International Accounting Standards
On Wednesday 28 September 2016 Kjell Ove Røsok will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Prescribed topic for the trial lecture
«Acting Globally, Applied Locally» - Have Investors Benefited from IFRS Convergence?

Trial lecture:
10:15 in Karl Borch Aud, NHH
Title of the thesis:
A Critical Assessment of Convergence with the IASB's Accounting Constructs
Users of financial reports are heterogeneous. They may include investors, creditors, debtors, employees, management, tax authorities, governmental bodies, media, researchers, the local community etc.
They use financial reports for different purposes and they require and are able to understand different degrees of complexity and depth. Nevertheless, most countries have accounting regulation that requires companies to prepare only general-purpose financial reports aiming to meet common needs of many users. The regulator has the discretion to decide what information needs to be included and what may be omitted or may be included on a voluntary basis.
The regulator’s priorities decide the constructs underlying financial reporting. This thesis studies two of the International Accounting Standards Board’s (IASB) constructs: the users of financial reports and the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs). It deconstructs the IASB’s user-construct and studies this construct’s alignment with academic research, and it studies the IFRS for SMEs and constituents’ responses to two proposed adoptions of this standard. In its study of the IFRS for SMEs the thesis proposes refinement and development of two theoretical frameworks. Applying these frameworks it finds that the constituents challenge the IASB’s constructs, or propose local amendments to the constructs. This thesis argues that the IASB should assess how these challenges and amendments should influence its constructs and the effect analysis it conducts as part of its due process for developing accounting standards.
12:15 in Karl Borch Aud, NHH
Members of the evaluation committee:
Professor Aasmund Eilifsen (leader of the committee), Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law, NHH
Professor Gunnar Rimmel, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University
Assistant Professor Kristina Jonäll, University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law
Professor Hanne Nørreklit, Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law (NHH) and Aarhus University, Denmark
Professor Lisa Evans, University of Stirling, UK
The trial lecture and thesis defense will be open to the public. Copies of the thesis will be available from presse@nhh.no.