All set for FIBE 2019

Every year in early January, close to 200 researchers gather at NHH to attend FIBE. The Picture is from FIBE 2017. Photo: Marit Hommedal
Every year in early January, close to 200 researchers gather at NHH to attend FIBE. The Picture is from FIBE 2017. Photo: Marit Hommedal

21 December 2018 14:16

All set for FIBE 2019

As usual, the annual FIBE conference is the first event in the new NHH year. On 3 and 4 January 170 participants gather to discuss this year’s main topic: The Future of Business Schools.

2019 is the 36th time NHH hosts FIBE – short for Fagkonferansen i bedriftsøkonomiske emner.

Associate Professor and NHH’s Vice Rector for Faculty Affiars, Gunnar E Christensen is head of the Fibe Committee.

Why have you chosen to discuss the future of business schools?

“We live in a world of rapid change brought about by mega trends like accelerating technological development, globalisation, demographic changes, climate change and resource scarcity. These changes are challenges for all parts of society, and business schools are no exception,” says Christensen.

“The market continuously demands new skills in new areas, and this in turn has great impact on the knowledge and skills we supply our candidates with. There is also a constant need for renewal of teaching techniques and pedagogy, often based in new technology. And life-long learning, for instance executive programmes, is becoming more important, he adds.

Keynote speaker from Aalto

FIBE continues its long tradition of inviting a keynote speaker to talk about the main topic.

Professor Ingmar Björkman is Keynote speaker at FIBE 2019. Photo: Aalto School of Business.
Professor Ingmar Björkman is Keynote speaker at FIBE 2019. Photo: Aalto School of Business.

The 2019-guest is Professor Ingmar Björkman from Aalto University in Finland.

“Björkman has been Dean at Aalto University School of Business for several years and participated actively in the debate about challenges for business schools. He heads an institution that has managed to change and adapt to new demands,” says Christensen.

After the keynote, the conference continues with parallel sessions with presentations of 45 research contributions.

Panel discussion

FIBE 2019 ends with a new plenary session about the conferences main theme.

“We have invited three researchers from three different Norwegian institutions to share their thoughts about the development of Norwegian business schools. They are Professor Inger Johanne Pettersen from NTNU, Professor Ola Kvaløy from UiS  and Associate Professor and Vice Rector Therese E. Sverdrup from NHH,” Says Christensen.

Associate Professor Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen will moderated the final debate.