Will be deeply missed by colleagues and all NHH students

victor norman
"Ever since the mid-1970s, generations of business economists have been able to enjoy his sharp analyses and excellent communication skills," said NHH rector Øystein Thøgersen.
By Sigrid Folkestad

21 September 2024 11:23

Will be deeply missed by colleagues and all NHH students

Friday evening, NHH professor emeritus Victor D. Norman passed away. 'He will be deeply missed,' says NHH rector Øystein Thøgersen.

"Ever since the mid-1970s, generations of business economists have been able to enjoy his sharp analyses and excellent communication skills," said NHH rector Øystein Thøgersen when he received the sad news that professor emeritus Victor D. Norman (b. 1946) had passed away 20 September.

Norman became a professor at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in 1975. Norman was the Minister of Labour in the Bondevik II government.

When the highly esteemed professor gave his last lecture at NHH in November 2016, the largest auditorium was full.

The applause did not stop until a moved Norman announced that 'now it was enough.'

"A wonderful conclusion," he said to his students.