Giant leap for OneCall
IKEA is the most innovative company in Norway for the second consecutive year, according to the Norwegian Innovation Index developed by CSI at NHH. Mobile company OneCall is the best climber on the index.
‘IKEA is in its own class on this ranking. They have an organisational culture that has a strong focus on customers, and does things that are visible and detectable to people. They present new products on a regular basis, the exhibits change frequently, and their annual catalogue inspires. In sum, this reminds customers that new things happen,’ says NHH professor and head of Centre for Service Innovation (CSI), Tor W. Andreassen.
Winners compared to last years ranking
- OneCall +6,7 points
- Norwegian +4,6 points
- Bilia +4,6 points
- Kiwi +3,4 points
- Cirkle K +2,9 points
The Norwegian Innovation Index is the first national innovation ranking where the customers are the judges. Customers are asked to evaluate companies' innovative ability, how attractive companies are in relation to competitors and how loyal they are as a customer towards the company. This is the second time that the survey has been done, and 76 companies are part of this year’s ranking.
The top ten is as follows:
1. IKEA 76,2
2. Sbanken 72,8
3. OneCall 68,6
4. Toyota 65,3
5. Norwegian 65,2
6. Stormberg 64,8
7. Nordic Choice 62,5
8. 61,9
9. Telia 61,0
10. Meny 60,9
Compared with last year's ranking, OneCall improves the most in terms of points. They are 3rd on the ranking, while the competitor Telenor are out of the top 10 list this year.
Losers compared to last years ranking
- Bergen Taxi -7,3 points
- Telenor -6,1 points
- MøllerGruppen -5,9 points
- Møbelringen -5,2 points
- Norgestaxi -5,1 points
‘OneCall has succeeded in simplifying its market communication and presents its solutions as significantly more innovative than Telenor. For Telenor's part, the result is not good enough given the financial muscles they have. They have to develop new products and services that customers appreciate,’ says Andreassen.
Facts about the Norwegian Innovation Index
- The Norwegian Innovation Index is a customer ranking of the innovative ability of Norwegian enterprises.
- A total of 76 companies from 19 industries (following Statistics Norway’s industry categories) have been assessed by their own customers.
- The scale goes to 100.00 and the average score for the assessed enterprises is 53.5 points, which is a fairly moderate score.
- The index was developed at the Center for Service Innovation (CSI) at NHH by NHH Professor Tor Wallin Andreassen, BI Norwegian Business School Professor Line Lervik-Olsen and Seidali Kurtmollaiev, a postdoc at NHH.
- The respondents are divided into three categories: ‘Young, free, no ties’, ‘Chaos in their lives’ and ‘Have their lives back’, representing young adults, families with children and adults whose children have moved out, respectively.