Kenneth Fjell joins expert commitee
How should Norway ensure national control over critical digital infrastructure? The government has established an expert committee with NHH professor Kenneth Fjell as a member.
`We must be confident that data centers and mobile and broadband networks have adequate security,´ says Minister of Digitalisation and Public Governance Karianne Tung in a press release.
increasingly valuable
Norway is among the world's most digitized countries, and all sectors are increasingly dependent on digital services. This makes the digital infrastructure increasingly valuable and critical to society, a field that the state, in several cases, should take ownership of, especially considering the heightened security situation in Europe.
In response to this, the government is establishing an expert committee to assess how the state can maintain national control over critical digital communication infrastructure.
Kenneth Fjell is a professor at the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law, NHH. Fjell and the committee is tasked with identifying infrastructure, companies that own or influence it, and evaluating current regulations and other measures to ensure national control and adequate security.
provide input
The committee will, among other things, assess how national control can be maintained for:
- mobile and broadband networks
- ransport networks
- ubmarine fiber cables
- data centers
- satellite communication systems
- facilities in the digital infrastructure crucial for the entire spectrum of crises, including mountain facilities.
`I greatly appreciate that we have engaged competent individuals to investigate and provide input for the government's efforts to assess national control over critical digital infrastructure,´ says the minister.
The expert committee will commence its work in January 2024 and is expected to deliver its assessments to the Ministry of Digitalization and Administration in February 2025.