NHH increasing focus on asset management
Professor Trond M. Døskeland will increase knowledge of asset management and private equity funds through an endowed professorship from Argentum.
‘I look forward to helping to increase insight and knowledge about asset management in Norway. This will be achieved through a number of activities, such as funding postdoctoral fellows, adjunct positions, a new course at NHH and, not least, seminars,’ says Professor Trond M. Døskeland.
The purpose of the endowed professorship is to strengthen free and independent research that will help increase knowledge about the capital market for unlisted companies, as well as disciplines that are strategically important to the Norwegian fund management industry.
Døskeland and post-doctoral fellows associated with the new agreement will work to create an environment and interest in asset management and private equity funds through research, teaching and dissemination.
‘We consider Professor Døskeland to be extremely well qualified for the endowed professorship, based on his strong professional qualifications and interest in the field,’ says NHH Rector, Øystein Thøgersen.
Døskeland's fields of research include asset management, personal finance, responsible investments, behavioural economics and risk management. The NHH professor has a solid research background in finance and has published in the top international scientific journals, such as Journal of Finance, Management Science and Review of Finance.
‘an investment in the future’
Argentum is funding the endowed professorship with an annual sum of NOK 1.5 million for a five-year period.
‘The endowed professorship is not only an investment in research, but also an investment in the future of asset management in Norway. We look forward to following NHH's work and learning more about unexplored areas of the capital market, especially for unlisted companies. Supporting free and independent research gives us a unique opportunity to help shape a more resilient and sustainable fund management industry,’ says Espen Langeland, CEO of Argentum.
Per Strömberg at NHH
The endowed professorship from Argentum was announced at the Karl Borch Lecture, 14 September this year.
This year's lecturer was Professor Per Strömberg at Stockholm School of Economics. The lecture was followed by perspectives from practice and a panel debate.