Rune Skjelvan elected new chair of the board at DIG

 CEO and Partner at KPMG Norway, Rune Skjelvan. Photo: KPMG
CEO and Partner at KPMG Norway, Rune Skjelvan. Photo: KPMG
By Arent Kragh

16 September 2024 11:38

Rune Skjelvan elected new chair of the board at DIG

The annual meeting of DIG has appointed the CEO and Partner at KPMG Norway, Rune Skjelvan, as the new chair of the DIG board.

Rune Skjelvan has served two years as a member of the board, giving him a broad knowledge of ongoing research in DIG as well as with the DIG partnership.

Upon assuming his new role, Skjelvan emphasized that his top priority is to further strengthen the connection between research and business, aiming to amplify the impact of scientific research on the operations of Norwegian companies.

`We must drive forward local innovation that can scale globally. Future international competitiveness depends on what we manage to do today´, Skjelvan said.

On the board of directors, Skjelvan will be joined by NHH faculty, Office of Communications and External Relations at NHH as well as members from other partners of DIG.

The election of a new chair of the board also marked the end of Dagfinn Myhre’s time in the chair.