Research at CBE

Research at CBE

The researchers at the Centre for Business Economics publish articles in the leading international journals.

These journals include the American Economic Review, the Economic Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Marketing Science, the RAND Journal of Economics and the Review of Economic Studies.

  • 2022


  • 2021


    Price change synchronization within and between firms

  • 2020


  • 2019


  • 2018


  • 2017


  • 2016


  • 2015


  • 2014


    • Balsvik, R. and S. Jensen,
      Made in China, sold in Norway: Local labor market effects of an import shock,
      Journal of Public Economics, 2014.
    • Brekke, K., D. M. Dalen and T. Helge Holmås,
      Diffusion of Pharmaceuticals: Cross-Country Evidence of Anti-TNF drugs,
      The European Journal of Health Economics, 15 (9), pp. 937-951, 2014.
    • Brekke, K., R. Levaggi, L. Siciliani, and O.R. Straume,
      Patient Mobility, Health Care Quality and Welfare,
      Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 105, pp. 140-157, 2014.
    • Clougherty, J., K. Guglerand F., L. Sørgard and W. Szücs,
      Cross-border mergers and domestic wages: integrating positive 'spillover' effects and negative bargaining effects,
      Journal of International Business Studies 45, pp. 450-470, 2014.
    • Sørgard, L.,
      From research on mergers to merger policy,
      International Journal of the Economics of Business, 21 (1), 37-42, 2014.
    • Fjell, K., Ø. Foros and H.J. Kind,
      On the choice of royalty rule to cover fixed costs in input joint ventures,
      International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2014.
    • Daljord, Ø., Ø. Thomassen and L. Sørgard,
      Asymmetric Price Increase in Critical Loss Analysis: A Reply to Langenfeld and Li,
      Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 10(3), pp. 765-768, 2014.
  • 2013


    • Nøstbakken, L.,
      Formal and informal quota enforcement,
      Resource and Energy Economics 35, pp. 191-215, 2013.
    • Schroyen, F.,
      Attitudes towards income risk in the presence of quantity constraints,
      Geneva Risk and Incurance Review, 38, pp. 183-209, 2013.
    • Brekke, K., T.H. Holmås and O.R. Straume,
      Margins and market shares: pharmacy incentives for generic substitution,
      European Economic Review, 61, pp. 116-131, 2013.
    • Mathiesen, L., L. Sørgard and J. Skaar,
      Electricity production in a hydro system with a reservoir constraint,
      Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115 (2), pp. 575-594, 2013.
    • Gjendemsjø, R., E. J. Hjelmeng and L. Sørgard,
      Abuse of collective Dominance: the need for a new approach,
      World Competition, 36 (3), pp. 355-372, 2013.
    • Foros, Ø. and F. Steen,
      Vertical Control and Price Cycles in Gasoline Retailing,
      Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(3), 640-661, 2013.
    • Kind, H.J., G. Schjelderup and F. Stähler,
      Newspaper Differentiation and Investments in Journalism: The Role of Tax Policy,
      Economica, 80, 131-148, 2013.
    • Fjell, K., Debashis P. and D.E.M. Sappington,
      On the performance of endogenous access pricing,  
      Journal of Regulatory Economics 44 (3), pp 237-250, 2013.
  • 2012


    • Brekke, K., L. Siciliani and O.R. Straume,
      Quality competition with profit constraints,
      Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 84, pp. 642-659, 2012.
    • Brekke, K., D.M. Dalen and S. Strøm,
      Should pharmaceutical costs be curbed?,
      Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2, pp. 1-27, 2012.
    • Brekke, K., R. Cellini, L. Siciliani and O.R. Straume,
      Competition and quality in regulated markets with sluggish demand,
      Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 21 (1), pp. 131-178, 2012.
    • Bardey, D., C. Canta and J-M. Lozachmeur,
      The regulation of health care providers’ payments when horizontal and vertical differentiation matter,
      Journal of Health Economics, 31, pp. 691-704, 2012.
    • Foros, Ø., H.J. Kind and G. Schjelderup,
      Ad Pricing by Multi-Channel Platforms: How to Make Viewers and Advertisers Prefer the Same Channel?,
      Journal of Media Economics, 25(3), pp. 133-146, 2012.
    • Kind, H.J. and Martin Peitz,
      Media market concentration, advertising levels, and ad prices', Simon P. Anderson, Øystein Foros,
      International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30(3), pp. 321-325, 2012.
    • Mathiesen, L., Ø. Anti Nilsen and L. Sørgard,
      A note on upward pricing pressure: the possibility of false positives,
      Journal of Competition Law & Economics 8(4), pp. 881-887, 2012.
  • earlier



    • "Exploration and development of U.S. oil and gas fields, 1955-2002," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35, pp. 891-908, 2011 (John Boyce and Linda Nøstbakken).
    • “Financial Contracting under Imperfect Enforcememt” (Tore Ellingsen and Eirik Kristiansen), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126 (2011), 323-371.
    • Belønninger som styringsverktøy - når bør toppledelsen holde fingrene av fatet? Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse, 2011, 14(5), 31-4352 (Iver Bragelien).
    • Multinationals, tax competition and outside options, Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95(11/12), 1579-1588 (Trond Olsen and Petter Osmundsen).
    • Tournaments with prize-setting agents, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2011, 113(3), 729-753 (Kristoffer W. Eriksen, Ola Kvaløy and Trond Olsen).
    • “Optimal pricing and capacity choice for a public service under risk of interruption”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 39 (2011), 252-272. (Adekola Oyenuga and Fred Schroyen).
    • 'Reference Pricing, Competition, and Pharmaceutical Expenditures: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Experiment'. (Kurt Brekke, Tor Helge Holmås and Odd Rune Straume), Journal of Public Economics, 95 (2011), 624-638.
    • 'Hospital competition and quality with regulated prices', (Kurt Brekke, Luigi Siciliani, and Odd Rune Straume), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(2), 2011, 444-469.
    • 'Single-Product versus Uniform SSNIPs', International Review of Law and Economics, 2011, 31, 142-146 (Ø. Daljord and L. Sørgard).
    • ‘Merger simulations with observed diversion ratios’, International Review of Law and Economics, 31, 2011, 83-91. (Lars Mathiesen, Øivind Anti Nilsen and L. Sørgard).
    • 'Rethinking minority share ownership and interlocking directorships - the scope for competition law intervention', European Law Review, 6, 2011, 837-860. (T.S. Gabrielsen, E. J. Hjelmeng and L. Sørgard).
    • 'Mergers and Partial Ownership', Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Greg Shaffer, European Economic Review, 55(7), 2011, 916-926.
    • 'Resale Price Maintenance and Restrictions on Dominant Firm and Industry-Wide Adoption', Øystein Foros, Hans J. Kind and Greg Shaffer, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(2), 2011, 179-186.
    • 'Foreclosure in contests', D.J. Clark, Øystein Foros and J.Y. Sand, Public Choice, 148(1-2), 2011, 215-232.
    • 'Customer ignorance, price cap regulation, and rent-seeking in mobile roaming', Terje Ambjørnsen, Øystein Foros and Ole C. Wasenden, Information Economics and Policy, 23(1), 2011, 27-36.
    • "Indirect taxation and tax incidence under nonlinear pricing", Sissel Jensen , International Tax and Public Finance, 18 (5) 2011, 519-532.


    • “Vaporware” (Jay Pil Choi, Eirik Kristiansen and Jae Nahm), International Economic Review, 51 (3) 2010, 653-669. Venture Capital Exit Rights, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2010, 19(4), 1071-1116 (Carsten Bienz and Uwe Walz).
    • "Operational expressions for the marginal cost of indirect taxation when merit arguments matter", International Tax and Public Finance, 17 (1) 2010, pp 43-51 (Fred Schroyen).
    • Company Taxation and Merger Incentives in International Oligopoly: on International Policy Coordination with Strategic Trade, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade,
2010, 10(2), 161-186 (Kjell Erik Lommerud, Trond Olsen and Odd Rune Straume).
    • 'Price and quality in spatial competition' (Kurt Brekke, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40 (2010) 471-480.
    • 'Competition and quality in health care markets: a differential-game approach' (Kurt Brekke, Roberto Cellini, Luigi Siciliani, and Odd Rune Straume), Journal of Health Economics, 29 (2010) 508-523.
    • 'Endogenous Average Cost Based Access Pricing', Kenneth Fjell, Øystein Foros and Debashis Pal, Review of Industrial Organization, 36(2), 2010, 149-162.
    • Online advertising: Pay-per-view versus pay-per-click with market power, in Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, volume 9, nr 3, May 2010. pp. 198-203 (K. Fjell).
    • ‘Tax Responses in Platform Industries’. Oxford Economic Papers, 62, 2010, 764-783. (H.J. Kind, M. Koethenbuerger and G. Schjelderup.).
    • Market Shares in Two-Sided Media Industries’. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 166(2); 2010, 205-211. (H.J. Kind and F. Stähler)


    • Insentiver, in Verdibasert prestasjonsmåling - Strategisk økonomistyring, Universitetsforlaget, 2009, 423-44652 (Iver Bragelien).
    • "Fuel versus food," Annual Review of Resource Economics 1, pp. 645-663, 2009 (Ujjayant Chakravorty, Marie-Hélène Hubert and Linda Nøstbakken).
    • Endogenous Verifiability and Relational Contracting, American Economic Review, 2009, 99(5), 2193-2208 (Ola Kvaløy and Trond Olsen).
    • "The values of relative risk aversion and prudence: a context-free interpretation", Mathematical Social Sciences 58 (1) 2009, pp 1-7. (Louis Eeckhoudt, Johanna Etner and Fred Schroyen).
    • 'Pharmaceutical patents: Incentives for R&D or marketing?', (Kurt Brekke, Odd Rune Straume). Southern Economic Journal, 2009, 76 (2), 351-374.
    • 'Regulation and pricing of pharmaceuticals: reference pricing or price cap regulation?, (Kurt Brekke, Astrid L. Grasdal and Tor Helge Holmås). European Economic Review, 53 (2009) 170-185.
    • "Semicollusion", Foundations and Trends® in Microeconomics: Vol. 5: No 3 (2009) pp 153-228. Purchase or download (L. Sørgard and Frode Steen).
    • 'Optimal merger policy: Enforcement vs. deterrence’ , Journal of Industrial Economics, 2009, 57, 438-456.
    • 'Price-dependent profits sharing as a channel coordination device', Øystein Foros, Kåre P. Hagen and Hans J. Kind, Management Science, 55(8), 2009, 1280-1291.
    • 'Text and voice: Complements, substitutes or both?', Kjetil Andersson, Øystein Foros and Frode Steen, Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(6), 2009, 1231-1247.
    • 'Entry may increase network providers’ profit', Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Jan Yngve Sand, Telecommunications Policy, 33(9), 2009, 486-494.
    • 'Slotting Allowances and Manufacturers' Retail Sales Effort', Øystein Foros, H.J. Kind and J.Y. Sand, Southern Economic Journal, 76(1), 2009, 266-282.
    • 'Domestic regulation and international trade', Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Lars Sørgard, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 9(1), 2009, 1-16.
    • 'Business models for media firms: Does competition matter for how they raise revenue?’ Hans J. Kind, Tore Nilssen and Lars Sørgard. Marketing Science 28(6); 2009, 1112-1128
    • 'On Revenue and Welfare Dominance of Ad Valorem Taxes in Two-Sided Markets’ . Hans J. Kind, Marko Koethenbuerger and Guttorm Schjelderup. Economics Letters 104; 2009, 86-89.
    • Online advertising: Pay-per-view or pay-per-click - A comment in Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, April 2009, Vol.8 Issue 2/3, 200-206 (K. Fjell).


    • Cooperation in Knowledge-Intensive Firms, Journal of Human Capital, 2008, 2(4), 410-440 (Ola Kvaløy and Trond Olsen).
    • Relative performance evaluation, agent hold-up and firm organization, Journal of the Japanese & International Economies, 2008, 22(2), 229-241 (Ola Kvaløy and Trond Olsen).
    • Distorted Performance Measures and Dynamic Incentives, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2008, 17(1), 149-183 (Oddvar Kaarbøe and Trond Olsen).
    • "Stochastic modelling of the North Sea herring fishery under alternative management regimes," Marine Resource Economics 22, pp. 65-86, 2008 (Linda Nøstbakken).
    • 'Competition and waiting times in hospital markets', Journal of Public Economics, 92 (2008) 1607-1628 (Kurt Brekke, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune Straume).
    • 'The SSNIP test and market definition with the aggregate diversion ratio: A reply to Katz and Shapiro', Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2008, 4(2), 263-270. (Øystein Daljord, L. Sørgard and Øyvind Thomassen)
    • 'Do slotting allowances harm retail competition?' (Co-author: Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 110 (2), 2008, 367-384.
    • 'Access regulation and strategic transfer pricing'. (Co-author: Kenneth Fjell and Øystein Foros), Management Accounting Research, 19 (1), 2008, 18-31.
    • 'Efficiency-Enhancing Taxation in Two-Sided Markets.’ Hans J. Kind, Marko Koethenbuerger and Guttorm Schjelderup. Journal of Public Economics 92 (5-6); 2008, 1531-39.
    • 'R&D Policies, Trade and Process Innovation’. Co-author: Jan I. Haaland and Hans J. Kind. Journal of International Economics 74(1); 2008, 170-187.
    • "Two-Part Tariffs with Quality Degradation", Sissel Jensen, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26 (2), 2008, 473-489 .


    • Valuing Lives Saved from Safer Food—A Cautionary Tale Revisited, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 89(5), 1176-1182 (Jason F. Shogren and Tommy Stamland).
    • 'Public versus private health care in a national health service'. Health Economics, 16 (2007) 579-601 (Kurt Brekke and Lars Sørgard).
    • 'Reference pricing of pharmaceuticals', Journal of Health Economics, 26 (2007) 613-642 (Kurt Brekke, Ingrid Königbauer and Odd Rune Straume).
    • 'Gatekeeping in health care.' Journal of Health Economics, 26 (2007), 149-170 (Kurt Brekke, Robert Nuscheler and Odd Rune Straume).
    • 'Competition for viewers and advertisers in a TV oligopoly', Journal of Media Economics, 2007, 20 (3), 211-233. (Hans Jarle Kind, Tore Nilssen and L. Sørgard)
    • 'Private labels, price rivalry, and public policy'. European Economic Review, 51, 2007, 403-424. (Tommy S. Gabrielsen and L. Sørgard).
    • 'The Economics of National Champions', European Competition Journal, 2007, 3(1), 49-61 (L. Sørgard).
    • 'Managerial incentives and access price regulation'. (Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Lars Sørgard), European Journal of Law and Economics, 23(2), 2007, 117-133.
    • 'Price Strategies and Compatibility in Digital Networks', Øystein Foros,International Journal of the Economics of Business, 14(1), 2007, 85-97.


    • "R&D and buyers' waiting option", Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 56, 2006, pp. 31 – 43 (Eirik Kristiansen).
    • "Regime switching in a fishery with stochastic stock and price," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 51, pp. 231-214, 2006 (Linda Nøstbakken).
    • "Cost structure and capacity in the Norwegian pelagic fisheries," Applied Economics 38, pp. 1877-1887, 2006 (Linda Nøstbakken).
    • Career Concerns, Monetary Incentives and Job Design, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2006, 108(2), 299-316 (Oddvar Kaarbøe and Trond Olsen).
    • Team incentives in relational contracts, Journal of Labor Economics, 2006, 24(1), 139-169 (Ola Kvaløy and Trond Olsen).
    • Consistent estimation of the value of statistical life, Resource & Energy Economics, 2006, 28(3), 262-281 (Jason F. Shogren and Tommy Stamland).
    • 'Quality and location choices under price regulation.' Journal of Economics & Management Strategy,15 (2006) 207-227 (Kurt Brekke, Robert Nuscheler and Odd Rune Straume).
    • 'Direct to consumer advertising in pharmaceutical markets.' Journal of Health Economics, 25 (2006) 102-130 (Kurt Brekke and Michael Kuhn).
    • 'Competition and welfare: The Norwegian experience’, The Norwegian Competition Authority, Bergen, 2006 (L. Sørgard).
    • 'Temporary Bottlenecks, Hydropower and Acquisitons',Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 2006, 108, 481-497. (L. Sørgard and Jostein Skaar).
    • "National versus International Mergers in Unionised Oligopoly", Rand Journal of Economics, 2006, 37 (1), 212-233. (Kjell Erik Lommerud, L. Sørgard and Odd Rune Straume).
    • 'Strategic Regulation Policy in the Internet'. (Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Lars Sørgard), Journal of Regulatory Economics, 30(1), 2006, 63-84.
    • How to test for abuse of dominance? European Competition Journal, volume 2, Special Issue, July 2006 (K. Fjell).
    • “On the Workings of a Cartel: Evidence from the Norwegian Cement Industry”, Lars-Hendrik Röller and Frode Steen, American Economic Review, Vol. 96 (1), March 2006, pp. 321-338 (18).
    • "Implementation of Competitive Nonlinear Pricing: Tariffs with Inclusive Consumption", Sissel Jensen,. Review of Economic Design, (10) 1, 2006, 9-29.
    • ‘Cooperative and Non-cooperative R&D Policy in an Economic Union.’ Review of World Economics 142(4); 2006, 720-745. (J. I. Haaland and H.J. Kind)
    • ‘How to test for abuse of dominance’, European Competition Journal, 2006, 2 (special issue on Article 82), 69-84, (K. Fjell and L. Sørgard).


    • 'Competing for Capital in a Lumpy World.' Hans J. Kind, Karen Helene Midelfart Knarvik and Guttorm Schjelderup. Journal of Public Economics 78 (3), 2000, 253-274.
    • "Semicollusion in the Norwegian cement market", European Economic Review, 1999, 43, 1775-1796. ( L. Sørgard and Frode Steen).
    • 'Damaging Network Subscription'. (Øystein Foros, S. Jensen and J.Y. Sand), Communications & Strategies, 33 (1), 1999, 37-58.
    • "Testing for Market Power using a Dynamic Oligopoly Model", Kjell G. Salvanes and Frode Steen, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1999, Volume 17, Issue 2, 147-177
    • "Self-reinforcing Agglomerations? An empirical Industry Study", Karen Helene Midelfart Knarvik and Frode Steen, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume 101, No. 4, 1999
    • "Time Schedule and Programme Profile: TV News in Norway and Denmark", Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 7, 1998, 209-235. (Tore Nilssen and L. Sørgard).
    • ‘Exclusive versus common dealership’ Southern Economic Journal, 1999, 66, 353-366 (T. S. Gabrielsen and L. Sørgard)
    • ‘Discount chains and brand policy’, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1999, 101, 127-142 (T. S. Gabrielsen and L. Sørgard)
    • "Sequential Horizontal Mergers", European Economic Review, 42, 1998, 1683-1702. (Tore Nilssen and L. Sørgard)
    • "Market Delineation and Demand Structure" Frank Asche, Kjell Salvanes and Frode Steen, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1997, Vol. 79, pp. 139-150.
    • ‘The pro-competitive effect of two-part tariffs’, International Journal of the Economics of Business, 1998, 5, 47-55. (T. S. Gabrielsen and L. Sørgard)
    • ‘Merger and product range rivalry’, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1998, 16, 21-42. (K. E. Lommerud and L. Sørgard)
    • "CO2-stabilisation may be a "no-regrets" policy: A general equilibrium analysis of the Norwegian economy", Environmental and Resource Economics, 9, 1997, 171-198. (Lars Håkonsen and Lars Mathiesen).
    • ‘Transfer pricing as a strategic device for desentralized multinationals’, International Tax and Public Finance, 1997, 4, 277-290. (G. Schjelderup and L. Sørgard).
    • ‘Domestic merger policy in an international oligopoly: The Nordic market for electricity’, Energy Economics, 1997, 19, 239-253. (L. Sørgard)
    • ‘The takeover battle for Fjord Line’, Business Strategy Review, 1997, 8(3), 27-34. (L. Sørgard)
    • ‘Judo economics reconsidered: capacity limitation, entry and collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1997, 15, 349-368. (L. Sørgard)
    • A mixed oligopoly in the presence of foreign private firms, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 29, no. 3, August 1996 (K. Fjell and D. Pal).
    • "Testing for relative performance between seasons in a fishery", Kjell G. Salvanes and Frode Steen, Land Economics , 1994, Vol.70, No.4, pp.431-47.
    • "The Impact of Unilateral OECD Carbon Taxes on the Location of Aluminium Smelting", International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 6,1994, 52-61. (With Alan S. Manne and Lars Mathiesen).
    • ‘The consumer as an entrant in the Norwegian cement market’, Journal of Industrial Economics, 1993, 41, 191-204. (L. Sørgard)
    • ‘Multiproduct incumbent and a Puppy Dog entrant: Some simulations for the Norwegian cement market’, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1992, 10, 251-271. (L. Sørgard)
    • "Computation of Cournot-Nash Equilibria", Operations Research, 39, 1991, 739-48. (With C.D. Kolstad and Lars Mathiesen).
    • "The European Natural Gas Market. Degrees of Market Power on the Selling Side", in Golombek and Hoel (red.), Natural Gas Markets and Contracts, North Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1987. (Lars Mathiesen, K. Roland and K. Thonstad.)
    • "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Uniqueness of a Cournot Equilibrium", Review of Economic Studies LIV, 1987, 681-690. (C.D. Kolstad and Lars Mathiesen.)
    • "An Algorithm based on a Sequence of Linear Complementarity Problems applied to a Walrasian Equilibrium Model: An Example", Lars Mathiesen, Mathematical Programming, 37,1987, 1-18.
    • "Computation of Economic Equilibria by a Sequence of Linear Complementarity Problems", Mathematical Programming Study, 23, 1985, 144-162.
    • "Computational Experience in Solving Equilibrium Models by a Sequence of Linear Complementarity Problems", Lars Mathiesen, Operations Research, 33, (1985), 1225-1250.
    • "Trade liberalization and cartel stability", Review of International Economics, 2001, 9(2). 343-355, (Kjell Erik Lommerud and L. Sørgard).
    • 'Competition and Compatibility among Internet Service Providers', (Co-author: Øystein Foros and B. Hansen), Information Economics and Policy, 2001, 13(4), 411-425.
    • 'Connecting customers and disconnecting competitors - The facility-based firms’ strategy towards virtual operators', (Øystein Foros and B. Hansen), Journal of Network Industries, 2, 2001, 207-230.
    • A Cross-Subsidy Classification Framework, Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 21, no. 3, 2001, pp.265-282. (K. Fjell)
    • ‘Gains and Losses from Trade when Countries differ in Public Knowledge Stocks.’ Atlantic Economic Journal 29(3); 2001, 274-293 (H.J. Kind).
    • 'Access Pricing, Quality Degradation, and Foreclosure in the Internet' (Øystein Foros, H.J. Kind and L. Sørgard), Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2002, 22(1), 59-83
    • 'Demand-side Spillovers and Semi-Collusion in the Mobile Communications Market', (Øystein Foros, B. Hansen and J.Y. Sand), Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2(3), 2002, 259-278.
    • Public Stackelberg Leadership in a Mixed Oligopoly with Foreign Firms, Australian Economic Papers, Vol. 41, no. 3, 2002, pp.267-281 (K. Fjell and John S. Heywood).
    • "From a regulated duopoly to a private monopoly: The deregulation of the Norwegian airline Industry”, Lars Sørgard and Frode Steen, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2002 (9), 191-221
    • ”Vertical industry linkages: Sources of productivity gains and cumulative causation?”, Karen Helene Midelfart Knarvik and Frode Steen, The Review of Industrial Organization 2002, (21), 3-20
    • ‘The Role of FDI in Economic Development.’ Co-authors: Kjetil Bjorvatn and Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås. Nordic Journal of Political Economy 28(2); 2002, 109-126. (H.J. Kind)
    • ‘Causes and Effects of FDI by the Norwegian Maritime Industry.’ Co-author: Siri Pettersen Strandenes. Maritime Policy & Management 29(3); 2002, 223-239. (H.J. Kind)
    • 'Endogenous Growth and Trade Liberalization between Small and Large Countries.' Review of International Economics 10(1); 2002, 151-165. (H.J. Kind)
    • ‘Globalization versus Protectionism: Consequences for Long-term Growth and Welfare in the South.’ Japanese Economic Review 53(3); 2002, 274-289. (H.J. Kind)
    • ‘A public firm challenged by entry: Duplication or diversity?’, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2002, 32, 259-274 (T. Nilssen and H.J. Kind)
    • "Unionized Oligopoly, Trade Liberalization and Location Choice", Economic Journal, 113, 2003, 782-800 (Kjell Erik Lommerud, Frode Meland and L. Sørgard).
    • 'The Broadband Access Market: Competition, Uniform pricing and Geographical Coverage' (Co-author: Øystein Foros and H.J. Kind), Journal of Regulatory Economics, 23(3), 2003, 215-235.
    • Elasticity based pricing rules - a cautionary note, Applied Economics Letters, 2003, 10, 787-791 (K. Fjell).
    • “Compete, Collude or Both - Deregulation in the Norwegian airline industry”, Kjell G. Salvanes, Lars Sørgard and Frode Steen, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 37 (3) 2003, 383-416
    • ‘From a regulated duopoly to a private monopoly; The deregulation of the Norwegian airline industry’, Swedish Economic Policy Review. 2003, 9(2), 191-222 (L. Sørgard and F. Steen).
    • ‘Entry in Telecommunication: Customer Loyalty, Price Sensitivity and Access Prices’, Information Economics and Policy, 2003, 15(1), 55-72 (K. E. Lommerud and L. Sørgard).
    • 'Competition or coordination in hospital markets with unionised labour.' International Journal of Health Care Finance & Economics 4 (2004) 65-89 (Kurt Brekke).
    • 'Bilateral monopolies and location choice.' Regional Science & Urban Economics 34 (2004) 275-288, (Kurt Brekke and Odd Rune Straume).
    • Are Interactive TV-pioneers and surfers different breeds? Broadband demand and asymmetric cross-price effects' (Kjetil Andersson and Kenneth Fjell and Øystein Foros), Review of Industrial Organization, 25(3), 2004, 295-316.
    • 'Strategic Investments with Spillovers, Vertical Integration and Foreclosure in the Broadband Access Market', Øystein Foros, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22(1), 2004, 1-24.
    • Mixed Oligopoly, Subsidization and the Order of Firm's Moves: The Relevance of Privatization, Economics Letters 83 (2004) 411-416 (K. Fjell and John S. Heywood).
    • "Climate Policy and the Steel Industry: Achieving Global Emissions Reductions by Incomplete Climate Agreement", The Energy Journal, 25, 4, 2004, 91-114. (Lars Mathiesen and O.Mæstad.)
    • ‘Media Competition on the Internet.’ Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy 4 (1); 2004, 1-32. (P. P. Barros, H.J. Kind, T. Nilssen and L. Sørgard)
    • ‘Consequences of Imitation by Poor Countries on International Wage Inequalities and Global Growth.’ Review of Development Economics 8(1); 2004, 47-67. (H.J. Kind)
    • 'Do Internet Incumbents Choose Low Interconnection Quality' (Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Jan Yngve Sand), Information Economics and Policy, 17(2), 2005, 149-164.
    • 'Corporate Tax Systems, Multinational Enterprises and Economic Integration.’ Hans J. Kind, Karen Helene Midelfart Knarvik and Guttorm Schjelderup. Journal of International Economics 65(2); 2005, 507-521.
    • Can Exclusive Territories Limit Strategic Location Downstream? Papers in Regional Science;volume 84, issue 2, 221-237, 2005;( K. Fjell and John S. Heywood).
    • “Hotelling in the air? Flight departures in Norway”, Lars Sørgard, Kjell. G. Salvanes and Frode Steen, Regional Science & Urban Economics 2005, Vol. 35 (2), 193-213.
    • ‘Downstream merger with upstream market power’, European Economic Review, 2005, 49, 717-743, (K. E. Lommerud, L. Sørgard and O. R. Straume).
    • Self-Protection and Value of Statistical Life Estimation, Land Economics, 2005, 81(1), 100-113 (Jason F. Shogren and Tommy Stamland).
    • Sharing of endogenous risk in construction, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2005, 58(4), 511-526 (Trond Olsen and Petter Osmundsen).
    • "Endogenous product differentiation in credit markets: what do borrowers pay for?" (Moshe Kim, Eirik Kristiansen and Bent Vale), Journal of Banking and Finance, 2005, pp. 681-699.
    • 10 bonustabber – Hvordan lære av teori og praksis? Praktisk økonomi & finans, 2005, 21(2), 25-3552 (Iver Bragelien).
    • "Can a mixed health care system be desirable on equity grounds?", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 107 (1), 2005, pp 1-23. (Maurice Marchand and Fred Schroyen).
    • "An alternative way to model merit good arguments", Journal of Public Economics 89 (5-6) 2005, pp 957-966 (Fred Schroyen).
    • "Work requirements and long term poverty" Journal of Public Economic Theory 7 (3) 2005, pp 427-448 (Fred Schroyen and Gaute Torsvik).
    • „Risk taking in selection contests" (Hans K. Hvide and Eirik Kristiansen) Games and Economic Behavior 42, (2003) 172-181.
    • Bruk av lønn som styringsinstrument: Hvorfor så mange mislykkes, Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse, 2003, 6(2), 47-5752 (Iver Bragelien).
    • Spillovers and international competition for investments, Journal of International Economics, 2003, 59(1), 211-238 (Trond Olsen and Petter Osmundsen).
    • "Redistributive taxation and the household: the case of individual filings" Journal of Public Economics 87 (2003), 11, pp 2527-2547 (Fred Schroyen).
    • Skill and the Value of Life, Journal of Political Economy, 2002, 110(5), 1168-1173 (Jason F. Shogren and Tommy Stamland).
    • Strategic tax competition: implications of national ownership, Journal of Public Economics, 2001, 81(2), 253-277 (Trond Olsen and Petter Osmundsen).
    • Discretion and Incentives in Organizations, Journal of Labor Economics, 2000, 18(3), 377-404 (Trond Olsen and Gaute Torsvik). Partially Informative Signaling, Journal of Economic Theory, 1999, 89(1), 148-161 (Tommy Stamland).
    • Collusion and Renegotiation in Hierarchies: A Case of Beneficial Corruption, International Economic Review, 1998, 39(2), 413-438 (Trond Olsen and Gaute Torsvik).
    • Limited Intertemporal Commitment and Job Design, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1996, 31(3), 401-417 (Margaret A. Meyer, Trond Olsen and Gaute Torsvik).
    • Agency Costs and the Limits of Integration, Rand Journal of Economics, 1996, 27(3), 479-501 (Trond Olsen).
    • On Optimal Control of Income Generating Activities, and the Value of Flexible Production Design, International Review of Economics and Finance, 1996, 5(4), 349-361 (Trond Olsen and Gunnar Stensland).
    • "R&D in the Presence of Network Externalities: Timing and Compatibility" RAND Journal of Economics, 29, (1998) p. 531-547 (Eirik Kristiansen).
    • "Preference characterisation and indirect Allais coefficients", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 48, 1997, 253-274 (Fred Schroyen)..
    • "Pareto efficient income taxation under costly monitoring", Journal of Public Economics, 1997, 343-366 (Fred Schroyen)..
    • "Redistribution and small coalitions of friends", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 99(3), 1997, 405-424 (Fred Schroyen)..
    • "The game form approach to redistribution", Journal of Economic Surveys, 11(2), 1997, 191-219 (Fred Schroyen)..
    • "Optimal fiscal and public expenditure policy in a two-class economy", Journal of Public Economics, 61, 1996, 119-137. (Mario Nava, Maurice Marchand and Fred Schroyen)
    • “R&D in Markets with Network Externalities", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 14, (1996) p. 769-784 (Eirik Kristiansen).
    • Intertemporal Common Agency and Organizational Design: How Much Decentralization?, European Economic Review, 1995, 39(7), 1405-1428 (Trond Olsen and Gaute Torsvik).
    • The Ratchet Effect in Common Agency: Implications for Regulation and Privatization, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 1993, 9(1), 136-158 (Trond Olsen and Gaute Torsvik).
    • Regulation of Multiagent Research and Development, Rand Journal of Economics, 1993, 24(4), 529-541 (Trond Olsen).
    • Technology Adoption, Learning Spillovers, and the Optimal Duration of Patent-Based Monopolies, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1992, 10(4), 517-543 (Paul A. David and Trond Olsen).
    • Technological Diffusion in Primary Health Care, Journal of Health Economics, 1992, 11(4), 439-452 (Liv Marit Klausen, Trond Olsen and Alf Erling Risa).
    • Durable Goods Monopoly, Learning by Doing and the Coase Conjecture, European Economic Review, 1992, 36(1), 157-177 (Trond Olsen).
    • On Optimal Timing of Investment When Cost Components Are Additive and Follow Geometric Diffusions, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1992, 16(1), 39-51 (Trond Olsen and Gunnar Stensland).
    • Simple Rules to Order Irreversible Income Alternatives Sequentially, Economics Letters, 1991, 35(2), 193-199 (Trond Olsen and Gunnar Stensland). Strategic Considerations in Invention and Innovation; The Case of Natural Resources Revisited, Econometrica, 1988, 56(4), 841-849 (Trond Olsen).