Leading Business Model Innovation in Established Firms
Kristin Ringvold defends her PhD degree at NHH October 4 2022 with her thesis "Leading Business Model Innovation in Established Firms".
Business model innovation has become an increasingly relevant topic in today's changing world, but there is still little knowledge about how established firms succeed with this form of innovation. In particular there is a lack of insight into how processes for business model innovation unfold and how managers and organizations can best support such processes through their various phases.
In her doctoral thesis, Kristin Ringvold explores how (different) processes for business model innovation arise and develop. She also explores how organizations and managers can best support processes for business model innovation and thus contribute to organizational renewal. Through three different articles, the thesis provides important insight into how established businesses can succeed in facilitating various forms of business model innovation. The first article focuses on the process of developing sustainable business models. The second article focus on the replication of a digital business model to new markets. The third article focuses on the role of the top management team in transforming an existing business model. In sum, these three empirical articles contribute new insights into how established firms innovate their business models.
Professor Nicolai Juul Foss (main supervisor), Department of Strategy and Management, NHH
Adjunct Associate Professor Frank Elter, Department of Strategy and Management, NHH
Trial lecture and defense:
Zoom, NHH, October 4, 2022. The trial lecture will be held 13:15. Defense starts 14:30
Members of the evaluation committee:
Professor Björn Schmeisser (leader of the committee), Department of Strategy and Management, NHH
Associate Professor Cristina Bettinelli, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Professor Thomas Ritter, Copenhagen Business School