DIG in Australia
DIG researchers Ivan Belik and Tor W Andreassen have both spent time in Australia recently, presenting Dig’s research at different institutions.
Over the past few weeks, Ivan Belik has visited several schools in Australia on behalf of DIG, strengthening our international collaboration with leading Australian business schools.
Early in November, Ivan did a workshop at Monash University Melbourne promoting our DIG center.
He talked about selected topics in business analytics and one of DIG's recent projects that Denis Utochkin and Ivan are working on together.
The presentation was a great success and DIG's research activities received excellent feedback from our Australian colleagues.
Andreassen at University of Queensland

From 1 to 11 Nov 2022, Professor Tor W Andreassen spent time at University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane.
While he was there he had meetings and seminars with PhD students, re-connecting with faculty and exploring new research, giving a faculty seminar on the Norwegian Innovation Index.
The talk was based on his latest JBR article with Seidali Kurtmollaiev and Line Lervik-Olsen.
UQ - Business School has decided to join the research partnership of innovation indexes operating the Australian Innovation Index.
The NHH and DIG-approach to measuring the effects of innovations as customers perceive it, is now operating in eight countries (and counting).
As part of this Tor was a key note speaker during the Service Innovation Alliance conference held by UQ and Professor Janet McKoll-Kennedy. Participants came for business and academia.