Registrations and fee

Registrations and fee

You must register in Studentweb every semester. Registration deadline is 1 September for the autumn semester and 1 February for the spring semester.

  • Semester fee

    Semester fee

    Payment for international students from an international bank: It's mandatory to send a screenshot of the payment to
    for manual registration.

    Full-time students have to pay a semester fee every semester. You will find an invoice on Studentweb. The semester fee is currently NOK 910 whereof NOK 650 goes to the Student Welfare Organization in Bergen (Sammen), and NOK 50 is a voluntary fee to NHH Aid. If you don't want to support NHH Aid, the amount is NOK 860,-

    The remaining NOK 210 per semester, goes in full to Kopinor. The Kopinor agreement allows employees and students at NHH to copy from books and other copyrighted material. The copy fee will be given as consideration to the authors and licensees of the work. All universities and colleges have a separate agreement with Kopinor and pay a yearly fee per student (full-time equivalent) and per employee.

    For more information about the semester fee, please visit the Website of Sammen

    Refund of the semester fee

    You may apply for a refund of the semester fee if you have:

    • paid too much
    • paid the semester fee to another student organization in addition to Sammen
    • paid the semester fee but will not be studying at NHH this semester

    The application deadline is 1 February for the spring semester and 1 September for the autumn semester. Please use this form.

  • Course registration

    Course registration

    All students are required to confirm the education plan, and register for classes and exams on Studentweb. The deadline for registration for spring semester is 1 February and for autumn semester is 1 September. The deadline for withdrawing from exams is three weeks prior to the exam date.

  • Student key card

    Student key card

    The student key card is your access card and also functions for access to printers. You will need a valid ID in order to pick up the student key card in the Service centre.

    Outside normal working hours, you will need to use the key card and your personal pin code to access NHH's buildings. 

    It is possible to change the pin code. Change pin code here.

  • Digital Student ID

    Digital Student ID

    The Student ID app functions as a semester receipt and student ID. You must pay the semester fee and complete the semester registration for the current semester on Studentweb before you can use the app. Note that it may take between three to five days before your payment is registered on Studentweb.

    How to use the app

    You choose NHH as your institution and then you log on via Feide with your regular NHH username and password. If you have paid the semester fee and registered, this information will show up in a yellow box at the bottom of the page. The information will be stored in the app itself, so you do not have to be online after the first registration.

    Download the app


  • Pin code

    Pin code

    You can have your PIN-code sent to your e-mail by following the directions at the Studentweb website.