth research center:
- Technology Utilization in Business: Given that the overall trend is downward, there must be many laggards - what characterizes them?
- Research Effort in Business: How much do companies spend on research vs. development - can we observe performance differences?
- Access to Expertise: The impact of generative AI on bridging the competence gap.
- Sustainability and Profitability in Norwegian Tech Companies: Is there genuinely a twin transition occurring?
- Societal Accounting for Foreign Tech Talents: An exploration into the economic and social impact of international tech experts in Norway.
- Internationalization of Norwegian Tech: What characterizes those who succeed on a global scale?
- Future Niche Markets: Investigating the sectors that will sustain us in the future.
NHHE: Do you want to study the significance culture can have as a strategic resource?
NHHE: Do you want to study the significance culture can have as a strategic resource?
NHHE: Do you want to study the significance culture can have as a strategic resource?
NHH Executive has, over an extended period, provided competency development for Uniconsult, including assisting them on study trips to top international business schools such as HEC Paris, MIT Boston, and Bocconi. This professional development is essential to Uniconsult's competency strategy and targeted cultural development efforts. In 2023, Uniconsult celebrated its 25th anniversary and has grown to just over 60 consultants. In this context, Uniconsult wishes to highlight the significance culture has played in their positive development in general and growth and good results in particular. If you are interested in contributing to this work and gathering data for your own master's thesis, please feel free to contact Tore Hillestad at tore.hillestad@nhh.no or 90184583. More information about Uniconsult: Om oss - Uniconsult
Contact person: Tore Hillestad
To apply for admission as a DIG Master Student, please complete the online application form, including your grade transcripts and a concise application letter (maximum 1 page). Your letter should detail your background, motivation for studying your chosen topic(s), preliminary research questions, and the planned date for thesis submission.
Please note that having a supervisor from the DIG research center is a mandatory requirement. Your application is strengthened when you have discussed possible topics with DIG faculty. For an overview of NHH faculty associated with DIG, see here.
- A dedicated DIG advisor specialized in your topic.
- An advisor with connections to partners and networks, who can often assist with gaining necessary access. In some cases, you may be able to base your thesis on existing data.
- You will be part of DIG, a leading Norwegian research center focused on your area of study.
- Financial support of up to NOK 10,000 per thesis for travel and other expenses, subject to supervisor approval.
- Average grade B
- Excellent communication skills are required. Students are expected to present their findings to the research group and/or business partners. Additionally, students will have to write a blog post for publication on DIG's website.
Application deadlines
- To write your thesis in the autumn semester: 15 March
- To write your thesis in the spring semester: 15 October
DIG Maser Theses 2024
DIG Maser Theses 2024
Strømsjordet, Torjus Røste
Co-opetition in Practice: Critical Success Factors in a Strategic Partnerships for AI-Driven Fraud Detection within the Insurance IndustryHoltet, Maja Brudeli; Perminow, Tiril Fang
Fostering Psychological Safety: The Strategic Role of the Board ChairNideng, Kari; Hope, Ole Einar Brandtzæg
Endringsagenters mobilisering av interessenterMork, Niklas; Tafjord, Ole-Kristian Straume
Tjenende ledelse og motivasjonsklima: En studie av rollen til motivasjonsklima i relasjonen mellom tjenende ledelse, og prestasjon og kreativitet i teamRoestad, Christoffer; Henriksen, Silje
The Board of Director's Innovative MechanismsRamleth, Birk Ortell; Helle, Jon Toralf Frafjord
Å utsette solnedgangenFagerbakke, Axel; Reinemo, Jan Håkon
Ansvarlig bruk av KI: En kvalitativ studie av implementering og retningslinjerStafsnes, Anna Stina Bjørlo; Bjerke, Maria
«Start Smart» på første forsøkErvik, Ine; Hoem, Ingrid Oliva Sandblåst
ChatGPT: Stoler vi på det nye vidunder-verktøyet? En kvantitativ studie av tillit til ChatGPT sammenlignet med Google og Wikipedia -
DIG Master theses 2023
DIG Master theses 2023
Kristin Hagerupsen Hansen and Thomsen
Breaking Waves: New Energy’s Open Innovation Strategy for Shaping the Maritime Industry: An Exploratory Case StudySivert Løvendahl Mogstad Eri and Parth Kumar Sarna
Det nye gullet: den moderne arbeidsstyrken: Utfordringer og muligheter i demografisk mangfoldig team, og hvordan organisasjoner kan tilrettelegge for å nå potensialet som ligger i slike teamMinh Anh Le Thi and Pegah Parsapour
Board of Director’s influence on Innovation in Established Firms: An Exploratory StudyFrancesca Rizzo
Consumers’ attitude towards AI with a focus on the role of government and media in ItalyOskar Ulstein and Nicolai Halvorsen
Samarbeid for Bærekraft: En eksplorativ casestudie av utfordringer og tiltak ved oppstart av industriell symbiose på VestlandetSimon Aakeberg Einarsen and Eirik Storkås
Artificial Intelligence and Firm Performance in Norway: "Which Norwegian firms are adopting Artificial Intelligence, and how does the adoption of AI affect firm performance?"Giovanni Amigoni
Assessing the Impact of Sustainability Reporting on Organizational Processes and Outcomes: An Exploratory Case StudyThorgrim Ekkeren Bergene and Emil McCarthy Rød
Consumer Adoption of AI-Powered Chatbots: Developing a Customized Adoption ModelAmine Naini and Danny Dang
Using Emotional Communication For Environmental Fundraising: Understanding the impact of pride and shame on donor behaviorOscar Sylte Garnes and Oscar Hexeberg Staveli
Prеdictivе Analysis fоr Custоmеr Churn in thе Crеdit Card Industry: Hоw dо variоus custоmеr dеmоgraphic, transactiоnal, and bеhaviоral fеaturеs influеncе churn ratеs in thе crеdit card industry? - A study оf applying machinе lеarning tеchniquеs tо thе multifacеtеd aspеcts оf custоmеr churn.Christine Vigerust and Susann Solheim Gjerløw
Klar, ferdig, hvordan skal vi starte? Et felteksperiment om oppstartsaktiviteter i team på videregående skolerNiklas Hovland and Jostein Sæther Tennfjord
Barrierer ved kommunikasjon og hybrid arbeid: En eksplorerende casestudie om barrierer ved hybrid arbeid og kommunikasjon -
DIG Master Theses 2022
DIG Master Theses 2022
Lars Klesse
Investigating firms’ innovation behavior during the COVID-19 crisisAune, Maria Elise; Valnes, Marianne Louise
Samhandling under kriser: Hvordan sikre god krisehåndtering En kvalitativ casestudie av samvirkesenteret i Bergen kommunePerdrix, Lucie; Mishchenko, Sofya
What does it take to unlock a Public-Private Partnership for Good? Case study on the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage in NorwayBlom, Bjørnar; Opheim, Katarina
Bidrar samdrift og samlokalisering til bærekraftig verdiskaping? En studie av samdrift, samlokalisering og bærekraft i oppdrett av laks og regnbueørret i NorgeRiefle, Lea
Innovation at the Edge in the Established Firm: An Exploratory Study of two Edge InitiativesBergem, Tobias Dingstad; Fladmoe, Silje Lindtvedt
In Pursuit of Radical Innovation: A case study about innovation at the edge of large established firm’s core businessÜlker, Bengisu; Lim, Sigurd
Online Ratings and Reviews: Are numerical ratings more persuasive than written reviews?Pedersen, Hanne; Oldensand, Juni Linnea
Leadership Development Programs in Hydro’s Aluminium Metal division: An exploratory case study on the strengths and weaknesses of Leadership Development ProgramsBauge, Anne Jorunn; Rosenvinge, Sandra
Kriseledelse og -håndtering: En kvalitativ casestudie om beredskapshåndtering under covid-19-pandemien ved Haukeland universitetssjukehusPettersen, Magne W.; Åsheim, Haldor B.
Is Augmented Reality the future of business? A qualitative study on factors affecting the potential for mass adoption of augmented reality in business processes.Hansen, Ingrid Skogeng; Torvund, Magnus
Predicting the impact of academic articles on marketing research: Using machine learning to predict highly cited marketing articlesEkornrud, Celine; Fjellbirkeland, Maria Welle
The Complexity of Owning the Customer Within Ecosystems : A study of owning the customer within ecosystemsAlexander Frayne
Improving online clothing returns: for planet and profitsVagle, Kristin; Øfsti, Runa Fløtre
Building Digital Foundations: A Course of Action Towards a Circular Construction Industry : An Exploratory Case Study -
DIG Master Theses 2021
DIG Master Theses 2021
Research Theme 2: Adoption of technologies and innovations
Kaja Witnes Schultz og Vilde Myrvold Thorud:
Fastlege vs Dr. Robot : en eksperimentell studie om bruk av robot til medisinsk konsultasjon
Kjersti Timland Sveen:
Who will you trust to do your banking, in an era of Fintech fever?
Research Theme 3: Creating and capturing value in the digital era
Linn Kristin Korshavn Vestøl:
Research Theme 4: Strategy in/for digital ecosystems
Magnus Vie Pettersen og Harald Muller Thomassen:
Nikolai Kaldahl-Miller og Aleksander Skugstad:
Trust and the future of financial intermediation
Kristoffer Bringslid:
Hvordan utvikle en influencer-forretningsmodell?: en kvalitativ casestudie av influencere
Sigurd Singelstad:
Power in the birth of ecosystems : an exploratory case study
Research Theme 5: Organizational capacity for radical change and innovation
Claudia Zamarian:
Sara Klemp og Iselin Førland:
Ingvild Austrheim og Celine Coi Yun Lam:
Marte Valleraunet Grønli og Valentina Båkind:
Organizational Ambidexterity as a Vehicle for Sustainability Innovation : An exploratory case study
Lise Solheim og Sondre Hestad:
Organizational Ambidexterity as a Vehicle for Sustainability Innovation : An exploratory case study
Simran Kaur Virdee:
Mats Olsen Myrland og Magnhild Mjør:
Wiktoria Jaworska:
Victor Antonio Ruiz Bergerskogen:
Line Sangolt og Maria Langøy:
Natalie Hellesø Milde og Martine Kjenstad:
Prosocially motivated innovative team behaviour and the sincerity of an organisational mission
Erlend Reksten Amland og Torbjørn Røys:
Datadrevet innovasjon: Er dataintensiv problemløsing en oppgave for økonomen eller teknologen?
Amalie Sohlman Kvåle og Lisa Fay Molvig:
Målfrid Soppeland og Ingrid Hammer:
Frida Telle Fjell og Martine Høvding Tollefsen:
DIG Master theses 2020
DIG Master theses 2020
Research theme 4: Strategy in and for Digital Ecosystems
Kari Sofie Mysen Conradsen og Max Hartvig-Larsen:
Mats Gultvedt, Kristian Senneset:
Something old, something new : a hybrid approach with ARIMA and LSTM to increase portfolio stability
Sepanta Sharafuddin:
The evolution of business analytics : based on case study research
Nikolai Jensen og Daniel Campos:
Ingrid Grønli Karoliussen og Martine Fornes:
Fra interorganisatorisk samarbeid til digitalt økosystem : en eksplorativ casestudie
Clemens Jakob Rosenbach:
Christer Rolfsen og Daniela Zivkovic:
Kristoffer Bringslid:
Hvordan utvikle en influencer-forretningsmodell?: en kvalitativ casestudie av influencere
Sigurd Singelstad:
Power in the birth of ecosystems: an exploratory case study
RESEARCH THEME 4: Organizational capacity for radical change and innovation
John Martin Frankendal og Shayan Ghanbarisaied:
Enabling innovation through an ecosystem : an exploratory case study
Helene Vølen Koppen og Fredrik Tonning:
Bernhard Scholda:
The impact of team-level norms and team charters on the performance-trajectories of work-teams