At Innovation 2022 in Oslo earlier in February, The HUB@NHH, DIG and partner BEKK presented the results and winners from NII 2021. Here you can watch a recording of the event and view the NII presentation.
The Norwegian Innovation Index has been presented every year since 2016, and the method has been adopted in several other countries.
9 February The HUB@NHH, DIG and partner BEKK invited to an event at NHH campus Oslo. Here, the NII 2021-results were presented, and winners in different categories received their awards.
The seminar also included talks by NHH researchers and contributors from business and public services.
Both the video and the presentations are in Norwegian.
Telenor mobil,, Sbanken and Altibox were in the top ten on all three NII indexes, and thus received awards for outstanding innovation work. Left to right: Anders Christian Morthen, Telenor Mobil, Kaija Ommundsen from, Trine Hvamb og Lars Hopland Nestås from Sbanken and Mabel Moya from Altibox. Photo: Irene Haukås Moe Stormberg, Sbanken and Ikea each won one of the three NII categories. Hege N. Ekberg from Stormberg received the award for Social innovation 2021. Sbanken won Digital Innovations 2021. Trine Hvamb and Lars Hopland Nestås received the award. Ikea won the Commercial Innovations category. Mikael Pilblad received the award. Photo: Irene Haukås MoeEmbla Belsvik from Bekk moderated the event. Professor Tor W. Andreassen has been head of DIG and The HUB@NHH for several years and has played a pivotal part in establishing NII. Photo: Irene Haukås Moe