Facilitating good career choices
According to new figures from the national student survey Studiebarometeret, NHH’s study programmes are highly relevant to employment, and the school stands out from the national average when it comes to helping students to make employer contacts.
The Studiebarometeret survey is conducted by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) on assignment for the Ministry of Education and Research. Last year, it was distributed to 65,000 students. The survey includes questions on the learning environment, participation, inspiration, job relevance, teaching, exams and learning outcomes.
Contact with business and industry
NHH students rank their school highly on many of these points. To summarise: There is no doubt that they are satisfied with having chosen NHH as their place of study, the study programme’s ability to inspire is also highly ranked, and the students agree that the programmes provide academic challenges.
Last, but not least, they see that the knowledge they acquire is relevant to working life.

Studiebarometeret asks whether the school helps the students to make employer contacts. Most students give affirmative answers to this question. The bachelor's students gave the school a score of 4.1 of a possible 5, which is 1.2 above the national average. The master’s students gave a score of 3.8, which is 0.9 above the average.
‘Must be better equipped’
NHH is well above the national average for many questions under the job relevance part of the index. The students answer that they to a great degree acquire expertise that is important to future employment. The bachelor’s students gave 4.3 of a possible 5 on this point and the master’s students 4.1.
This autumn, Minister of Research and Higher Education Iselin Nybø announced that the ministry would present a white paper on students’ relevance to the labour market and stated that the students must be better equipped for their future employment.

‘This is why we need closer contact between higher education and the labour market. Far too many students lack a clear idea of what their expertise can be used for when they graduate,’ said Iselin Nybø (V).
Diversity of job opportunities
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Linda Nøstbakken says the following regarding the NHH students’ sense of relevance for their careers:
‘One of our most important tasks is to ensure that the students have the best possible basis for making good career choices. There are a wealth of job opportunities for economists, and they must be clear during the students’ studies. We do this is several ways, including by using relevant cases in teaching, organising events where students are invited to participate, and by inviting guest lecturers. In just one year, our academic staff invite close to 200 guest lecturers, many of whom are business and public sector leaders.’
She adds:
‘The results from Studiebarometeret are in line with the candidate survey that was published in January, which showed that 98.8 per cent of former NHH students have found relevant work, and the majority find work before they graduate.’

Business Analytics makes you stand out
The Studiebarometeret survey asks questions about the students’ overall level of satisfaction, and the NHH students’ answers to this were extremely positive. To the question, ‘I am taking the programme I most wanted to take’, the bachelor’s students gave a total of 4.6, while the master’s students fall just under with 4.5.
The survey includes many questions on what the students think about the teaching. The master’s students at NHH felt that the teaching thoroughly covered the most central parts of the subject matter/syllabus and gave 4.3 points out of a possible 5. The bachelor’s students gave 4.2 points. To a great extent, the students also think that the academic staff manage to engage them with their teaching, and that they communicate the syllabus in a way the students understand.
The survey also asks which teaching and work methods contribute to learning, and the answers to one point in particular clearly showed a positive development.
‘We see that today’s master’s students are more satisfied now with digital work methods than previously. I would also like to emphasise the use of cases in teaching, where we see an improvement among both bachelor’s and master’s students.'
Social and academic environment
The NHH students have a positive attitude to the social aspects of the student community. When asked about the social environment among the students on the programme, the bachelor’s students gave 4.1 points on a scale of 0 to 5. The master’s students gave 3.9 points. When asked about the academic environment among the students, the bachelor’s students gave a score of 4.2 and the master’s students just below with 4.0.
‘Overall, this shows that most students are very satisfied and that they are good at helping and supporting each other in their studies. This is fundamental to our current students, and to those considering applying to NHH,’ says Vice Rector Linda Nøstbakken.
‘We have worked closely with the students in 2018 to contribute to an open and inclusive student community, and we will continue to do so. All NHH students must be allowed to find their place and be socially included if they want to be.'