“What We Know and Don’t Know About Sustainability in Business Education”
Dorotea Rossi Kriscak has won the award for best master thesis at the Dept. of Strategy and Management at NHH for the period from fall 2022 to spring 2024.
She has been connected to DIG and the DIG Deeper program. Her thesis was titled “What We Know and Don’t Know About Sustainability in Business Education” and contained a literary review of how sustainability figures in literature used at business schools.

In her thesis, Kriscak finds that while business schools see the need to integrate sustainability in their curriculum, there has not been much attention given to the actual process of implementation. The literature remains fragmented and fails to integrate insights effectively.
The jury considering the thesis’ submitted for judication consisted of Herbjørn Nysveen and Jørn Rognes. They say that Kriscak’s thesis “is ambitious and well executed – and also a valuable contribution to the research literature on sustainability in management education.”
Dorotea Rossi Kriscak is now working at the Department of Strategy and Management, working on a Ph.D-thesis on how those on the board of directors in businesses can champion sustainability.