CELE receives European grants
With 18 million Euro NORFACE will fund thirteen transnational research projects. Two of the projects involve researchers at CELE.
Professor Kjell Gunnar Salvanes leads one of the projects and is partner on another.
19 European countries
NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe) is a collaborative partnership of national research funding agencies from 19 European countries in the area of social and behavioral sciences.
The NORFACE research programme Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) fund thirteen new transnational research projects that will start in 2017/2018. The thirteen teams with 56 principal investigators will be researching topics ranging from inequality and its consequences in education, child development, health, populism and LBTQ citizens, to employment and working life.
In these projects, researchers from a wide variety of disciplines are working together across Europe, from Portugal to Finland and the Czech Republic to Ireland, and will look beyond Europe too (Source: Norface.net).
childhood inequalities
Two of the projects are fully or partly belonging to NHH, specifically Professor Kjell G. Salvanes and Center for Empirical Labor Economics (CELE) at the Department of Economics. The researchers at CELE are really pleased to see the projects receive the recognition and the funding.
Both research projects deal with lifecycle consequences of childhood inequalities.
- Growing up Unequal? The Origins, Dynamics and Lifecycle Consequences of Childhood Inequalities
Professor Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Norwegian School of Economics, Professor Marc Gurgand, Paris School of Economics and Dr. Gabrielle Conti, Institute for Fiscal Studies, UK.
- Human capital and inequality during adolescence and working life
Professor Sir Richard Blundell, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Professor Anna Vignoles, University of Cambridge, Professor Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Norwegian School of Economics, and Professor Éric Maurin, Paris School of Economics.