New student checklist
Here is a checklist for new international students at NHH.
Bring original admission documents with you to Norway
The document control usually takes place in September/October. The admission’s office will inform you.
If you have not been issued paper originals, but instead have been issued digital originals with electronic verification, make sure you are prepared to share these with the admission’s office upon request.
Find information and stay updated on
The New student-pages will be your main point of reference during semester start. Here you find practical information, useful internal and external links, and the programme for the welcome week. In addition to the main programme for master’s students, you will be welcome to join the sessions for exchange students.
Arrive in Bergen and at NHH
Travelling to Bergen and NHH Moving into Sammen housing
The welcome week starts Tuesday 16 August, with the matriculation ceremony in the aula. The doors open at 9.45am, and you will be assigned seating. The ceremony starts at 10am.
Attire: Semi-formal.
Register for the semester in Studentweb
12 August you will receive an email with your student number and a pin code. As soon as you have received the email, you can get started with our IT services, log into Studentweb, and register for the semester. The registration steps include choosing courses and paying the semester fee. The registration deadline is 1 September. Courses start from 22 August.
Links to schedule, exam dates and course overview.
Register at the police station, get your Norwegian ID number and open a bank account
Information from NHH concerning registration in Norway for international students
If you have transferred a deposit for study permit, find information from Sammen regarding cash card and return of the deposit here.
Apply for deferment?
If you are affected by longterm illness or other severe issues, and cannot start your studies at NHH as planned, you may qualify for deferment. The application deadline is 10 August.
Apply for special needs arrangements?
Students with disabilities may apply for special needs arrangements during studies and/or examinations.