Young NHH researcher awarded publication prize
Silje Rydland Skaar has been awarded the Odd Nordhaug Memorial Prize. The PhD candidate receives the award for the best article published in the journal «Beta» in 2019 and 2020.
Odd Nordhaug Memorial Prize
The Odd Nordhaug Memorial Prize is an honor to the great effort Professor Odd Nordhaug (1953–2013) made for research in general and for the dissemination of Scandinavian research in particular. He was for many years editor of Beta. The award is given by the department. The prize was established in collaboration with Beta.
This week, Silje Rydland Skaar received the Odd Nordhaug Memorial Prize 2021, which this year prioritises young researchers.
Someone to lean on
Skaar receives the award and NOK 15 000 for her research article «Someone to Lean On: First-Line Manager´ s Change Agency Across Distance». The article was published in Beta June 2020.
`It' s great to receive this award, and it may lead to more people reading the article. As a researcher you always want as many people as possible to read and benefit from your research´, says Skaar.
Professor emerita at the Department of Strategy and Management, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe, is head juror and editor-in-chief of Beta:
`The jury says that this is a very well developed study of how first-line managers’ assume different strategies for change agency in a Scandinavian energy company. Skaar excites the reader with in-depth field data, which she theorizes in a systematic and creative way. In doing so, the author argues how her findings extend existing theory and thereby she pushes the frontier for further studies´, says Kleppe.
The first runner up is Halvdan Haugsbakken for his article A Research Literature Study of Enterprise Social Media Platforms in Organizations. He receives NOK 5 000 for his published article. The jury says that this a very solid review article that establishes a platform other researchers can use to positon their own studies in this field.
NHH students found relevant work after their studies
`Useful experience`
Silje Rydland Skaar is now finishing her doctoral dissertation at the Department of Strategy and Management and will start a new job at Tryg Forsikring this spring. Here she will work as a consultant in strategy and change management processes.
In the midst of a very hectic period, the award is a very welcome recognition. She recommends other doctoral students within the field to consider publishing their research in Beta.
`It is incredibly motivating to be able to share results from my research and contribute to new knowledge. For me, the publication process and the feedback from the experts has been a really useful experience´.
Special Issue
Beta is a with peer reviewed journal, where anonymous researchers evaluate the article's quality and contribution.
`BETA had a special issue with dedicated collections of articles that highlighted the topic of strategic change, which I felt was quite exiciting. First-line leaders are often forgotten, and I saw an opportunity to contribute with knowledge within the field. First-line managers are at a low operational level, with no managers below them, but also at this level, change management is important´, says Skaar.
`What Skaar says about contributing with knowledge is important, and also I think young researchers benefit from the publishing process, like the one in Beta. When they submit articles to the BETA editorial staff, we go to great lengths in order to help PhD candidates in their publication process.