CEE and teaching

CEE and teaching

The centre coordinates teaching activities related to ethics, corporate responsibility and sustainability at NHH.

Ethics courses are mandatory at the bachelor, master and PhD levels at NHH. The Centre’s board advises the NHH Vice Rector for Academic Affairs about which courses are to be given credits as an ethics course.

Ethics courses


IKE1 Introduksjonskurs i etikk
FOR16 Sustainable investments
RRR13 Business ethics, corporate responsibility, and sustainability
SAM17 Economics and psychology
SOL21 Lykken og det gode liv: Hvordan ta bedre beslutninger?


BUS446 Sustainable Business Models
BUS452 Corruption - Incentives, Disclosure and Liability
ECN421 Behavioral Economics
ENE423 Sustainability: the Ethics, Business and Economics Of Earthlings
ENE452 Seminar: Climate Change and Ethical Challenges
ETI450 Corporate Social Responsibility
ETI452 Diversity and inclusive work-life in Firm and Ethics
FIE459 Sustainable Finance
STR433 Etisk handling: Individ, organisasjon og samfunn


MET524 Research Ethics for the Social Sciences
BSRS919 Corruption: Research, Regulation and Governance
REG522 Economic Analysis of corporate misconduct

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