New book on Innovation capacity
How can established businesses strike a balance between their current operations and the need to innovate to prepare for the future? This is the topic of a new book on innovation capacity authored by four DIG RaCE researchers and affiliates.

Established businesses must balance between what they live on today and what they will live on in the future. However, taking care of daily operations and conducting innovation work requires completely different frameworks.
The new book Innovasjonskapasitet by Christine Meyer, Inger Stensaker, Rune Bjerke and Anne Cathrin Haueng takes a closer look at how leaders can build a muscle so that they are continuously able to renew themselves and build innovation capacity.
The book's starting point is that innovation is created through interaction between people in and around the organization. The authors present a number of organizational solutions that in various ways facilitate innovation and renewal in the established business.
They also draw on relevant cases to highlight how much exciting is happening on the innovation front in well-established companies in Norway and the Nordic region.
The book is relevant for managers and employees in the private and public sector who have a responsibility to drive innovation and renewal in established companies. It is also suitable for students, especially courses in strategy, organization and management.
Read more about Innovasjonskapasitet at publisher Fagbokforlaget (in Norwegian)
Watch a video introduction to the topic on Youtube (in Norwegian)
About the authors
Christine Meyer is a professor of strategy and strategic change at NHH and DIG. She has extensive experience as a top manager and politician in the public sector and has strategic change and innovation processes in private and public companies as her special field.
Inger Stensaker is Professor of Strategic Change at NHH. She teaches and researches strategic change and innovation processes and leads the DIG affiliated research project RaCE - Radical Technology-Driven Change in Established Firms.
Rune Bjerke is former CEO of DNB, Hafslund and Scancem International. He has also been vice mayor for finance in the city of Oslo. Today he works as a consultant and coach, in addition to holding various board positions. He is also affiliated with NHH as Executive Adjunct in Residence.
Anne Cathrin Haueng works as a consultant and strategic advisor for companies and managers in strategic change and innovation processes. She has a research background from NHH with a doctorate in strategic change programs and is associated with the research project RaCE.