Alesina Gives the 2019 Sandmo Lecture

NHH By Hallvard Lyssand

26 November 2018 15:19

Alesina Gives the 2019 Sandmo Lecture

Harvard Professor Alberto Alesina is next year’s guest lecturer at NHH’s Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy.

Professor Alberto Alesina. Photo: EU
Professor Alberto Alesina. Photo: EU

Alberto Alesian (b. 1957) is the Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University’s Department of Economics.

Professor Alesina’s work covers a variety of topics, spanning from political business cycles, the process of European integration, currency unions and differences in the economic system in the US and Europe, to ethnic conflict, inequality and redistributive policies, and the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy, to mention only a few.

He has published extensively in all major academic journals in economics, written five books and been co-editor and associate editor of several journals.

In addition to his chair at Harvard, Alesina is a member of the Center for Economic Policy Research and of the National Bureau of Economic Research, where he has been director of the political economy programme since 2006.

He is a member of the Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The native Italian holds a visiting position at his alma mater, Bocconi in Milan. He has also visited several other institutions including MIT, The World Bank and the IMF.

The Sandmo Lecture 

The Agnar Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy will be held at NHH 5 June 2019.

NHH established the annual guest lecture and a junior visiting fellowship in 2008 to honour Professor Emeritus Agnar Sandmo for his long contribution and international standing in the field.

The junior visiting fellow for 2019 is Assistant Professor Peter Nilsson from Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University.

Nilsson is invited to visit and work at NHH's Department of Economics.